"Scouted" Reality modeling show on E!

Stars Model Management sounds good, Trudi and Stars' head of scouting Kristen seem to be working together a lot. Gina is photogenic. Trudi is a great motheragent, I'm sure with one year of development Gina shouldn't struggle to find a great agency in NY and Paris.
Does somebody know if one of Kristen's girls got accepted by One?

Who is Kelsies mother agent?
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Gina isn't going to NY until after school ends in summer 2012 according to the show, so she could be signed by One still, just not on the site or anything until the summer?
Gina isn't going to NY until after school ends in summer 2012 according to the show, so she could be signed by One still, just not on the site or anything until the summer?

That's what i'm thinking.

Same thing with that other girl. Since both are in school at the moment they are waiting to go to New York again until the summer.

But it said at the end of the show Gina has scheduled meetings with W Magazine and Steven Klein!
Kind of crazy they didn't sign Lindsay from today's show. Just sort of an indication they don't really have a clue! I couldn't take my eyes off/get enough of that girl. She is so going to happen in a very big way.
I thought Lindsay was gorgeous, but I can understand why Scott didn't sign her. A young model has to be willing to try new risks, and with Lindsay, those risks were very few. I respect her decision to say no to certain things, but like one of the agents said, there are millions of girls willing to say yes. The agents and Scott definitely liked her, they just didn't see a proper way to develop her. At least that's my opinion.

On the other hand, Amber was such a brat. She kept going on and on about how she was ready to model, but she cried over a haircut? Please. Send her back to Utah and let her stay there.
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I started a thread for Gina Wiberg... she was signed by OneMM at the end of the show... I like quite a few of the girls featured... Kelsey, Gillian, & Gina.... have the latest episoded tivoed...
Saw the newest episode. I actually liked both of the models. Amber was a brat, but I thought she was quite stunning. Funny, she's also signed with Stars too now.
OK, so I'm watching the newest episode right now, and I must say that Hallie is by far the best girl they have ever had on the show. I won't say what happened in the end, but I think she will become a huge star.
This show makes it very clear why the girls from America's Next Top Model almost never make it. Even the "Scouted" girls whom One rejects have way more model potential than the girls on ANTM.
I wouldn't have signed Either girl. Had a major wtf moment with the girl they did sign. She is never going to work......ever. She was giving me a Faith Hill stand in vibe.

Hallie was interesting, But then a girl like Collison or Aas walks in the room and she's forever forgotten. She wasn't special enough.

I actually find the quality of the girls on this show subpar. Minus Lindsay from last episode. She's going to be huge, and then there is Kelsie who had the misfortune of actually getting signed instead of walking a few blocks down to Next or another real agency. She is EVERYTHING but this agency doesn't have the capability of breaking big stars. I actually find Top Model has had way more stellar girls. They never win, and the show kills their careers, but there have been someone outlandish beauties on the show.
Hallie should've been signed. Scott is an idiot
She'll get signed to another top modeling agency, so its his loss
I honestly didn't get Scott's choice this episode... The girl they signed was soooo uninteresting... guess she'll book commercial though...

Gillian is still the best girl we've seen so far... although I like Gina too
Wow, Hallie is gorgeous! I see her as the second coming of Hilary Rhoda.

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It's not surprising Scott Lipps would skip over the edgier girl for the more commercial girl. One has always like the 90's type of model. Look through its model portfolio and you won't see many edgy girls. Hallie was just the wrong girl for One and One was the wrong agency for Hallie.
It's also not surprising that Michael Flutie loved Hallie. When he headed Company it loved the edgy girls.
I can't se the episodes in E! anyone have an idea of how i can see them? please
I can't se the episodes in E! anyone have an idea of how i can see them? please
For free? Must have E! channel on T.V. but if you wanna pay a price to watch the show go to iTunes and buy the episodes

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