I'm sorry but I had to laugh at what you saying. let's get the fact straight - Koreans all fantasize and dream about being New Yorker. lol. (tell me if I'm lying) and they are pretty much all copycatting Japanese style. please admit.
yeah they sure care about their appearance more than anybody (#1 plastic surgery country in the world), not just new yorkers, but bottom line, they don't look better than new yorkers IMO. if you talking about "effort" yeah, they are obsessed! to the point where they look so insecure. and as a result, they all look the same.
and those photos are, I guess, the best of best Korean fashion, maybe? Koreans you see on street are still into clothing that has huge designer brand logo on chest/back. you know what I'm talking about.
you like Korean fashion? cool. I don't think anyone has problem w/ that. but please don't try to talk smack or bring down other city style (New York, Tokyo, Paris wherever). cause you're just making fool out of yourself.
p.s) in case you wondering, I lived in Seoul for 10 years/San Francisco for 10 years/New York for 5 years.
being a korean, whose lived in both seoul and the states, the statement you've made are down right offensive.
1. korea is #27, in the list of countries with most plastic surgery procedures per capita. that is a far cry from the '#1' you've stated. the u.s, hong kong, swizterland (#1), and japan are all above korea on the list.
2. koreans don't all want to be new yorkers, and i have no idea what you've based that on.
3. koreans for the most part, do not try to imitate japanese street fashion. in most cases, koreans aren't huge fans of japan's street fashion. koreans tend to be more lightly dressed than other big asian cities. i'm not a huge fan of korean street fashion, but i would never go as far to criticize and malign a nation of people because someone on an internet forum decided to say that korean street fashion is better than new york street fashion.