Grooming: Picture perfect from head to toe

I am a law student and when i intern I have to look very neat and tidy. I have straight hair and an easy cut, so I dont need to blow dry. I wear STRONG sunscreen and minimal make-up.
I must wear perfectly pressed pants with tucked in shirts. Or tunics - very daring in some staid law firms.

But when I am not working I dont comb my hair and go for the messy look! I like to experiment with eye make up.

I use make up remover, eye cream, exfoliating face wash ... and I keep changing my shampoo.

Herbal oil massage for my scalp .. twice a week.

A massage once in a while.

Hmmm... what else do I do.

Ah yes .. I cover my head with a scarf most importantly (and own an assortment of silk and chiffon scarves) I wear sunglasses to protect myself from sun damage.

This sounds like a lot of work .. but I have become habituated to it.

I trust in Clinique.
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I used a hair pack with lemon juice, egg yolks and olive oil once ... the lemon juice bleaches hair slightly :-)

it made mine go from jet black to a deep brown
^ Maybe try scheduling late in the day? I usually make pedicure appts at the last minute & end up with 4 or 5 on Saturday ... usually there's no one else around. (Though where I go massages may still be going ... once a woman showed up with a man, and he looked quite sheepish in the waiting area by himself--it seemed pretty clear she'd dragged him there, poor guy :p)

PS Alternatively, just do it with confidence--blaze in there like, don't all guys do this, and if not, why not?!?!

I never wear make-up, not even mascara, so I don't have to wash off make-up at night. Which gives me more time in the morning for more important stuff, like eating breakfast or getting an extra twenty minutes of sleep. I moisturize at night and morning after washing my face, first with lumene energy cocktail, then with lancôme aqua fusion. I apply eye-cream at night sometimes also. And I never do facials, I just exfoliate my face about once a month and use enough moisturizer.

I cut my nails about once a week, both toe and finger nails, i hardly ever use any polish and if i do i tend to wear a colorless one, so it just gives me shiny nails. I sometimes sleep with really moisturized feet in socks to make them smoother and i scrub my feet once every two weeks.
I've never tried sleeping with gloves though..maybe i should give it a try? For my hands i just use olive hand cream and i dip my fingers in oil about.. once a week or once every two weeks, depending on how much time I've got.

Oh.. my hair, let's not discuss it. No but, I only brush my hair when I feel it's necessary (perhaps, once every week or less..). The same goes with using conditioner. I blow dry my roots once a week since i hate dandruff. But mostly I just let my hair dry by itself. I have natural curls or you know, the 'just rolled out of bed' hair and so I never use products in my hair. I cut my hair when it starts to look rough.

When it comes to plucking my eyebrows, I do it at a salon since I suck at doing it myself.. and I do it when the hair starts to grow again. I pluck small hairs at home though.

Shaving. Ugh that is the most dreadful thing as I have really dark hair and i get stubble like an hour after i've shaved! I'm going to try waxing but god.. it will hurt like hell.
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it was effort for me to read this thread, let alone do the things in it! i'm so incredibly lazy and a big day dreamer..i could easily sit and read a book all day and forget that i have stuff to do. perfection cannot be obtained as it's such a silly idea when applied to human beings but i would like to be more groomed. i'm having a good day if i can remember to take my make up off! :lol:
[QUOTE Good skin and a nice haircut can make a bigger difference to one's look than a new dress.][/QUOTE]
That's true, but a dress is easier to get. Do you have any idea how hard it is to have good skin if it isn't in your genes?
For me, the importance of grooming is right up there with the way one dresses. I would never go out, even to the grocery store, without fixing my hair and makeup, but I don't criticize those who don't - it is definitely a personal choice.

I do not use much makeup, just some concealer and liquid eyeliner, but I do spend quite a bit of time styling my hair. My philosophy is, since it is there 24/7, why not do something with it? :lol: Anyway, my usual hairstyle is similar to this, but the length is slightly shorter.

To achieve the look, I alternate between sleeping in rollers and using a flat iron, although I prefer the latter. Rollers provide a more thorough look, but the flat iron is much faster. Plus, I paid good money for it, so I better use it to its full potential! :doh:

Here's my hair routine if I'm using a flat iron:
- Straighten and comb my hair to get rid of tangles
- Separate a section of hair to backcomb, then brush back (see picture)
- Backcomb hair, apply hair spray and bobby pins
- With the flat iron, flip my ends out
- Brush through the hair to give the curls more bounce
- Hair spray - need I say more? ;) I don't know what I'd do without it!

This makes me sound obsessed with my hair (which, I suppose, you could argue that I am); it's not as bad as it seems. And I love the result, so it's worth it in the end. :p
I will say this ... I spent more time on this stuff when I was younger. Let's face it, I had nothing else to do :p My nails were long and perfectly kept. Now, I make a point of wearing pale shades on my fingernails so it's a lot less easy to tell when there are little flaws. I use my hands to earn my living, I use them to cook and clean (OK, not that much cleaning :p), I use them in the yard ... now that it's my job to do everything, my nails aren't perfect anymore. And luckily, I don't need them to be ;)
In the mornings I shower, exfoliate, scrub my feet, shave legs or pits, detangle my hair and usually wear the same style each day. 8-10 minutes

Makeup is usually sheer or transparent pressed or lose powder, mascara and lip-gloss or lipstick. Sometimes bronzer or light blush. <5 minutes

Dressing takes a big longer since try to not wear the same thing all the time. Plus I need to check the weather online since it changes from one day to the next out here. 10 minutes

Weekly/Monthly - Outsourcing
Pedicures twice monthly if I’m lucky
Eyebrow wax twice monthly (I cant do it mysel to save my life!)
I go to places that wont have me waiting forever so it takes about 45 minutes for each procedure give or take. My waxer really takes her time.

Weekly/Monthly – DIY
I color my own hair (black so that’s simple) and do my own cuts/trim (bra strap length now). 1-2 hours about once a month.

I don’t look “perfect” nor would I want to. I do look put together though - somewhat. I don’t iron since I don’t have anything that needs it. Anything that goes to the dry cleaners gets it anyway. I dont do anything with my fingernails. They grow like crazy so I just keep them short and clean. I dont get manicures because the polish chips after a day or two.
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