Angelina buys Ethiopia

I hope it's not true...moving people from their home country to some artificial island wouldn't necessarily make them happy..although it might make rich people feel like they have paid their dues ..
is reportedly planning to turn her new purchase into a fair-trade paradise for hundreds of Africans.

Yeah, that sounds kinda fishy..... like someone else said, instead of sending a handful of Africans (considering how big Africa is, 'hundreds' only seems like a handful) to a nice resort, she should maybe invest that money into projects that teach poor villagers how to grow cash crops, build hospitals, etc.

An Ethopian Disney world seems more like a publicity stunt to me, although I'm sure Angelina means well.

By the way, how will these Africans get to the island? If they're poor, who is going to pay for their plane tickets? :blink:
cocomonkey4 said:
ug, she's such a dumb publicity sl*t.
I never brought her humanitarian schit. If you ever listen to her speeches at these supposed functions, she never says anything of substence, same old jumble everyone spews.
If you watch her on her documentaries in Africa trying to raise awareness, you realize she doesn't even understand any of the problems beyond the surface. You realize how often she tries to portray herself in such a great light.
If she was truly serious about helping out these countries, she would know there is more to solving the AIDS problem beyond 'this disease is bad and more people need to know about this crisis'
If she was truly serious about helping out Africa, she would be donating more than 5% of her salary to aid these impoverished nations. She would stay with the locals in their regular houses and use the money she spends on super pricey Kenyan resorts to help them.
If she was truly serious, she wouldn't buy a LUXURY island just because IT'S SHAPED LIKE ETHIOPIA. What an idiot, 'I like Ethiopia, they are 'selling' ethiopia, i'll take it!'
Yet, most of America has been bedazzled by her exotic trips, her lovelife and now thinks she's such great human being, a great martyr worthy of great admiration and imitation.
Frankly, I don't see anything worthy of praise about what she's doing. Shes done nothing extrordinary. Just because most of her peers are even more self centered and idiotic doesn't make her some saint.

I feel the same way. All her 'charity' that she does only seems to get the public sympathy and more PR for her. I seriously doubt her intentions.
I think this whole thing is a bit messed up.

And even if she was buying the real Ethiopia... what the heck, you don't just go buying a country like that.
So messed up.
I think it's rather arrogant of her to assume she can just haul people from Africa into her new 'island'.
Lots of people do charity work. I have a friends who help out with domestic abuse victims, another who works for a cat protection charity and so many more. I also contribute. My aunt also a friend who spent a long financial and legal process to adopt a foreign orphan. So many of us do amazing work. Yet, I would never expect praise for's just human kindness. I don't see it as a big deal.

Angelina just seems to go out of her way to look like some amazing person. Yes, she does some good but she has so much money and power it'd be downright selfish not to. She's just all about the publicity to me.
good job angelina
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At least something is being done and even if it is a publicity stunt, at least it is raising awareness! Sometimes it feels like people forget the extent of the horrors that go on in other countries. For example the LRA conflict in Uganda with children as young as 7 being forced to fight as soldiers:shock:, very few people (here at least) know about this. But if a star for example Angelina were to give attention to it, the public would become more aware and something could be done!!!
I can't believe the hypocrisy of so many people who replied to this. You criticize Angelina for not doing enough, for only caring about the issues "superficially," for ONLY donating 5% of her income to African causes. How much time and money do you give to charitable causes? It's easy to sit back in your chair at your computer and say how rich she is and that she should give more, but she's probably already done more than 95% of the world will ever do (including most of the people who are criticizing her). If you want to criticize a celebrity turn your attention to the Paris Hiltons and Lindsey Lohans who stop thinking about themselves long enough to consider charitable causes only when it involves a benefit with a red carpet.

Having said that, this story sounds like total bs.
I really don't believe that at all. Then again, I am very skeptical about most things. It doesn't sound right to me, though.
BoscoBJGD said:
I can't believe the hypocrisy of so many people who replied to this. You criticize Angelina for not doing enough, for only caring about the issues "superficially," for ONLY donating 5% of her income to African causes. How much time and money do you give to charitable causes? It's easy to sit back in your chair at your computer and say how rich she is and that she should give more, but she's probably already done more than 95% of the world will ever do (including most of the people who are criticizing her). If you want to criticize a celebrity turn your attention to the Paris Hiltons and Lindsey Lohans who stop thinking about themselves long enough to consider charitable causes only when it involves a benefit with a red carpet.

Having said that, this story sounds like total bs.

How do you know for sure that people are being hypocritical? I mean, are you close friends with everyone in here or have you asked each one of them/us how do we spend our money and time? It's to easy for you to sit back in your chair and criticise us for not doing anything when you simply don't know a bit about our lives.
This all sounds very strange...perhaps it's just a rumor...I doubt anyone would be so stupid as to believe that transporting ethiopians to this resort would solve anything...or perhaps she is going to make some sort of business in this fake-ethiopa...and donate it? Who sounds fake and very strange...
BoscoBJGD said:
I can't believe the hypocrisy of so many people who replied to this. You criticize Angelina for not doing enough, for only caring about the issues "superficially," for ONLY donating 5% of her income to African causes. How much time and money do you give to charitable causes? It's easy to sit back in your chair at your computer and say how rich she is and that she should give more, but she's probably already done more than 95% of the world will ever do (including most of the people who are criticizing her). If you want to criticize a celebrity turn your attention to the Paris Hiltons and Lindsey Lohans who stop thinking about themselves long enough to consider charitable causes only when it involves a benefit with a red carpet.

Having said that, this story sounds like total bs.
i think most people are critical not over money, but over how she goes about it.

and the idea of the island just sounds like fancy servantude to me
I think it's really sad when Angelina's positive humanitarian efforts are perceived as pr scams or ways for her to annoy the world.

Step back and ask yourself what you have done lately to improve the plight f displaced human beings...(I will do the same)

I for one am extremely happy to hear that she is using her money to improve situations in Africa. And since it looks like she will be giving birth to her baby there (in pristine conditions I can only imagine), than I would hope that she would be putting forth her efforts in improving conditions there for other women (and men, and babies).

How about we celebrate people who have the courage to stand up for other human beings? This would be a little more productive, non?
How many ethiopians will fit in her private Epcot Center? 200? Wow! That will really solve the problem!!!
Seriously, I don't belive that's true, even if it's coming from her. Well, then again, maybe Brad Pitt gave the idea, then it's possible.
BoscoBJGD said:
I can't believe the hypocrisy of so many people who replied to this. You criticize Angelina for not doing enough, for only caring about the issues "superficially," for ONLY donating 5% of her income to African causes. How much time and money do you give to charitable causes? It's easy to sit back in your chair at your computer and say how rich she is and that she should give more, but she's probably already done more than 95% of the world will ever do (including most of the people who are criticizing her). If you want to criticize a celebrity turn your attention to the Paris Hiltons and Lindsey Lohans who stop thinking about themselves long enough to consider charitable causes only when it involves a benefit with a red carpet.

Having said that, this story sounds like total bs.

^^ Thank you for saying this.. KARMA for you!

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