“Somehow a must”? If you’re bored just say that. It was an observation, I included it bc I saw it, not bc I thought it was necessary, “a must” or it “somehow” indicates anything, no need to get your boxers in a bunch over it. If anything, I was thinking thank goodness these tourists are keeping the anchor brand of British fashion in business.
And as a matter of fact, the fact YOU “somehow” equates race with social hierarchy (which was in no way suggested in my post) tells me that YOU make these associations in your head, which speaks to YOUR prejudice. Projection at its very best.
Its interesting topic and worthy of discussion because race or nationality is often mentioned in connection to taste or hierarchy importance / validation in fashion by insiders with in companies and online.
per example the CNY lines by all big luxury brands :
Every year, luxury’s Chinese New Year marketing campaigns are a hit-or-miss group. From Burberry’s “horror film” to Bulgari’s disastrous WeChat advertisement that was deemed anti-Semitic, many of fashion’s attempts at leveraging the festival have been roundly ridiculed by Chinese netizens — more often than not.
In Chinese culture, the Year of the Ox represents hard work. And this year, luxury marketing has seemingly matched the meaning of the season. Gucci, Prada, and Adidas have all done their homework and produced imagery and advertising that indicate positive steps in their cultural understanding while retaining a bold approach. Yet, outings from innovators like Gucci and Balenciaga, though daring, were met with lukewarm reactions online.
The common sentiments in the west online and inside companies is :
Chinese buy anyways lots of luxury because they need the european status validation and buy into anything with status, russian love loud versace /hooker style, black people logo only logo and rap style , arabs buy bling, etc. etc
You can't deny that race and client are often mentioned in the same sentence while describing or emphasizing or underlining a type of taste level or typology of group that buys the brand.
Not a personal attack, but can discuss it feels unnecessary to say Asian ( or russian etc what does it even explain?) , if the mere idea was to convey that there were people in the store and how does one know that these Asian don't actually live in London or what percentage does or not ...just to illustrate that mentioning features without implying a thought is almost not possible.
Its perfectly fine to say Chinese customers buy x brand less or more because it resonates for XYZ reasons it has a purpose in a conversation to explain something about Chinese clients need sor wants shifting or not etc per example.
ASIAN means also a wide net of people :
people having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent : Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Peoples Republic of China (including Hong Kong and Macao), Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
We can't deny the issues of society are not highly reflected in high fashion as well the, the top of status is skinny and white as ideal--
Also in
2022, US brands still dedicated nearly 90% of their ad budgets to targeting the "
General Market" of whom White Men and White Women remain unimpeachable center of even when they are not the total market.
There are many articles showing different facts on the topics this like forbes one below link :
Jan 26, 2023,
After Vows Of More Diversity, TV Commercials And Digital Ads Are Getting Whiter, Survey Says
The $330 billion U.S. advertising industry shortchanges Black shoppers and their $1.6 trillion in spending power at its peril.
It's a vast topic and covers many layers and we say things that are for many reason and years ingrained in us while we dont always stand still as to why or if it's necessary even to continue in such manner etc
Important is open dialog it could be a nice opportunity to question why what and where etc and fall in the quick knee jerk reactions to each other thatw why we are here to discuss.