iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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Coco- Seeing as that you have an authentic outremer sunday, can i ask you to look at my electric blue (sorry katinboots) and tell me how close it is in color:flower:
I'm begining to think I may have 2 very similiar bags:unsure:
I have an outrermer Rh work coming, but now I am wondering if I made a mistake in getting you think it will be different enough other than just the HW? Honestly? Thanks:flower:
Lucy- had also mentioned that she thought outremer looked like elec blue.
Pic by me

haha as I was scrolling, my eyes saw the photo first, before reading anything and my face automatically went into a huge frown.
GUH! :cry:

(ps: I check ioffer so often for 'nbf', and ever since I started I have not seen one electric blue *big sigh)

The rest of you ladies are so lucky. I don't 'do' colours, never have, so when I find a colour that would work for me it's like the holy grail - I'm ecstatic.
Trying to go after this ONE colour now is like, ugh, my heart! Whereas you all have like 20 colours and they all work for you and you like all of em the same.
*BIGGER sigh
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I just got my tracking number for my outremer work, I got it late and it's already in customs in NY so it might be here tomorrow or Monday...but for once theres no rush as I have Gwynie to kee me company.
Should be getting my sandstone ggh work and black gsh day next week as well...I think I have bag overload.

:cry:Katinboots...:cry: :lol::flower:We have all waitied for our HG color or don't have to tell me or anyone else here that story:rolleyes:
i waited for 6 months for an amethyst Rh WK got on every ones nerves in the procsess :D Waited for a year for a gray rh work:cry:....tried a gray day to pacify me:unsure:...and finally had to find a new seller to make me my HG color! so your wah wah is falling on deaf ears:lol::lol: been there...done that TWICE
My good friend dangermouse:flower: waited for a year before she found a rubisse city...she has it good things come to thos who wait.

I say try other bags while you're waiting for the Electric Blue, dont just focus on that color, maybe try an aquamarine, or an's one step closer to an electric blue:flower:
From what i hear outremer is just as bright and as bold as an elec blue did you look at beavercalls picture? its the closest thing to an elec blue..i say you should go for it:heart:
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You know Coco I really have to thank you for pointing out "no pun intended" the variety of the authentic Bal front panels. I have been looking on TPF in the style reference section and its AMAZING, the front panels go from being almost straight on some bags (days) to slightly curved to more half moon to actual more triangular (pointey)
I assumed that all authentic bals had that angular (pointey) front panel, but thanks to your input i realize now there are many thank you again :flower: And it dosen't appear to be a season or a year thing...there are variations on the official bal website with all 2010 colors as well..good to know.:D
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You know Coco I really have to thank you for pointing out "no pun intended" the variety of the authentic Bal front panels. I have been looking on TPF in the style reference section and its AMAZING, the front panels go from being almost straight on some bags (days) to slightly curved to more half moon to actual more triangular (pointey)
I assumed that all authentic bals had that angular (pointey) front panel, but thanks to your input i realize now there are many thank you again :flower: And it dosen't appear to be a season or a year thing...there are variations on the official bal website with all 2010 colors as well..good to know.:D

bagalicious: I was glad to assist. There are many variatons on Balenciaga Bags as it is a handmade product so each one is unique in its' own way. I guess this is why they are so highly desired and collectible. I only made the observations on my Authentic Bags which are in my collection. I honestly have not checked the purse forum.
Mod Pix...By me
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer's Gwynie:flower:
Gwyneth is actually darker than that in real looking at her now..and Its 2 shades darker..hmmn.. i have to try a different setting on my camera.

Coco- I spent a good amount of time looking thru TPF style library threads, and I saw so many variations of front panels, all styles, all colors all yes, you're absolutely correct, it all depends on the craftsman of that individual bag, hence the desire and demand.


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/\ sorry mised the edit time :blush:
This is a much more realistic looking gwyneth.picture by me

Don't die puggysgirl:cry:....I like you to much for that:flower:
She is a sweetie tho I have to agree:blush:


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feefi: do u still have your 1st ivory xl from Catty? u should email and let her know how different it is..

Hi cloudyblue, my first mahina from catty has very faint perforation maybe thats why she sent this instead. Frankly I'm a little tired trying to hunt down the perfect ivory mahina. I bought 1 from jacky and 2 from catty and they are all different. So I'm not sure which is the most authentic looking one! :(

All I can look forward to now is my sang twiggy and outremer EC. I hope I'll love them..
bagalicious: You are killing me here with these gorgeous photos! I mean someone might just walk into a streetsign or lampost while checking out your gorgeous bag on the streets of NYC today. All I can say is WOOOOW!
hi ladies, I'm back. I just haven't had much to post about and I don't want to get in trouble for being off topic, anyway..

What do we think of Catty's yellow Alexa - Mul190?
I've been praying for this one to come along. How are her alexa's in general? I thought I read ages ago about a member of this thread waiting for one.
Is this color good on this one?


OMG< what a glorious bag! Congrats on the HG!!!

(Shelley runs off to ioffer...)B)
bagalicious OH MY BABA!

I think the perforations on the mahina is too obvious. should not be too noticeable. have you checked out FABAAA?

good luck :D

I've emailed buyand... to see if he can custom make a lambskin city with rh in Pine...forgot this color existed.

pic cropped from tPF


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He can't do the Pine color. But I put in an offer on his Mandarin, which looks gorgeous, and if he accepts it, I'll buy it instead of the Sang. Or at least as of right this moment. B)
bagalicious: You are killing me here with these gorgeous photos! I mean someone might just walk into a streetsign or lampost while checking out your gorgeous bag on the streets of NYC today. All I can say is WOOOOW!

Coco, you are to kind!
Also if you are interested in a super duper Cole hahn I bought today at Filenes on 79th..E mail me..its amazing! they have 2 left.
Coco- I was having a mani/pedi today in my hood, and a lady with an authentic Bal..said to me "Oh i love your bal" haha but she didnt walk into a lampost!
Smkelly- I pm'd you
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Hi:flower: does anyone know when T&D will be shipping outremer GSH?? I am anxiously waiting :D

buy&sell has a new color listed called "diamond blue" in lambskin has anyone seen it yet? any thoughts?:flower:

Also, has anyone see a really good rep lambskin in sorbet?? I love :heart: that color for spring :flower:

Bagalicious-great mod shot:flower: so then Gwen has more blue in it then red B)


He can't do the Pine color. But I put in an offer on his Mandarin, which looks gorgeous, and if he accepts it, I'll buy it instead of the Sang. Or at least as of right this moment. B)

SMKelly-what a nice bright color :heart: I hope everything works out for you:flower:
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Coco, you are to kind!
Also if you are interested in a super duper Cole hahn I bought today at Filenes on 79th..E mail me..its amazing! they have 2 left.
Coco- I was having a mani/pedi today in my hood, and a lady with an authentic Bal..said to me "Oh i love your bal" haha but she didnt walk into a lampost!
Smkelly- I pm'd you

bagalicious: Thanks for that. I appreciate it. I also sent you some information on Cole Haan shoe promotion.

1%world: I had a Catty Alexa in Oak and the measurements were off. The leather was good. Check with Catty to make sure the measurements are correct and you will be okay. Her leather and turnlocks are fine. Unfortunately the measurements are not on the Mulberry site for you to check.
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Hi everyone! I have to quickly decide whether I want an rh outremer day or a gsh day so T&D can ship it out tomorrow. I love the tassels, but gsh makes outremer pop! ARGH...I don't know. T&D suggest the rh.
Hi everyone! I have to quickly decide whether I want an rh outremer day or a gsh day so T&D can ship it out tomorrow. I love the tassels, but gsh makes outremer pop! ARGH...I don't know. T&D suggest the rh.

bella08-On a day I say go GSH!
get an outremer rh city if you need a tassle fix :flower:

Coco- Thanks for the info!
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