Lady Gaga (July 2011 - May 2012)

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^ Thanks! She has been so creative for so long now! Amazing what a femme fatale she was/is with the guys (in particular) who threw themselves at her!!B)
Flashback: Interview on Noisevox with John Norris

This interview still remains my favorite that she has done. Also John is my all time favorite MTV personality. :flower:
^ Thanks! They say she still goes and walks around the Village where she lived just like it is no big deal, goes into the local bar where she used to hang out and the New Yorkers are so blase they probably aren't at all shocked! :wink:

BTW, her HBO Special from Madison Square Garden was just nominated for five Emmy Awards!! Amazing!!
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BTW, her HBO Special from Madison Square Garden was just nominated for five Emmy Awards!! Amazing!!

That's great! Still haven't seen that though. Was wondering where I could find a DL for it...
That's great! Still haven't seen that though. Was wondering where I could find a DL for it...

She is so funny! Today she is a biker chick, the other day she was a Park Avenue Socialite and the some sort of Monsignor or nun...amazing!! :lol:

In her song "Dance in the Dark" she says "Marilyn, Judy, Sylvia..." The first two are easy, but who is Sylvia??
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In her song "Dance in the Dark" she says "Marilyn, Judy, Sylvia..." The first two are easy, but who is Sylvia??

Sylvia Plath I think.
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^ Yup. *sigh* Despite the success of 'The Fame Monster' I really would have loved it if she would have made videos for all the songs on the EP.

I can only imagine how amazing the video for DITD would have been, unfortunately or is it fortunately it was replaced by Alejandro- a jam no doubt and I still can appreciate the video but...

Nice pics, Anet & thanks! B)

I haven't really been feeling her last couple of lace ensembles but as usual she is always a interesting one to watch. :flower:

That doesn't change the fact it looks awful. The whole photoshoot is just... :blink: lol

Erm can't argue with that :lol: although I do like the 2nd pic I posted. :ninja:
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