Lady Gaga (July 2011 - May 2012)

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is anyone else tired of her? her gig is getting old - fast
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Looks like Gaga has been nominated for three Video Music Awards by MTV, for Judas and Born This Way! That will go with the five Emmy Award nominations for the HBO Monster Ball Special- quite a year!! B)
Lady Gaga still surprises me with her costumes.
I would really like to see her again dress up in her cutesy Barbie long blonde hair days (Pokerface, Just Dance).
is anyone else tired of her? her gig is getting old - fast
As much as I admire Lady Gaga, I kinda understand your sentiment. I mean, I've heard her say "I live halfway between fantasy and reality" one too many times :lol:

But I still think she's a great person and doing so much for gay rights.
T4P...Great pics Boomer. :flower:

I feel that Gaga got snubbed with the VMA nominations (No VOTY nom? :blink:) but it is what it is.

is anyone else tired of her? her gig is getting old - fast

I would be tired of her if she chose not to progress as an artist but she has. Touching upon her 'Born This Way' message, I am not sure how one can be tired of someone who genuinely cares for others and uses their celebrity status to help be a voice for those who may go unheard. Odd.

Her aesthetic appeal changes often so, unless one just would like for her to have a certain look and not take risks and whatnot than meh.
^ Yes, and she is always evolving...I wouldn't be surprised to see a jazz album or a Broadway musical someday, she really has few limitations on her power to choose or her talent! :wink:
Gaga the Broadway Musical... I would SO buy tickets. I imagine something similar to Gwar. Totally boss!
^ Well, she is very good friends with Elton John (they both have the background in classical music), and he has done two huge hits on Broadway and won an Oscar for Lion King; with Gaga's love of all things theater, it sounds like a natural idea for her! And the bluesy/jazz way she did Speechless on the piano at Madison Square Garden shows her great ability in jazz; the sky's the limit for her! :wink:
Nobody needs to see Gaga The Musical chronically her rise from singing Just Dance on "The Hills" to selling 1.1 million copies in a week and having the top grossing tour of 2010. I just want her to step it down with the styling and do a very striped down acuostic and rock and roll album in the vein of "Speechless", and "You and I", enough euro-synths and records about Mary Magedeline and Judas.
I wonder if Lady Gaga is helping or hurting the gay community.
It seems she can only relate to the homosexual lifestyle through stereotypes like:
hedonism, whimsical naivete, hyper-sexualization, flamboyance, grotesqueness
and masochism. Can a gay-intellectual find her a valuable asset or is she just
reinforcing the stereotypes?
^ Agree, inexcusable!! :shock:
You always see concert footage from a 15 camera mix, this is one of the only ones I've ever seen as the audience sees it! God- does she ever know how to make an entrance and take command of an audience!
Eccentricity, I'm sure you do realize that Gaga's rise to fame goes much farther back than her cameo on The Hills. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I always find it funny how one can think that Gaga not just speaking out about gay rights and equality overall but actually walking the walk, is somehow disingenuous.

For one thing, not all gay people are alike (I know plenty who do not care much for Lady Gaga) or can be pinpointed as just one thing.

If anything the fact that Gaga is so pro-gay hurts her more than helps. The gay music buying public is a very small sliver in the pie.

One doesn't have to be an intellectual in order to appreciate what Gaga is doing as one of the many voices of her generation.

^ Yes, and she is always evolving...I wouldn't be surprised to see a jazz album or a Broadway musical someday, she really has few limitations on her power to choose or her talent! :wink:

So true. I would love for her in the future to do a jazz album.

Born This Way should be Video Of The Year! I can't believe Mtv.

I prefer Judas over BTW but they are both very good videos and at least one of them should have gotten a VOTY nomination.

Conspiracy against Lady Gaga at the VMAs?

There's something wacky about the MTV Video Music Awards: Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" isn't nominated for the VMA video of the year.

Yes, "Born This Way" is nominated for female video, but that's that. Why? "Born This Way," arguably, was the video of the year -- period. "Born This Way" was one of the biggest hits of Lady Gaga's career. It was her third No. 1-ranked single, setting new records as the fastest-selling song in iTunes history (3 million digital downloads overall) and most plays on the radio during its debut week (78.5 million).

The song was retooled on "Glee" to acclaim, and it was widely adopted as a freedom anthem of the LGBT community worldwide. Not nominating it for video of the year at the MTV VMAs is ludicrous.

Is it just a coincidence that Lady Gaga happened to dominate last year's VMAs? She swept up eight moonmen, remember, including video of the year for "Bad Romance." She even stole the show with her outrageous wardrobe, triggering a media frenzy when she appeared on stage in a dress made of meat.

The current list of MTV VMAs looks like the TV network's bosses cooked the kudos so they could have a new pop diva of the year (Katy Perry dominates the new race with nine nominations) while still getting Lady Gaga to attend by tossing her a bone with that one, chintzy nomination for best female video.



It sucks that despite Gaga remaining above and beyond her contemporaries, MTV decided to jump on the Gaga backlash bandwagon (that started at the beginning of the 'Born This Way' era) by snubbing her and rewarding imo mediocre work in a pathetic effort to dethrone her. :lol: What a mess!

I do believe that Gaga will show up and perform and for MTV's sake they had better hope that she and a few others (Beyonce most notable) do show/perform because the list of nominees reads like a bad joke and...



I wonder if Lady Gaga is helping or hurting the gay community.
It seems she can only relate to the homosexual lifestyle through stereotypes like:
hedonism, whimsical naivete, hyper-sexualization, flamboyance, grotesqueness
and masochism. Can a gay-intellectual find her a valuable asset or is she just
reinforcing the stereotypes?

Interesting points. I'm sure the answer, as with all things Gaga, isn't clear cut. While she plays to the stereotypes and uses a great deal of exageration and theater to get attention and promote herself and music, her underlying message is acceptance and loving yourself. I think everyone can relate to that even intellectuals. I think thus far, she's been pretty positive (although not all inclusive) for the gay community.

Now, wether or not the less flashy members of the gay community enjoy her music? Well, can't please everyone all the time. :lol:
^ Thanks so much LS!! :flower: As a lifelong jazz freak, I am so happy to see that clip from the Today Show; there is so little jazz and traditional popular music of any sort in the media today, shameful- it is the one true American art form...She could be standing room only at the Cafe Carlye anytime she wants; I can just see the stunned rave review in the NY Times!!:lol: Maybe there is hope for the future! I will be waiting for Gaga does the Duke Ellington Songbook...(Don't laugh- Linda Ronstadt and Rod Stewart both had platinum albums and Grammys doing that sort of thing!) B)
Of course, on the other hand, maybe the Cole Porter album won't be coming right now...:lol:

Lady Gaga: Iron Maiden is a lifestyle

Lady Gaga continues to dominate headlines everywhere she goes, and she continues to express her love of hard rock and heavy metal while doing press for her latest album.

In an interview with SiriusXM this week, Gaga raved about her passion for Black Sabbath, AC/DC and, specifically, Iron Maiden.

The pop star saw Maiden live in Tampa in April and came away totally inspired by the experience.

"I just saw Iron Maiden on their 'Frontier' tour and it totally changed my life,”
said Gaga. “It was my first Maiden experience and I just realized, in that moment in the show, that that was the kind of artist I wanted to be. I didn't want people 30 years from now coming to see my show to see if I've still got it. But rather I wanted them to be fully unified, fists in the air, wanna hear every song. Iron Maiden's a lifestyle and those fans live and die by Maiden."
for me what i like about gaga is her consistency. she says she works hard and she pulls out a great album. she says she supports gay rights she goes out to speak about the topic. she says she loves her fans and treats them as just.

whether its genuine is up in the air but i appreciate the work she is putting in, including having a good reputation.
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