Carine Roitfeld leaves Vogue Paris *Update* Emmanuelle Alt named new Editor-in-Chief


Mar 20, 2010
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Après 10 années passées à la rédaction en chef de Vogue Paris, Carine Roitfeld décide de quitter le magazine. Son départ sera effectif dans quelques semaines. Carine Roitfeld souhaite se consacrer à des projets personnels qui lui tiennent à cœur. Sous son impulsion, Vogue Paris est devenu une référence mondiale et un magazine incontournable. Carine Roitfeld a su donner au magazine une dimension nouvelle, avec un regard audacieux en collaboration avec les plus grands photographes du monde. Ces 10 années se sont traduites par une croissance constante des performances tant en diffusion qu’en publicité de Vogue Paris. « Carine a marqué l’histoire du Vogue Paris grâce à son incroyable talent de styliste et de rédactrice en chef. Elle va nous manquer » déclare Jonathan Newhouse, Président de Condé Nast International. « Je regrette bien sur la décision de Carine, même si je la comprends. Une page se tourne et une nouvelle étape commence pour cette marque solide, puissante et sûre de ses valeurs » déclare Xavier Romatet, Président de Condé Nast France.
Oh my god :o

It finally happened. What's next?
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After 10 years as editor in chief of Vogue Paris, Carine Roitfeld decides to leave the magazine. Her departure will be effective in a few weeks. Carine Roitfeld wishes to devote to personal projects that are dear to her heart. Under her leadership, Vogue Paris has become a global benchmark and a magazine must. Carine Roitfeld has given the magazine a new dimension, with a bold look in collaboration with leading photographers in the world. These 10 years have resulted in consistent growth performance both in broadcast advertising in Vogue Paris. "Carina has marked the history of Paris Vogue with her incredible talent as a stylist and editor. She will be missed, "said Jonathan Newhouse, Chairman of Conde Nast International. "I regret the decision to Carine, although I understand it. A page turns and begins a new stage for this brand strong, powerful and sure of its values, "said Xavier Romatet, Chairman of Conde Nast France.
English Google Translation of source:
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OMG :shock: :shock: :shock:

Here's the English version translated by Google Translate:

After 10 years as editor in chief of Vogue Paris, Carine Roitfeld decides to leave the magazine. His departure will be effective in a few weeks. Carine Roitfeld wishes to devote to personal projects that are dear to his heart. Under his leadership, Vogue Paris has become a global benchmark and a magazine must. Carine Roitfeld has given the magazine a new dimension, with a bold look in collaboration with leading photographers in the world. These 10 years have resulted in consistent growth performance both in broadcast advertising in Vogue Paris. "Carina has marked the history of Paris Vogue with her incredible talent as a stylist and editor. She will be missed, "said Jonathan Newhouse, Chairman of Conde Nast International. "I regret of course the decision of Carine, although I understand it. A page turns and begins a new stage for this brand strong, powerful and sure of its values, "said Xavier Romatet, Chairman of Conde Nast France.
I feel in shock ! It's so sad, only sad news currently happening

Her work for Vogue paris was so inspiring, who will replace her ?
After 10 years as editor in chief of Vogue Paris, Carine Roitfeld decides to leave the magazine. His departure will be effective in a few weeks. Carine Roitfeld wishes to devote to personal projects that are dear to his heart. Under his leadership, Vogue Paris has become a global benchmark and a magazine must. Carine Roitfeld has given the magazine a new dimension, with a bold look in collaboration with leading photographers in the world. These 10 years have resulted in consistent growth performance both in broadcast advertising in Vogue Paris. "Carina has marked the history of Paris Vogue with her incredible talent as a stylist and editor. She will be missed, "said Jonathan Newhouse, Chairman of Conde Nast International. "I regret of course the decision of Carine, although I understand it. A page turns and begins a new stage for this brand strong, powerful and sure of its values, "said Xavier Romatet, Chairman of Conde Nast France.


My reaction at this moment.

It`s already on her thread. I am really sad and that affected! I want to cry. First came Aliona. Now CARINE!!!
That's the worst news I've heard this month :shock: I'm so disappointed and feel so bad :(
As for new EIC, can it be Emanuelle Alt? Or... I don't know, any chances about Aliona Doletskaia?
This year has got to be the worst in Fashion. French Vogue has lost a great Editor and a Stylist as well. I don`t know what to say. Please let this be a dream.
I hope they'll take another brand new and fresh direction at Vogue Paris. Not just imitation of the past.

But, really, if she leaves in a few weeks, I wonder what will happen, it seems to be in such a hurry !
**** YEAH. I won't deny she did an amazing job at VP and I respect her for what she did for the magazine. Moreover, she's a really talented stylist so I hope we see her work in other publications. BUT VP was the same ol' stuff every damn month so I take it as a well-deserved breath of fresh air for the mag. Now if Alt could follow her.... :ninja:

Definitely the end of an era, but I'm excited to see what's next!
waiting for the *real* reason she left..... someone here has to have the low-down.....

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