Japanese Street Style #1

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cool outfit. light jeans that are worn well in an outfit are rare these days.
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oh :ninja: :heart:


*weakness for skanky boots*
i totally love the japanese street style!! i think most of us westeners could learn a thing or two from this style. i see so many people wearing so boring outfits nowadays. i mean the japanese style is mix match yes, but in a very trendy way. when i see something like this it just makes my day. i try to wear something radical all the time too and get the weirdest looks.. oh well. some one has to lead the way... :D

Lol. Japanese construction boots. I need those for my shinto priest outfit for halloween :woot:
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Jbarahona said:
i love the layering

Aaaamen! Haha layering rocks my world! I feel like Mary Kate takes cues from Japanese street style, and has started exposing American girls to it. Its a fun look, though sometimes I cant help but want to look chic and put together. My mood/outfits are changing all the time B)
Perlefine awww all those outfits are so sweet , I especially love those brown shoes with socks.

Anyway the last issue of FRUiTS the style seemed..sort of grungesque , like ..dirty haha.
i love every outfit in post 1610! thank you perlefine! (i'd give you karma if I could...)

the last outfit with the white shirt with black screenprinting detailing... really wearable and fresh. anyone know who that might be by? if no- i am so attacking my fabric store ASAP (hahaha and my mother, who is an excellent seamstress)!
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shopping101 said:
New pics from style-arena.jp

Ooh, that's my favorite website. I check it every week for the new pictures! I love how a lot of the clothes look like it's something they just threw on really quickly, yet it still looks so perfectly put together.

perlefine said:

^_^ These are lovely..I really really love the pants, but too bad I can't wear them..as I am short and in turn it makes me appear shorter than I already am...darn I wish I had long legs..:(
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oObaby_yenOo said:
^_^ These are lovely..I really really love the pants, but too bad I can't wear them..as I am short and in turn it makes me appear shorter than I already am...darn I wish I had long legs..:(

in this thread there are lots of very short girls wearing them and still looking good, maybe a certain length/shape/... helps? and high heels? maybe you should give it a try, i don't want to believe that there is no way of wearing shorts without looking stubby. (because i want to wear shorts, too. :lol: )
hey everyone!
our school is having a cultural fashion show and at one point we have to have girls dressed as "harajuku." any clothing ideas? what kind of clothes? colors? certain items? thanks so much!
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