Clothing/Footwear You Love But Cannot Wear...

as i get older, i get more cellulite on my precious ****, so no more hot pants and too mini mini skirts... also i cannot wear tight dresses and skirts cos i have wide hips w/ small boobs.
high waisted anything. I'm only 5' may just look make me appear dwarf-like.
This is a lot like the "Dare to wear" thread. My my there seems to be a lot of dissatisfaction with the items a lot of us can't wear. My list includes:

Khaki and beige. They blend too much with my complexion. I once had a picture taken in front of a door, and it was perfect camouflage :(

Layers. I prefer to walk to get around, and I walk very quickly, so I tend to get very hot. In the winter I actually don't wear a coat unless it's below 20F (~-6C).

High-waisted pants. I have very long legs, so high-waisted pants make me look like I'm all legs.

Converse/Chuck Taylors. My feet are too flat for these to give me any support. I also just don't get cloth shoes. They don't seem very durable to me.

High-tops or otherwise unnecessarily oversized shoes. I have big feet; those shoes do not help the appearance.

Most designer footwear. The models are my height but the shoes are almost always too small for men my height. I do not understand this. The exception is Prada because they run very big, except i don't like a lot of Prada's styles.
as i get older, i get more cellulite on my precious ****, so no more hot pants and too mini mini skirts... (...)
ditto. my thights have to be covered completely. cellulite sucks!:furious:
SHORTS. my legs may be cellulite-free but im cursed with soccer thighs because i grew up playing. ugh.

i also wish i could wear high-waisted or wide-legged pants...but high waisted only seems to work for me with a select few skirts (and only then will they work if i belt them and make them look like a dress rather than a skirt/top/belt outfit)
Little_miss_marc, soccer thighs are the best ones to show off. The definition is more attractive than you think. So give it a try sometime.
I look awful in:

shift dresses
t-shirts (unless they're really thin and drapey)
shapeless things -- anything that doesn't have a really defined waist.
anything that's sort of light cream/yellow - cause it's the same colour as my skin
-- also, I have really pale eyes and look awkward with a tan.
bandeau swimsuits, I love them, but I can't wear them, they make me flat-chested, although I actually am not one... I think it looks good on very very skinny people
babydoll tops - I look pregnant in them
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Hehe...I don't mind orange and bright colors so much as long as it isn't the WHOLE outfit, since that's not flattering in ANY color.

Anywho, it probably has to do with the fact that I'm black, so the color can stand out in a nicer way somehow. Am I making any sense? Probably not...

Umm...I suppose the color can stand without having to conflict with the reflectiveness of lighter skin?

Correct me if I'm wrong...I am not an expert of light and aesthetics.
I agree, orange generally looks awesome on black people. I love orange, but it's got to be the exact right shade for me to pull it off.

I generally want to wear much more dramatic clothing than I can get away with, simply because no one else around me does and therefore I'll get comments and weird looks and it ruins the fun of it. cute!
but not for me...
too 'mutton dressed as lamb'...

I look awful in:

shift dresses
t-shirts (unless they're really thin and drapey)
shapeless things -- anything that doesn't have a really defined waist.
anything that's sort of light cream/yellow - cause it's the same colour as my skin
-- also, I have really pale eyes and look awkward with a tan.

I have the same problem with pinky-beige ... I used to have a sweater that color. When I layered it under something black--a open cardigan or something--several of the guys at work were shocked at first, they mistook it for my skin :innocent:
Shirt Dresses
Chiffon-y, button-up blouses... well, most of em'...
Loose, t-shirt dresses...
Cinched waists
Strapless dresses
Elegant, incredibly plunging necklines...

Boooo! :(
well i collect any cool or avant-garde fashion pieces that i think are beautiful, but i am a guy and a lot of the pieces in my collection are women's, so i have plenty of clothes that i love but cannot wear (i hang them on my walls instead of pictures, fashion is much more interesting to look at...).

my current faves, among things i cannot wear, are this margiela artisanal 0/10 slip dress--made of polyester, vintage (or vintage-looking) lace trim, and a large block of silver material--from s/s 03, and this lumpy top from cdg's s/s 97 body meets dress... collection.
mens inspired stuff.
loose baggy highwaisted dress pants :(:( i wish i could pull it off
well i collect any cool or avant-garde fashion pieces that i think are beautiful, but i am a guy and a lot of the pieces in my collection are women's, so i have plenty of clothes that i love but cannot wear (i hang them on my walls instead of pictures, fashion is much more interesting to look at...).

What an awesome idea! Kudos :flower:
thanks :) sometimes new visitors to my apartment don't really understand what is happening when they walk in and see 3 dozen articles of clothing hanging all over my walls...

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