Is Katie Holmes faking her pregnancy?

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Yeah, I see the swelling in those last pics. I'm lightheaded from fasting and will declare that perhaps she is really truly still pregnant; that she was tottering and more swollen in the Australia pics than later because of jet-lag/water retention from flying; and the ever changing pillow shape is just the Hubbard possessed Scieno Triplets roiling in her belly. But she's still braindead, and Tom is still a f*#&ing nutjob who to date has never shown a convincing shred of respect for his puppet or concern over her wellbeing despite his incoherent, self-aggrandizing dithering.

I will not watch tonight, I will not watch tonight, I will not watch tonight.
Tom Cruise is insane, but I haven't heard anything about Katie Holmes not being pregnant anymore....O.o I'm afraid I don't understand!

...Holy Moses. Twins?! Do we really need two MORE Toms? Dear God, one is enough. You watch, they'll be spouting out scientology before they're even outta the womb.
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xxOceanEyesxx said:
Tom Cruise is insane, but I haven't heard anything about Katie Holmes not being pregnant anymore....O.o I'm afraid I don't understand!

It's okay, you didn't miss anything :D It's just a conspiracy theory held by some that since she's been pregnant for approx. 10 1/2 months now, she actually delivered around the time they went to that funeral in Australia - they disappeared for a couple weeks, and reappear with her looking much thinner, happier, and suddenly walking unaided, where she couldn't previously - and is now wearing a pillow for some unfathomable reason, probably because she got pregnant so early in their "relationship" it's indecent, and having the baby come just in time for MI3 is great publicity. Since Australia her belly has looked super weird too. It was always weird, but now it's just like someone showing you a picture of a cat and telling you it's a dog, and you're like, no, no! It's a dog! And they keep telling you it's a cat and People keeps telling you it's a cat and Entertainment tonight keeps telling you it's a cat, and pretty soon you start doubting your sanity and just want to throw up.

I may take back my above statement about the really-still-preggo-now. Apparently there's a video of her shopping that day, with the belly doing things no belly filled with anything but cotton batting can do. I need to examine this video and then pass judgement :D
^ :rofl:

we're going nuts here!
and I have this strange feeling that his PR people always check this thread :unsure: :lol:
truebluejen said:
^There has been rumours Kimmy:shock:

What's really funny Jen is that I sat down on the couch later that evening and saw on E! that Katie was shopping for pink and blue clothes speculating that it could be twins they are having. :lol: Scary....
CONSPIRACY! CONSPIRACY! It would be so like Tom Cruise to do that, too.

Their relationship always creeped me out! Katie appearantly had a huge crush on him as a little kid...and now he's got her pregnant....I dunno, it's just rather weird. How did they even meet??
Most celebrities want to keep their pregnancies quiet and usually don't announce it until the media has been speculating for months. And most of them try as much as possible to keep their kids out of the media.

But Tom is just the opposite. Rather, he talks aobut the baby in every single interview.
How did they even meet??
His PR people called her and asked her if she was interested in the job.

They did warn her though that it would demand all of her best acting skills.
but they're too transparent to start with..everything that was guessed tured to be true at some time.
Anastasia said:
it's just like someone showing you a picture of a cat and telling you it's a dog, and you're like, no, no! It's a dog! And they keep telling you it's a cat and People keeps telling you it's a cat and Entertainment tonight keeps telling you it's a cat, and pretty soon you start doubting your sanity and just want to throw up.

:lol: :clap: :lol: :clap:
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xxOceanEyesxx said:
Their relationship always creeped me out! Katie appearantly had a huge crush on him as a little kid...

You know what's even more creepy? The Katie story of crushing on him as a little girl and having his posters up and OMG she wants to marry him someday is identical to interviews given by Kelly Preston when she married John Travolta when he was facing rumors about homosexuality - only difference is that Kelly was already a Scieno and so they didn't have to brain wash her. And John seems like a reasonable, functional, non-psychotic human being. But the simularities in the stories are freaky.

Video is here, first one, second row. I don't know. I've never been pregnant myself. But I've lived very closely with women who have been, and I've never seen one able to bend at the waist that big, or swoop down into a seat like that. The swooping especially seems off, she just kind of floats down into it, without even touching anything for leverage. Maybe her turning a whole pregnancy box blue by touching it powers also extend to telekinesis :blink:

I did not watch the Diane Sawyer interview yesterday! :bounce: Not even a minute. I was sorely tempted, but got too caught up in Nova. Now that's some fascinating stuff. I wonder what Tom Cruise thinks of the magnetic poles reversing? I bet he knows the history of it, and can stop the process personally, personally, in three days :lol:
Why do I imagine that scene in Men in Black when Will Smith delivers the baby alien when I think about the TomKat baby? :innocent:
i'm going to stand up for this preganancy like I have since October, I do think she is truly pregnant, and STILL pregnant. Just look at her arms and legs, she is fat, she can't fake that, and regarding the size of her bump, it happens, different clothing, different angle all can cause the difference in size/shape.
my mom was pregnant with me for 10 1/2 months before she had a C-section, she gained 75 lbs and looked just as big as Katie is now and she didn't have twins or triplets either.
Ok, all of you who have been 9 months pregnant need to watch the video (note there are 2, slightly different even!) and give your opinions, because I think she moves around WAY too easily for being that big. She like speed walks around the store, she gets up and sits down in a second, even bends over to put on her shoes no problem. And when she walks around the store she walks normally, but when she gets up to leave it's like she has to remember to walk with her feet spread like she's a penguin.

What really bothers me too is she is so clearly there to be photographed, she like parades around the room aimlessly just to have pictures of her taken. Also, what woman would buy shoes when they are that pregnant?? Aren't your feet going to be a different size in 2 weeks anwyays?? What's the point??!!
Anastasia said:
I will not watch tonight, I will not watch tonight, I will not watch tonight.

Is this the interview where he talks about his 'spectacular' sex life? Barf. They probably don't even touch each other in private, unless they have to ie pregnancy.

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