Fashion Merchandising

Thanks FFF. I've looked around on the UCAS site before....I've found a couple of fashion business and retail management degrees there before....but it appears actual degrees in Fashion merch. are few and far between....
Just recently I've been thinking about getting into this area. I got my BA in Marketing last year, but only this year have I really realized the areas of which I would love to study... and fashion is a growing interest of mine... so right now, it looks like it'd be lovely to combine my business degree with something fashion. So this thread has been inspiring. :heart: The next step for me, I suppose, is figured out what to do next education-wise... get an MBA in finance/magagement, or focus on something fashion-related... I don't mind going to school for the next x amount of years, but it's the money that really disables my wants for a lot of schooling under my belt. :(
Erin said:
Just recently I've been thinking about getting into this area. I got my BA in Marketing last year, but only this year have I really realized the areas of which I would love to study... and fashion is a growing interest of mine... so right now, it looks like it'd be lovely to combine my business degree with something fashion. So this thread has been inspiring. :heart: The next step for me, I suppose, is figured out what to do next education-wise... get an MBA in finance/magagement, or focus on something fashion-related... I don't mind going to school for the next x amount of years, but it's the money that really disables my wants for a lot of schooling under my belt. :(

Where were you thinking of going? I went to Columbia, I think its the best in Chicago for fashion
^ Oh wow. That's an awesome suggestion. I'm still fairly new to Chicago, so I haven't done my research on all of the possiblities within the city. I know Columbia is the place for design here... I may PM you about this... :flower:
Meg said:
No one answered so I'll ask again, does anyone know any schools that offer fashion merchandising undergrad programs other than LCF and FIT?

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, its where i go
Fashion Merchandising??

I was wondering if any of you study Fashion Merchandising? i'm thinking of starting my own clothing store/line and was wondering if thats the correct major for that... i was also looking at some possible schools and i came across these:
Laboratory Institue of Merchandising
Philadelphia University
and Fashion Institue of Technology

Have you heard of these schools? are they any good? What other school are there that you recommend? I'm kind of new on this so any help would be very much appreciated!

kindly do search the forums before posting new topics..
this will help out your inquiries and will keep us from merging
I need advice...

I am trying to decide where in fashion to take my career, and am considering fashion PR as well as fashion merchandising...but after reading this thread, it sounds like fashion merchandising is just as much or more about numbers and math as is buying. :yuk: I am NOT good at math and numbers, and am very much more interested in the visual aspects of merchandising--maybe Marketing is more the direction to take? :unsure: Is there anywhere to find out more info on these types of jobs? Any advice is appreciated--thanks in advance!! :blush:
is visual merchandising very totally different from fashion merchandising?

quite confused...
CAgirlinNYC said:
I am trying to decide where in fashion to take my career, and am considering fashion PR as well as fashion merchandising...but after reading this thread, it sounds like fashion merchandising is just as much or more about numbers and math as is buying. :yuk: I am NOT good at math and numbers, and am very much more interested in the visual aspects of merchandising--maybe Marketing is more the direction to take? :unsure: Is there anywhere to find out more info on these types of jobs? Any advice is appreciated--thanks in advance!! :blush:

theres a list of careers in fashion over here

and here is a better description of merchandising and marketing.
just click on one of them...

i hope this helps!
rarahls said:
is visual merchandising very totally different from fashion merchandising?

quite confused...


"Compels the prospective customer to stop, look and to buy through the use of visual presentation. Creates window and/or interior displays of merchandise throughout the store. Showcases new ideas, concepts and products. Coordinates marketing, merchandising and retailing to communicate with the targeted customer. Presents design concepts and store layouts, develops the retail image. Supervises wall and counter displays."

"The question confronting every retailer is what encourages a customer to shop in one store rather than another? The answer: a coordinated effort that includes marketing, merchandising, store design, and visual merchandising. Visual merchandising today has become an indispensable and integral component of the fashion business. It is the tool or language that retailers use to communicate with the targeted customer. Visual merchandising is the passion and the pizzazz of retailing. "


"Determines the store's merchandising budget and sets sales goals. Creates and enforces merchandising plans and standards. Directs the store's merchandise profitability. Collects and prepares the merchandise. Feeds information to the design and product development staff. Develops financial plans for product categories. "

"Fashion Merchandising connects every entity of the fashion industry. It is the heart of the industry, where all facets including the designers, the stylists and the retailers are joined together to achieve one goal… to meet the demand of the consumer."
kettlin said:

"Compels the prospective customer to stop, look and to buy through the use of visual presentation. Creates window and/or interior displays of merchandise throughout the store. Showcases new ideas, concepts and products. Coordinates marketing, merchandising and retailing to communicate with the targeted customer. Presents design concepts and store layouts, develops the retail image. Supervises wall and counter displays."

Thanks B) I see.

I really want to become a Visual Merchandiser
But I'm gonna do the BA Fashion Management Course in LCF.

Just don't know whether it is the best way to become a Visual Merchandiser,or otherwise shall I do kind of a Interior Design degree?
Anyone know what's the best way to become a Visual Merchandiser?
What kind of course is best for it?(just in London) :huh:
rarahls said:
Thanks B) I see.

I really want to become a Visual Merchandiser
But I'm gonna do the BA Fashion Management Course in LCF.

Just don't know whether it is the best way to become a Visual Merchandiser,or otherwise shall I do kind of a Interior Design degree?
Anyone know what's the best way to become a Visual Merchandiser?
What kind of course is best for it?(just in London) :huh:

you can actually take a course in visual merchnadising. Heres one school i found.... im not too familiar with UK schools but i tried my best!
No one answered so I'll ask again, does anyone know any schools that offer fashion merchandising undergrad programs other than LCF and FIT?

I am a fashion merchandising undergrad at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA . . . it's not FIT but it's not that expensive either. We also have Home Fashion Merchandising and of course Fashion Design degrees.
Hey! I just thought I'd put this out there.. I go to Bowling Green State University (In Ohio) and I'm in Apparel Merchandising and Product Development. We can either do all 4 years here w/ a minor in marketing OR you can spend your junior year at FIT (through a "visiting student program" at BGSU) and pursue something in addition, then finish up at bgsu. This is what I was going to do but FIT lost my transcripts and never told me so I was lost in the shuffle.. :(
Hi everyone!

I have a question about schools in the US. I already have a bachelors in systems engineering, so I feel that I do have some background in business already. I am interested in fashion merchandising or fashion marketing, but of course I would like to get a graduate degree. I was thinking about maybe an MBA, but I would like some masters degree that's related to fashion merchandising or fashion marketing.

Which schools in the US would you guys recommend for this case? and also, do you guys know of any schools that have online or long distance graduate programs?? (reputable schools of course).


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