Finally got my shipment from today. I ordered three bags, the woven bag with cut out handles in white and black and the woven tote bag in black. Obviously, the quality isn't that great, but I wasn't expecting much to begin with. I was actually surprised at how soft the PVC is. It's nothing to really rave about, but I think it's nicer than it looks.
The black bags were a no-go the moment I set my eyes on them. They are just way too shiny for me. The white is shiny too, but it's a lot less obvious. I'm hoping that it will become more matte with wear. Overall, I really like the white bag and I've decided to keep it and return the others. While it's definitely not worth the original $45, I think it's a steal at $11.
Yeah.... Luckily, it's removable.
The black bags were a no-go the moment I set my eyes on them. They are just way too shiny for me. The white is shiny too, but it's a lot less obvious. I'm hoping that it will become more matte with wear. Overall, I really like the white bag and I've decided to keep it and return the others. While it's definitely not worth the original $45, I think it's a steal at $11.
I noticed the plate right on the front of the bag said Gryson for Target... thats just wrong.
Yeah.... Luckily, it's removable.