Jenny Shimizu Says She Was Bedding Madonna & Angelina Jolie at the Same Time

Teratel said:
I'm not surprised at all! I believe Shimizu. Anyone has her number? ( :yuk: )

you + me and jenny makes three!! :brows: B)

but if she touches you i'll have to kick her ***...:boxer:
BodhiTree said:
What the hell?? Anyone will say anything for money these days! :rolleyes:

exactly. it's so sad....that's just rude and disrespectful to publish personal & private events.
Why Jenny? If I was a lesbian/bisexual girl looking for a lesbian to have an affair with, it would be Amanda Moore. :shifty:
KhaoticKharma said:
Why Jenny? If I was a lesbian/bisexual girl looking for a lesbian to have an affair with, it would be Amanda Moore. :shifty:

Exactly. :lol:
madge and angelina at the same time???
there isn't enough listerine in the world to wash the wh*re out of that nasty mouth

here, here on ms. moore.
Maybe it is just me, but I have always found Anais Nin to be a self absorbed, sex-absorbed nightmare. She really doesn't come across well. But as a psychological study, perhaps... but you don't really have enough information to reach anything conclusive. Work like Anais Nin's, in which the author purports to 'understand her/himself' (and probably all of the basic tenets of the various modernist movements, psychoanalysis especially) contributed to the world we live in now and the parallel literary degradation (exceptions notwithstanding). One minute you have Anais Nin, next minute you have Warhol, then we come to Jenny Shimizu. It makes perfect sense. I find her as objectionable as Jenny Shimizu though I don't doubt that she is a better read. Mind you, from my forays into Henry Miller's work such as Tropic Of Cancer, I don't really feel sorry for him as he seems pretty atrocious in his own right. Same with Madonna. But my Jolie fandom lives on strong :lol:
SiennaInLondon said:
Mind you, from my forays into Henry Miller's work such as Tropic Of Cancer, I don't really feel sorry for him as he seems pretty atrocious in his own right.

Amen, sister! :mowhawk:
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Nin schmin. It's like with the Iris Murdoch controversy - what's so surprising that someone who can quote Civilization and Its Discontents backwards while rapping Also sprach Zarathustra can also be a hussy? Far from being mutually exclusive the two often seem to go hand in hand.

I know who the tabloid press' booty call is...
Hand in hand? Well bring on the Shimizu book and I guess we'll see! Not to mention A.N. Wilson is still pretty controversial.

And surely hussy and boringly self absorbed aren't quite bedfellows? One implies rip-roaringly good-time, and the other, well...let's read this book shall we?!
Electric I am concerned for your welfare. I hear these ghoulish stories of people spontaneously combusting from sexual frustration! :lol: Mind you, if you decide to combust, make sure I am there, in waiting to compose my Bleak House-esque masterpiece.
^^ baby, i am so not sexually frustrated! :lol: but sponaneous combustion is not out of the question! that's hot! B)
I just wiki'd her and apparently Ione Skye left her husband (Adam Horrovitz of the Beastie Boys) for her. I have only seen Say Anything but from that picture I could tell Ione was as boring as a plank. She and Jenny should've stayed together.

Ah John Cusack. Be mine.
I'm glad we're all enjoying this much more than we should. Somewhere, in some exotic locale, lying in a great, fashionable mound there are beautiful people having fabulous sex, reeking of of CKOne and inspiring such monumental works as Lara Croft: Tombraider and "Justify My Love".

I'm full of envy, for one.
^^ have you been spying on me, mellowdrama?? :shifty:

what's not to love here?



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I agree, Jenny is gorgeous, and it's something essential about her rather than manufactured, which might explain her appeal to Madonna and Angelina. I admit my interest is more than piqued!

In fact that is rather wrong. Or maybe not...I think Angelina, despite her protestations, goes for men. I think it was Jenny's looks (or supposed looks... am I the only one who thinks she looks awful?) that got her. And with Maddox she went for the same type of beauty.
hey electric you forgot this....:innocent:
rock on mad :mowhawk:

credit- phillyfests and bastardly


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