Luminous, Glowy and Healthy Skin

my skin is not there yet but eating good is important. try green smoothies a couple times a day with kale, spinach, and fruits. aaaawesoooome. they're really good.

also, less, less products. many and most probably all moisturizers have not been proven to work. at all. the best one out there is vaseline. it actually keeps moisture in the skin and allows the skin to heal itself, as it acts as a skin protectant.

simple, simple stuff. leaving your skin alone for a few days, not matter how crappy and dirty it may look helps the skin to heal itself. but i advise not touching your face a lot NOR scratching it when it itches during those days. then just using something gentle like water and vaseline to wipe it all off.

meh, that's just me. it isn't glamorous but it's worked better than anything else i have tried. (the leaving my face alone bit) i have left my face alone for about 8 to 9 months, off and on, and i can tell you my face is nearly healed from being dehydrated and liney and gross at 20 y/o!
my skin is not there yet but eating good is important. try green smoothies a couple times a day with kale, spinach, and fruits. aaaawesoooome. they're really good.

also, less, less products. many and most probably all moisturizers have not been proven to work. at all. the best one out there is vaseline. it actually keeps moisture in the skin and allows the skin to heal itself, as it acts as a skin protectant.

simple, simple stuff. leaving your skin alone for a few days, not matter how crappy and dirty it may look helps the skin to heal itself. but i advise not touching your face a lot NOR scratching it when it itches during those days. then just using something gentle like water and vaseline to wipe it all off.

meh, that's just me. it isn't glamorous but it's worked better than anything else i have tried. (the leaving my face alone bit) i have left my face alone for about 8 to 9 months, off and on, and i can tell you my face is nearly healed from being dehydrated and liney and gross at 20 y/o!

Yeah, giving your skin some healing time is a great way to help it improve. (same goes for hair and body detoxification)

For me what I do is for a whole week straight I do all my chemical usage (such as kojic acid, glycolic acid, microdermabrasion peels, blah blah blah) and then for the rest of the month I just use gentle cleansers that only takes our dirt that I accumulated throughout the day. I find my skin is less irritable and not as red.

Because before I use to have this regiment of using these chemically induced moisturizers and treatments every other day or so and the results were fast, but my face was so irritable and I was red almost all the time, oily and/or skin peeling. I'd rather have slow results but not have the extra side effects.

But everyone's skin is different I suppose.
I am absolutely obsessed with having beautiful skin! I think it makes such a difference. I drink a lot of water and green tea - and stay away from any other beverages. I don't remeber the last time I had a soda, maybe years ago? And I avoid alcohol as much as any 21 year old can. I really only drink every 3 weeks or so. I take a lot of vitamins too - vitamin c, vitamin d, fish oil, and b vitamins.

My biggest love is those all natural Lush face masks. I use them every 3 days or so and they have made my skin absolutely flawless.
^Good for you! :heart: I should really start avoiding so much junk food and soft drinks too.

Which Lush masks have you tried? Which would you recommend? :D
My favorite Lush mask is Love Lettuce! It's exfoliating and my face always looks amazing after I use it. They masks are so cheap! 6 dollars for a tub (they only last 3 weeks though since they are made with all fresh ingredients) I've used really expensive masks before but the Lush ones are the best. Oatfix is really good too for dry skin during the winter months - and it smells amazing.
Hey everyone! I'm relatively knew and have scanned recent posts in this thread (you guys just made me want to buy grape juice), and read a bit about face masks. Does anyone have any suggestions in making and applying a facemask?

And I read something about a honey and water mixture. What's that about? I really appreciate it. If there's anything else I should know for glowing, healthy skin feel free to tell me. :)
Pores don't shrink. But you can make them less noticable by keeping surface oil down. Keep your skin balanced by using a gentle cleanser that's not drying and moisturizing well. Try a shine-minimizing gel like one by ProActiv or Mary Kay, and use blotting sheets. Also, using regular clay masks might help.

That's all you can really do.
Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme Cream on a SMOOTH face (also apply the Diamond Extreme Eye Cream) and then Natura Bisse SPF30 on top that has a tint to it, (make sure your face is exfoliated) and it glides on effortlessly, beautiful glow all day.
Does anyone know how to shrink pores?

from everything I've heard, there are some aggressive laser treatments that will shrink pore size. ask your dermatologist about these lasers - depending on where you live, you may have to travel pretty far to see a specialist.

I have v beam laster treatments for broken capillaries on my cheeks and I've heard that this laser also tightens pores by increasing collagen in the skin. I haven't noticed any changes in my pores, but they were small to begin with.

talk to a dermatologist about laser treatments :flower:
Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme Cream on a SMOOTH face (also apply the Diamond Extreme Eye Cream) and then Natura Bisse SPF30 on top that has a tint to it, (make sure your face is exfoliated) and it glides on effortlessly, beautiful glow all day.

I think you are most reliable person on this forum when it comes to skincare so I have a question for you:flower:
I've been using dermalogica (the whole line: pre cleanse, the cleanser, microfoliant, tonic and moisturizer) for a couple of months now and I must say my skin is doing pretty fine, although I'm not very constant. I have oily skin but only on my forehead and the usual break outs now and then, but nothing major.
However since everyone is talking about how great natura bisse is, i wanted to try some of their products, so here are my questions...
Is it way better than dermalogica?
what is the most have product that you reccomend?
I have a friend living in Barcelona so I don't think it will be a problem for her to get me something :)
Thank you in advance:flower:
Well arent you sweet to say such things. Thank you. :flower:^_^

As far as Natura Bisse, I'm convinced of its healing and normalizing ingredients...they are more expensive than Dermalogica but so concentrated that you need such a small amount.

Is it way better than dermalogica?
I think so, except from Dermalogica I would still use the PreCleanse, because NB doesnt have a precleanse oil, and I really like Dermalogica's PreCleanse for removal of sunscreen and other pollutants before I do my deep cleanse with a normal cleanser.
what is the most have product that you reccomend?
I love their peels! And the Diamond Extreme for my dry skin, but it sounds as if you're oily, and I know miu_miu loved the Stabilizing Cleansing Mask, which doubles as a cleanser!

Come discuss with us in the Natura Bisse thread ;) :
ah, looking at this thread reminds me that i need to keep eat healthy.
but anyway, does anyone knows how to make your skin look glowy and tight? *not the dry tight, just not saggy. im really busy and most of the time i dont have enough rest and enough sleep and i look GRAY. especially on my busiest days. i just dont want to age wayyyy before my real age =( do u guys know any products that would help to make me look less zombie-like? *and if anyone have any recommendation to reduce eyebags and dark circles i'd REALLY, REALLY appriciate it.
^Clarins Shaping Facial Lift is supposed to help tighten and contour your face. I'm not sure if it really works though. I've been using it for half a year (on and off) and my face does look visibly less puffier the morning after... I think it might just be my mind playing tricks on me though. MUA girls say that it's not the product itself that's doing the job, it's the massage routine that you follow to apply the product.

Here's a detailed description of the "methode" from MUA:

Its not so much the product as the process that I'm here to write about. I bought a bottle of this about a year ago (but previously used a similar now discontinued Clarins product for 5 or so years), and once it ran out I didn't need to re-purchase because it's the 'methode' that makes it work. If you want to know why so many French women of a 'certain age' look amazing, it's because they 'do' the 'methode'. My recommendation is to buy a bottle and follow the instructions conscientiously. If you follow the regime religiously, within six weeks you will notice an amazing difference. Your face will be re-contoured, it's about the only way I can describe it. But you MUST do it morning and evening - no slacking off! I've been doing the 'methode' on and off since I was 39. I'm 46 and people assume I am much younger. I consider the 'methode' one of my secret weapons in the war against sagging. Oh, and if you want to see an example of a French woman in her mid-50s who looks amazing (and I'd bet my bottom dollar she does the 'methode'), check out former French Presidential candidate Segolene Royal. A stunning beauty and sooo natural looking. EDIT (28/6/08): I've recently had alot of contact from various MUAers asking me about the 'methode'. It's difficult to explain without diagrams: I suggest that if you are interested, buy the product and follow the instructions which should be included inside the box. If they are not there, contact Clarins and ask for them because the methode really is integral. Basically to do the methode, you hang your head (like a dead weight), face down, in the palm of your hands, so that your hands are are bearing the weight of your head. Hold for ten seconds, then move outwards towards the jaw, again holding for ten seconds. Eventually your hands should be under your neck, again press and hold for ten seconds. Repeat process depending on how much time you have available. I also apply the same process to the eyes, but using the ball of my hands (if you have puffy eyes this is amazing). After 'pressing' for about 3-5 mins, lightly pinch the face, followed by another 'pressing'. Sorry but I don't feel this is adequate without diagrams ... I urge those interested to contact Clarins and ask for image-supported instructions. All the best to the lovely MUAers who have contacted me asking about this amazing technique.

As for eyebags, have you tried cucumbers or frozen spoons? :lol: I know it sounds silly, but it really does work.

Don't count on products to get rid of those dark undereye circles. They are usually hereditary, or a result of a lack of sleep, an unbalanced diet, bad blood circulation, aging or dehydration. So if yours aren't hereditary, you could definitely use some more sleep, incorporate some more nutrition and iron into your diet, do some cardio exercises and drink some more water (not too much though!).
^ thanks!!

i'll see whether they have some sample, hopefully nothing weird would happen to my skin when i use it. i've nvr really use any facial product :ninja: all my life tap water is my best friend :ninja: but i really dont want to look older than im really am. im 22 and right now, ppl always think that im below 20 and i want to keep it that way. ugh. better to prevent than to cure.

hahaha, i've tried ice cubes, doesnt really work and cucumber probably, do i have to do it regularly? *im pretty inexperience in these kind of things* and as for dark circles, i think my only solution is to sleep more *since i think that's the main reason why i get them >.<
^I do like REN's eye gel. It tightens the skin below the eye and makes my eye area look brighter in general, after a week of use. It's really fab. Also, La Prairie's caviar eye gel is really fab too... but does cost quite a bit.
^ thanks for the advice! for a second i was afraid that they dont sell it here, but apparently they do. i hope it works as well for me as it is for you :D
Frozen spoon for eyebags work? Wow! Didn't know that. I just have to put it on the affected area? Anyway, any products you can recommend to make pores less noticeable?

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