I´m 41 so I´m oficialy older, and this is how I want to look: I don´t like frilly, never did, but now I stay away from anything that is too complicated or adorned.
I like things to be simple, almost plain, with a great cut and good feel.
I like things that are unique, not in a Isabella Blow kind of way, but still I don´t like the bag everybody has, so I try to steer away from anything that´s too trendy.
I like my clothes to be timeless, and that requires a good eye on cut. To be timeless you have to change a little bit every now and then.
I like things to be a little bit worn out but never shabby. I like garments to have a history, great clothes and great bags can be worn for a long time.
I NEVER try to look younger, and when people try to compliment me saying "You look younger" I say: Thanks, I know you meant that as a compliment, but I´m very proud of my age.
"You look great" is a compliment, but "you look younger than your age" is not.
To be alive is great, to have lived is GLORIOUS. Nobody, not even God can take that away from you.