Angelina buys Ethiopia

I have already posted my view of this....

but say she just wanted to buy the damn island...
why the hell not? it's her money, she earned it she could stuff it up her *** for all I care
brokenenglish said:
I have already posted my view of this....

but say she just wanted to buy the damn island...
why the hell not? it's her money, she earned it she could stuff it up her *** for all I care

I agree. I think the money could be better spent in the real Ethiopia, on hospitals, schools, wells, irrigation, farming, etc, but it's not my money to give away or hoard or whatever. Just like many people think the Catholic Church's money would be better spent on the poor than in decorating churches, it's their money to spend. If you don't want to fund an Ethiopian shaped island, don't go to Angelina's movies; if you don't want to add another layer of gold to St. Peter's, don't drop anything in the collection basket.

If you want charity done, do it yourself, don't rely on others to do it for you, even with your "donations". There are plenty of ways in this world to make a difference without going through a middle man.
I don't believe in manipulating a charity or cause just to up your status and how people view you.
So what do you people think?
That after Angelina gives her 5%, takes her photos with the poor starving Africans, does her interviews then goes home and worships Satan? and kills puppies? and hands her kids off to nannies and gets high?
Just because you are a charatable person does that mean you need to move to the place you're supporting, live in a hut, farm your own food?
Most people don't do anything to help their fellow human kind that they don't know personally....
so if she gave just one of these people she is trying to help, something- even just time, or support I applaud her.
I didn't give a crap about this woman until this thread.:huh:

Now I'm worked into a tizzy.
I think it's perfectly fine for Angelina to go spend $1,000 on a fake island, but I think the idea that she can just walk into Ethiopia and cart everyone off is rather obnoxious and arrogant.

Of course it's good to do charity work, but you can't just haul people off. How is her island going to help these people?! Does she even have a detailed plan? What if these people don't want to go to the island?

Many people have tried to help Africa. As a matter of fact, for English class last week the class had to read a paper about a missionary who went into Africa and proceeded to transform the land into a circus-type-thing so that the money earned could be used to help the hungry. The whole thing turned out to be a debacle. It happened only a year or two ago.

It's better to work with the government than writing out your own agenda.
Whether or not it is a publicity stunt ( probably is IMO) good for her in taking an initiative to supporting Fair trade. Now, if only we could this kind of publicity for Human Rights Groups on the ground really promoting humanitarianism? *wishes* :blush:
Heroin_Chic said:
I think it`s one of those absurd Celebrity "Charity Stunts" that only help the Celeb`s PR...if she really wanted to help Ethiopians she should invest IN the Country - not in some artificial "Disney Land construct"!

Absolutely Right. I think they've said each island is like 30-50 million. I know it's her perogative to spend her money how ever she pleases, but that's almost insulting. "I like Ethopia so much I'm going to buy an island with it's name?" Such a waste of money from someone who prides herself as a humble humanitarian. I just totally lost respect.
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anyone tired of hearing about Brad and Angelina....who cares, they are old news. Wackos..........

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