Model.Live: A New Reality Series from

I really hope that if there is a second season they concentrate on other three new models, I think Austria and Madeline need to be out of the spotline for a while.
Last episode is up. Confirms Season 2. Kind of a vanilla summary. Nothing new.
^It's nice to see a summary of all that happened in those weeks though. However I think it is time that it stops now. Fashion weeks are over and now they have to be out of the spotlight for a while. It must be hard to have a cameracrew following you all day long. The girls did very well I think considering they had little privacy and a lot of stress.
It's defenitely time for it to end now! I mean, I enjoyed watching it and (sometimes) it was really interesting and somehow informative - but overall it was nothing special IMO..

And for the second season: I hope the episodes exceed 2-3minutes :ninja:
probably not, Austria and Madeline are not doing fashion week this season. Cato is the only one so maybe next season, hopefully.
I love this show. It's to bad that there isn't one this season. I really enjoyed watching it! Is there some more news about a next

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