iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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ziggy stardust, I am so sorry to hear that!! Like Mrie suggested, possibly contact DHL and Jacky also? Is there any way to get a replacement in this case? Does anyone know? I have never worked with Jacky before.

bagalicious, haha I thought I was the only crazy one who named their bags! The moment I saw the outremer color I automatically thought of the painting Starry Night by Van Gogh and decided to name my bag after the painting haha!

bella08 GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS! Outremer looks so delish with SGH!
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Why hello glad you could make it!:flower:
Pics by me and comparasion next to Elec Blue GSH work.
Oh and I got new bales and new O rings and a black bracelet as well!


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^ Ohhhhhhhhh!!!! Now I REALLY can't wait to get out of work!!!! I'm going straight to my parents' house to get my City, SCORE!!! :mowhawk:
I think this picture of outremer against a black background with no flash is another nuance of the color.
And the side view is of From left to right..Violet,Outremer,Elec Blue.
I think outremer is much closer to electric blue than violet (obviously) But i think the vibrancy and the RH makes my outremer wk look different enough from the Elec sorry katinboots:lol::flower:
the leather is soft, no veining or marbelining, no cracked porcelain, medium weight. and matte..T&D once again you did GOOD!
Still no sign of Giselle or Iman...those model types!

Ziggy Stardust- Yikes...I am so sorry you have to go thru this anxt...I hope it all works out and you get your bags without a problem.


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katinboots - LOL - you should give outremer a try - I actually prefer it to EB! The leather is so much better and the color is uber saturated.

It's Beijing Fashion Week - I wore my Outremer GSH City to a launch party tonight (indie fashion darling Candy & Caviar) - and industry types kept fawning over my bag!! Here in China, most people assume you're wearing a fake unless they KNOW you are wealthy. But all night long, strangers kept coming up to me, asking about my bag, convinced it was a real Balenciaga! ("OMG can I touch it? Where did you get this colour? I am still on the waiting list at Lane Crawford blah blah blah!") Thank you T&D! :lol:
babybluestar: There is no guarantee that T&D will make Olive. We compile lists to let them know that there is interest in a particular color. Many of us were interested in a yellow or tempete and the colors were not made. T&D would need to have a sample of something Olive, meaning they would need to have a coin purse or a sample swatch that someone would send to them.

By the way Olive is not made with GGH. It is only made with Giant Silver Hardware, Rose Gold Hardware and Regular Hardware. As you know Balenciaga is slowly doing away with Giant Gold hardware due to the price of Gold. This season they only made certain bags with Gold Hardware such as the Sang Giant City with Gold Hardware.

Thanks coco! :flower: Boo about no GGH. I wish I'd snapped up more GGH bags when T&D made older colors....I have two GGH Works but no GGH City....I actually don't have any GH Citys.

I hope T&D will do a few older colors again so we can have GGH options.

Everyone's outremer bags are stunning. I'm dying over here! Trying very hard to be good and resist but I'm not sure how long I can last.......:ninja:
baga - your outremer work is TDF!!!!! ohmygoodness...speechless. thanks for the modshot of the bracelet! it looks great :)

beaver - how hilarious!!! way to go T&D :mowhawk:

babybluestar - i'm with you! i don't think i can resist any longer!!! i thought i needed a break from T&D but seriously the outremer bags are driving me crazy :wacko:
bagalicious congrats to Elizabeth Taylor!

ziggy i'm so sad for you, but don't be despperate, maybe it will solve simpy paying taxes... anyway try to call them!

beaver it happens the same everytime to me...i'm so scared...everybody " can i touch it"??? LOL LOL
crystal7, arisaa, cloudyblue, candycandy thank you girls for your kind comments, dealing with terrible customs duties is awful!

So, usually they phone me up to tell me I need to provide a proof of purchase because they don't believe the value declared on the package. I give them an edited PayPal receipt (usually I declare the value as $98), they include the POSTAGE charge (yeah, wtf :angry:, that is a lot because the packages are coming from China or Hong Kong), calculate the customs charge on all that together and add up their fee. Last time the total was just below $100 :cry:

And I wouldn't even dare to have the more obvious brands delivered (LV, Chanel, etc.) because last time DHL asked me if it was one of those bags and if it was that it will be sent back or seized by the customs and that such bags are impossible to import. Luckily I don't order such bags and those bastards aren't familiar with Balenciaga.

DHL was very helpful, but the customs officers are terrible.

I will try to ask the boys to start writing sth specific on the package, but if the value is too low, they don't believe it and last time the customs guy was very rude to me, I don't even want to remember it. The best way is to declare a medium high value and pretend like you're stupid and like they know everything :innocent:. Fighting with them and stating the obvious doesn't work.

ziggy stardust, phone them up and ask them what is the best way to go about this because you don't want to end up without the package, if possible. They have experience with such things and should give you good advice.

bella08, gorgeous bag, gorgeous!

baby yorkie, beautiful bag! You are my hero, you're one of the few girls who can pull off a first and a weekender, you go from one extreme to the other, I love that about you. I'm a small to medium sized bag girl, but you wear all sizes equally good :blush:

j0anne, welcome, I hope you'll enjoy it here :flower:
katinboots - LOL - you should give outremer a try - I actually prefer it to EB! The leather is so much better and the color is uber saturated.

It's Beijing Fashion Week - I wore my Outremer GSH City to a launch party tonight (indie fashion darling Candy & Caviar) - and industry types kept fawning over my bag!! Here in China, most people assume you're wearing a fake unless they KNOW you are wealthy. But all night long, strangers kept coming up to me, asking about my bag, convinced it was a real Balenciaga! ("OMG can I touch it? Where did you get this colour? I am still on the waiting list at Lane Crawford blah blah blah!") Thank you T&D! :lol:

haha, I wore my black pt to the shanghai replica market and all the sellers came up to me to stroke the bag and say how beautiful the original looks. LOL. I was like 'yah, I paid thousands for this bag so please get your hands off'
MaLena, what about asking T+D to leave off the balenciaga silver plate on the interior? would that work?

and what about pretending you speak another language originally? that might work in the former yugoslavia!
mm07 I Love how you wear the WE.

j0anne Welcome and congrats on your officier :D.

I'm so excited for everyone who have received their lovely outreamer bags and bracelets! Mod pics won't hurt at all ;).
babybluestar - i'm with you! i don't think i can resist any longer!!! i thought i needed a break from T&D but seriously the outremer bags are driving me crazy :wacko:

Same here. My collection is so Balenciaga saturated that I bought a couple LV's and was considering a Birkin.....but yeah....there's a reason I love NBF's. They go with everything, always make my outfit look a bit more chic, I never feel ostentatious carrying them and the quality of the bag is SO worth the price. And.....I awaiting my invoice. :ninja:
Same here. My collection is so Balenciaga saturated that I bought a couple LV's and was considering a Birkin.....but yeah....there's a reason I love NBF's. They go with everything, always make my outfit look a bit more chic, I never feel ostentatious carrying them and the quality of the bag is SO worth the price. And.....I awaiting my invoice. :ninja:
Haha!:lol: I hear that....So what are you getting?

I have about 15 :blush: other reps hanging around waiting to see the light of day as well, and unfortunatley the "IT" bag comes and goes, but like you said the NBF bags stand the test of time, with the simple and classic styles, great leather, great color choice and great crafsmanship.:heart: And there bags look even better the older they get!
And having said that...I really think unless they released something way different to anything I own, I think I'm done for a while, I pretty much have an NBF rainbow. Maybe a yellow or an orange, but other than I'm quite content.

Crystal- Keep us up to date with your pommier?
Ziggy & Malena- That seems like a good idea that Lucy had about asking the boys to leave off the balenciaga metal plaque (and sending it to you via a letter maybe) and having a cobbler stitch it on for you? of course thats only certain NBF styles, but it's a good idea if you like RH NBF works (not sure about other styles)
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Haha!:lol: I hear that....So what are you getting?

I have about 15 :blush: other reps hanging around waiting to see the light of day as well, and unfortunatley the "IT" bag comes and goes, but like you said the NBF bags stand the test of time, with the simple and classic styles, great leather, great color choice and great crafsmanship.:heart: And there bags look even better the older they get!
And having said that...I really think unless they released something way different to anything I own, I think I'm done for a while, I pretty much have an NBF rainbow. Maybe a yellow or an orange, but other than I'm quite content.

Awwww, baga, I knew I'd have a non judgemental friend in you!! :blush: I am selling other bags to afford this one! I got the outremer GSH City. :woot: It'll be my very first GH City! I used to not be a fan of the GH City because I thought it made the hardware look too crowded...but I really have fallen in love with the little thing and must have one! I love your RH Work and that is by far my favorite style so I'm wavering a bit in my decision....but the silver just looks so bright and beautiful against the blue that I think I must have GSH. And to mix up my collection a bit I want to try a GH City. Hopefully I'll be thrilled!

I would also love a yellow! And a couple more GGH bags but I'm also very happy with my collection. I try to rotate my bags at least once a week so that they get used and I agree that they look better the more loved they are!
Hello girls :heart: Just finished a massive trip from Japan -> UK and heading back to Japan next week for a bit... and ordered myself my first Midday in Sang GGH just now! Can't wait! I hope it's a nice rich plummy red like the swatch...

I'm desperate for a Giant Envelope Clutch though and I don't want to get one in Sang GGH unless there's nothing else good on the horizon. I know the boys are releasing black in a week or so, but have there been any murmurs/lists about SS 2010 colours? (Forgive me, I'm still catching up on the thread after 3 weeks away!) ^_^:heart:

ETA: Waitaminute, Bal didn't make the Midday in Sang GGH, did they...? I have a feeling they only made the City? ;^; ... Dammit!
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Anyway, I am probably a 'season' late but here is my latest purchase from T&D. Just received the Officier Mid Day from the guys last week (due to some screw-up) and I've been touting it since!! Totally :heart: it!!!

Hi j0anne, Welcome and wanna say that you're not alone here coz I also just got my officier midday from t&D few days ago after a month and half waiting...i love it too, the leather is awesome.
Awwww, baga, I knew I'd have a non judgemental friend in you!! :blush: I am selling other bags to afford this one! I got the outremer GSH City. :woot: It'll be my very first GH City! I used to not be a fan of the GH City because I thought it made the hardware look too crowded...but I really have fallen in love with the little thing and must have one! I love your RH Work and that is by far my favorite style so I'm wavering a bit in my decision....but the silver just looks so bright and beautiful against the blue that I think I must have GSH. And to mix up my collection a bit I want to try a GH City. Hopefully I'll be thrilled!

I would also love a yellow! And a couple more GGH bags but I'm also very happy with my collection. I try to rotate my bags at least once a week so that they get used and I agree that they look better the more loved they are!

I think if you have never owned or had a GH city, then you made the right choice...trying new styles and combos is also important so you don't get bored.
You may love it, You might not, But you will never know until you try.:D
As we have mentioned, we both love works, But I have 2 cities in my collection and I use them on lighter days (sounds like a feminine hygeine commercial) :lol::blush: Variety is the spice of life after all :blush:
Baby_Yorkie- I am glad to see you WE is finally here, congrats and enjoy :):flower:

Bagalicious-:flower:please make room for me too l'm in the same boat as well :( hope Ms Taylor decides to show up soon that naughty girl:rolleyes:

Blair Warner- I am very curious about the med PS1 can't wait to see pics of it you must be overjoyed :D

Bella08-thank you so much for taking the comparison pics congrats your "day" :flower: :D
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I love your RH outremer work bagalicious, the leather looks supple!!

BBS I am so with you on the GGH thing. I only have one GGH city now and I wish I got my hands on some of the older bags with soft thinner leather for GGH cities. I'm sure you'll love the GSH outremer city, I love GH cities!
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