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ditto. my thights have to be covered completely. cellulite sucks!as i get older, i get more cellulite on my precious ****, so no more hot pants and too mini mini skirts... (...)
I agree, orange generally looks awesome on black people. I love orange, but it's got to be the exact right shade for me to pull it off.Hehe...I don't mind orange and bright colors so much as long as it isn't the WHOLE outfit, since that's not flattering in ANY color.
Anywho, it probably has to do with the fact that I'm black, so the color can stand out in a nicer way somehow. Am I making any sense? Probably not...
Umm...I suppose the color can stand without having to conflict with the reflectiveness of lighter skin?
Correct me if I'm wrong...I am not an expert of light and aesthetics.
Little_miss_marc, soccer thighs are the best ones to show off. The definition is more attractive than you think. So give it a try sometime.
I look awful in:
shift dresses
t-shirts (unless they're really thin and drapey)
shapeless things -- anything that doesn't have a really defined waist.
anything that's sort of light cream/yellow - cause it's the same colour as my skin
-- also, I have really pale eyes and look awkward with a tan.
well i collect any cool or avant-garde fashion pieces that i think are beautiful, but i am a guy and a lot of the pieces in my collection are women's, so i have plenty of clothes that i love but cannot wear (i hang them on my walls instead of pictures, fashion is much more interesting to look at...).