Givenchy F/W 10.11 by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott

You know, I was prepared to be disappointed by this like I was disappointed by the campaign for spring. This is by no means something new for Givenchy, but it's an improved take on something expected. The intense color and the diverse casting makes this.

I can't wait to see more.
:shock: Striking ad! Can't wait to see Joan in this.
Amazing campaign so far! It reminds me a lot of last season's campaign, but I loved that aswell.
I can't wait to see Joan.
now that is what i call a jawdropping ad.. :shock:
gosh, the colors are perfectly matched, the cast is insane and.. it has a kind of undescribable feeling to it. spectacular :heart::heart:
This is the best ad campaign I've seen a while. Cat is totally owning that red hair though. Can't keep my eyes off her.
Unconventional faces and poses, every model is different, with stunning one of a kind MingXi on front. A campaign that plays with genders and with the human being variety. Tisci, even being so catholic, it's absolutely a modern genius.
Last but not least, like in the past S/S campaign, the focus remains on the clothes (and I think this is why they choose a simple background).
When I first saw these shots a few hours ago I was impressed. It has great models and outfits are fab so it was all perfect.

Well I just glanced at them again just now and I noticed the guys are wearing socks and sandals. SOCKS AND SANDALS.

First Karl with the clogs and now Riccardo with socks and sandals.

DNW :doh:
this is so awesome, especially for the Catherine McNeil fans. what a fabtastic comeback!!!

i love the colours, the poses, the chemistry, the androgyny, the way the clothes look.
i saw this two days ago, i tried to like it but yeah, i don't like this. the styling is ok but the cast, the set and the whole idea in general is not working for me anymore. i was waiting for something new.
actually, the only thing not working for me is that as great as Malgosia looks, the lighting on her head suggests bad photoshopping...
I like it. Even though it doesn't exactly for the collection, I think it's really fun and adds a touch of (much needed) playfulness and fun.
I really don't care for this. It's not original as they did the same thing as the spring campaign but just added red.

Also, I'm not sure if this is good marketing strategy. By releasing the fall campaign before summer even starts, people are going to see this campaign and then forget about it when other campaigns are released at more relevant times closer to fall. I could be completely wrong about this though.

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