iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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Anybody up for a Galet, Argent or Greige or Taupe or Plomb run?
Thanks Coco- yeah I am kinda thrilled right now. I can't seem to put Gwyneth (gray) down...I kinda feel bad for the outremer...not even a mod pic!
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Orchidian: sanitizedfashion knows a lot about Chanel and is very picky about details (which is a good thing)....if Catty's new Chanel meets her standards when it arrives, I would go with that one over Jacky's (I never thought I'd say that....but hey! If Catty has good Chanel, better for all of us...she takes Paypal!). :D

bagalicious: I think I like taupe....I'm visual though. Maybe if you post pics of all the colors you mentioned we could get a list started? Plomb is so outrageously gorgeous. I'd be down for a GGH City!!!!

So, I have no tracking for my outremer. I'm guessing that's either because they're still shipping out orders to those who paid before I did, or it's already on it's way and T&D aren't going to give me tracking unless I request it (which I won't unless it's been two weeks with no news or bag). Either way, I'm dreaming about it! DH is my hero because today he asked "Hey....did you order a bag yet? You really should...". Of course I already did...but how great is he? ::sigh:: :winkiss:


-Kimkhuu X 3 (City RH, Twiggy, Part-Time GSH)
-coco109 [ Part Time, Day Bag]
-babybluestar (only if they'll do GGH)
hey Crystal- I just looked at the 2 GGH bags that fangfang has on her site and i think her GGH is light and lemony looking in color (especially on the black city) or at least it looks that way on my monitor.:unsure: i don't think it's darker than T&D's if anything it looks a little lighter:unsure:

Bagalicious-thanks for checking that out:flower: I was also looking at Buy/sells
Black GGH I think that would be closer to the authentic :unsure:

/\ I love the lake green Buy/Sell has as well :heart:
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Anybody up for a Galet, Argent or Greige or Taupe or Plomb run?
Thanks Coco- yeah I am kinda thrilled right now. I can't seem to put Gwyneth (gray) down...I kinda feel bad for the outremer...not even a mod pic!

Yes, yes, yes, and YES!!! I also need to add my name to the Noix list for a Work and a Day, but will do so when I'm back at my computer.

Bagalicious, I love all your new bags & your enhancement to Sandstone is amazing!!!
OK i'm going to post a few pics of those colors so if anyone is interested in jumping on a list. a couple are older colors and will only have RH (taupe and greige) the other 3 will and would have had RH + GSH + GGH

Thanks bella08 :blush: I think the sandstone looks gorgeous as well with the slightly darker GH, much more authentic looking and makes such a difference IMO. Authentic GGH is a pretty rich gold. If nothing else the "enhancing" cuts the lemon out of the gold, and it automatically has that richer hue.
Authentic GGH peels and chips as well, so even if the enhancement wares off over time, thats ok too!:innocent::flower:
there's a post in thread #5 with a comparison shot of the old and new o-rings right? with what color did the new o-rings start? i take it amethysts don't have them?

on another note i'm dyinggggg for my outremer part time to get here! tracking like crazy
Babybluestar...see what I mean?...before and after of the same by me :flower: Pic with eifel tower charm au naturel pic without charm GGH enhanced:heart:
Prettycat!!! use that sandstone :lol: I know i am going to use mine!:flower: Sometimes you need to see someone else's to be inspired...I hear you.^_^


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i think t&d's run of apple green (which was more yellow than the authentic) is actually closer to this new limited edition lime.

Hi, addictedtopurses, I agree I have 2 of NBF's apple green bags and it is close but.. not quite as much yellow in it as the lime, but very close :flower:
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Is Buyandsellmybag lake green the same as 2010 Papeete?[/QUOTE}

wrtau23: I own an Authentic Papeetee and I can say in all honesty that it
very much resembles the buyandsellmybag color called lake green.

Orchidian: Sandstone is much lovelier than Praline in my opinion. Sandstone looks like a Grande Latte.

Bagalicious: Congrats on your Sandstone Giant Work. You have three lovelies - Gray Work, Sandstone Work
and Black Day w/GSH. How are you ever going to decide which one to carry?

Thanks, I have looked at various pictures of the papeete on TPF but due to different lighting in pictures I wasn't sure. Nice to have someone who has the authentic chime in.
Anybody up for a Galet, Argent or Greige or Taupe or Plomb run?
Thanks Coco- yeah I am kinda thrilled right now. I can't seem to put Gwyneth (gray) down...I kinda feel bad for the outremer...not even a mod pic!

I'm definitely interested in ALL of these colors, but especially Argent since I missed out on the Auth version (wasn't aware of T&D at the time..although if I actually found the Auth version, I would definitely buy it...tis my HG). I would definitely buy at least 3 styles of T&D argent. Probably a rh city, gsh day, and possibly a flat clutch or PT. :woot::woot:

I'm also interested in Galet & Plomb (not so much Griege and Taupe). :)

SO, how is this working? Will T&D really consider bringing some of the older colors back now that they are making the bags in their shop? We really just need to get a certain number of people? Who heard about this? Sorry if I missed it...

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i'm in for plomb and galet!! :woot:

baga - just love love your enhanced inspiring :flower:

crystal - hope we get to see your new bags soon! maybe sometime in the next day?? :lucky:
Bagalicious,Chicadee,Shellybean,Luisa,Katinboots, Beavercall,Pinkprincess,Blair Warner && Malena,The Siren,Asl Bebes, Baby YorkieThank you girls for the bag :heart: you ladies are very kind for all your comments thank you all again:flower::flower:

Asl Bebes- Thanx sooo much hun for you comments :flower::flower: Yeah I did soooooo much research on this bag hahahaha I went to the store and looked at pictures of them on ebay && on Tpf.. && I must say like you said its perfect..

The Siren- I bought the bag from e2pop to me he has the best Lv IMO.. All of my mono canvas I have bought from him match perfect to my real keepall 55 and the leather on the bags is very much like the real thing.

If I didn't mention your name im sorry.. I was trying to get everyones name that left comments but it became hard to track back. Thank you tho:flower::flower:

Soooo me && my friend finally received our other package ( The one that had my Galliera Gm in it ) that we where waiting on.. To me it was in customs for to 4 days toooo long hahahaha. It arrived on Saturday once again we had to pay duty fees && customs opened this package also. I’m just happy that we were able to receive our bags && not have them taken.This is a great bag If you have alot of stuff && you like big bags. I LVOE It Soooooo Much!!!!!! I plan on also getting the Damier Azur Gm Galliera. Oh and my lovely Sapphire We && Violet City will be delivered to my house tomorrow yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy cant wait.But Im outta town so I wont be able pick them up from the post office until later this week when I get back :cry:. Well here are pictures of me && one of my new babies ( Galliera Gm )!!!!!!

Pictures Are Mine..




JOanne I have the same mid day as you and I LOVE it! My female colleague has the SAME bag which is auth with a matching GSH cuff and I really can't tell the difference! I'll find a chance to do a real-rep bag photo like baga one day!! ;) anyhow it looks spot on to me ;)

Thanks Ladyluxe.. I simply :heart: the bag.. its my fave at the moment! Perfect size to just dump all my stuff in it..

And if T&D will run a production of the Moutarde, I will be tempted to order.. really need to add a burst of yellow in my bag wardrobe.
Anybody up for a Galet, Argent or Greige or Taupe or Plomb run?
Thanks Coco- yeah I am kinda thrilled right now. I can't seem to put Gwyneth (gray) down...I kinda feel bad for the outremer...not even a mod pic!

plomb and galet me me me !!! :woot: (but the plomb is pretty close to the anthracite and officiers, not sure how it'll work for the boys in terms of demand)

are we starting a list for this? :blush:

haha no love for the outremer... yet - will we see it or your other lovely pimped bags on bagswap? :innocent:
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