When it comes to certain products, I definitely agree that higher-end brands are better in quality. For example, my skin is in between shades, acne-prone, flake-prone and at the extreme end of the yellow/slightly olive spectrum so if there's a hint of pink in my foundation, I end up looking orange. I've tried a huge scope of foundations both high and low ends and I've found that higher ends offer more options with shades and result. Right now, the only foundations that match my skin exactly are Chanel and Givenchy. I've tried more chanel products and compared to drugstore stuff, they have yet to caused any breakout, they're minimal on flakes and overall feel/quality IMO is better. With drugstore lines, the shades tend to be overly orange and pink, few offer samples (as we all know that the department store lighting lies! Few foundations look the same colour they did back in the store outside, and so the shade is way off!) and they're more oily and clog pores more. With some it feels like I'm caked underneath a 3ft layer of crap, and that's just not a good feeling.