Model's Age - How Young Is Too Young?

I'm sorry but I just don't get this. Why exactly do we need 14 year olds on the runway that look older when we can just have girls that actually are 16 and older? I absolutely get Thairine's potential but there is no excuse for people booking her in spite of all of the industry's attempts to stop underage girls from being exploited in this industry. Her appeal and her beauty are timeless, they could have easily waited another two years until debuting her, she would have been just as successful, I'm sure. Making her having to deal with all the stress of Fashion Week when there are enough models that are old and mature enough to do it instead just seems ridiculous to me. She is working so much, does she even have time for school and friends anymore? I really hope all this will eventually pay off for her. If would be a shame if she's just another blip whose career is over before she's 16.

I agree with this 100%.

I have never payed attention on model's age before, but now when my sister is 14 years old I don't get at all why 14 year old girls should be on runway. They can do some photoshots, but pushing kids so far into this world is really wrong in my eyes. We have plenty of good older models. I am also tired of all this newcomers. I don't get why do we need them so many while we have so many good older experienced models who actually know how to walk on runway.
^Exactly. I work as a tutor and most of my students are around 14 or 15 and it actually scares me to think that so many of the models I see in magazines are the same age as them because they are still kids to me at that age. I have yet to meet a 14 year old that seems mature, confident and strong enough to be able to put up with all the stress and pressure that comes with an international model career.
And Kallu, that is really sad if that is true that Thairine's parents were pushing her into this!

There is a collection of articles on the 'Room for Debate' page on the New York Times website about the age issue; very interesting read:
Sweet 16 … and a Runway Model
I think its not just the designers responsibility not to choose a model under 16, its the agents responsibility, parents and everyboy elses involved because they are adults. Of course a 14-year old is enjoying fashion week, but is that good for her and should it be her decision to participate? I think not. Regardless of how mature she acts and looks she is still a person that has been existing for mere 14 years and her experience and maturity are not enough to make decisions like those. Can anyone of you (older participants of the thread :)) remember yourself when you were 14? Would you let a 14-year old you to make your decisions?
^That is what I always think about on this matter.

Sure, I was mature 14 yo, too and people kept telling me that. But now, almost 15 years later, I have often noticed how unexperienced teenager inexorably is. Only way to learn social skills and making big decisions is to grow older. You can`t avoid mistakes and confusion when you`re young, especially you can`t avoid problems with dealing them.

My opinion is that you shouldn`t put these teen models out there dealing with this industry. I just can`t accept it, I don`t think it is good business, good ethic, no good anything. What else business does this? Sport maybe, it is a bit comparable. It doesn`t make it right either.

Of course there are teens who are enjoying it (modeling is one of the most desirable careers amongst young girls) and either don`t ever get on trouble or are too naive to realize it yet...

EDIT: I didn`t mean to sound like I see fashion industry only as a big, bad wolf. Not at all, I enjoy a lot of things in fashion. I wouldn`t mind few young talent here and there, but I don`t see the reason to haul hundreds or thousands of new teenagers to fight about few slots in a season.
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What bothers me the most about it, is why would the designer want someone so young? It's sad that what is considered young in real life is often retired or old in fashion industry. There would be nothing wrong with using real (young) women instead of girls.

I think what is most important is that a model is really up for this job - not just the glamourous side, but also the rejection, pressure, hard work ... If the model has people in their life who are there for them, who can help them and has support, then why not.
At the same time I also think that is extremely rare and that most of them are not prepared for it and I definitely would not allow my daughter to start young.
I once helped out with a modelling school and one mom lied about her daughter's age to get her in and said that she was 12 when in fact the girl was 9 or 10 years old. It was just so sad to see. And it was difficult for the girl because she also didn't pay attention all the time and she had trouble keeping up because she was so young.
Andreea Diaconu recently had an interview and referenced being a very young model (she started at 13), and what she thought about that.
IMA: Your graduation to modelling's major league has been a long time coming with close to 7 years of development, learning your craft, and persistence. What key factors do you feel have led you to this pivotal moment in your career trajectory?
AD: I definitely think 14 year old models should not exist. I was working with people twice my age and I timidly looked up to them as teachers rather than "colleagues". Traits such as patience and good balance on high heels definitely come in handy haha! You need to love what you're doing, and to know and feel comfortable with yourself.

IMA: Having started modelling at such a young age, what advice would you offer to young girls considering a career in modelling?
AD: To wait until they're 16 or even older and to do their research on agencies.

It isn't much, but I still find it really interesting that she was so candid.
^ It's good to know that even models who started young themselves think that girls should start their careers when they are more mature.
Had anybody else noticed that there a few 14yr old girls floating around the runways:huh:.. or am I just the only one:unsure:??.. It's weird, cuz i thought there was some kind of ban or promise that the industry wouldn't his girls that are younger than 16yrs:judge:

(examples: Roos Abels


Elisabeth Faber


I hate to be THAT PERSON, but I was just curious as to what everyone else thought of this:P
I think it should be illegal to model until you are 18.

I think the biggest reason is because if you are scouted at 13 because you are 5'9" and gangly, that doesn't mean you will stay that way. She may develop hips, she may develop breasts. Not to mention, how can a 13 year old wear WOMEN'S clothing? She's 13. She will try and maintain that body she had at 13, but she can't because that's not how shes built NOW. That is sort of a way for certain unhealthy habits to form.

There are a lot of laws in countries that help protect children from their own choices until they have grown enough to become an adult. You are allowed to drink at 18 or 19 because you know more. You have more responsibility and hopefully are able to avoid the sway of peer pressure to adhere to certain early adulthood stereotypes... This is the same thing. As a young person, you might be more vulnerable to the pressures people put upon you. You want to fit in, you want to please people and you are pretty gullible. You might do things you aren't comfortable doing because it's what your booker or photographer told you is a good thing. That's not to say that it can't happen at 18 as well, but at least you have SOME life experience and the ability to understand how the world works.

Also, eduction is SO important. Not every girl who starts modelling will make it big and fall into a pool of cash flow. What happens when you are 19 and you quit school at 14 and there are no options for you but to start over? AT LEAST you have your diploma if you start at 18. It's ridiculous how parents let their kids quit school or miss school for these things.

Just my thoughts on the topic
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^My thoughts exactly, very well said! I have tried to find words how to describe my feelings towards this issue, but I guess I don`t need to after you ^_^
How young is too young?

Sorry if there's already a thread like this, but I'm curious on your thoughts on this topic.
I saw an article today about an 8 year old girl deemed the most beautiful in the world. She's a model, for children's clothes of course. However she already has an instagram following and some questionable comments on her looks such as "babe" and "she has nice legs".
In today's fashion world, models start out at 14 modelling adult women's clothes and trying to look like adults. They may be coerced into doing things that make them uncomfortable, they're surrounded by adults who just want to use them, they're on their own, they're in a dangerous environment usually unsupervised, their health can be put at risk, and if they say no they will most likely get fired. They're usually naive idealistic girls from poor countries and can easily be exploited. For the girls that do make it, they still are used in adult ads and editorials that can involve nudity and/or be risqué. Not only that, for some of these girls, once puberty ends they're no longer that perfect model size, and may resort to bad habits to stay modelesque.
I recall reading that Sara Ziff was told to take off most of her clothes when she was trying out to be a model at age 14. There was a behind the scenes video of a Lanvin show, and in one shot an underage Frida Gustavsson is shown wearing nothing but her underwear and is covering her chest with her arms. On top of that, in many shows the clothes have no lining and no bras are worn, so the models' breasts are exposed. All this plus having to deal with the dangers of the industry, and being a young teenager alone away from home.
So how old should a model be? The general consensus(according to the CFDA) is 16 years. Do you agree? Should it be higher or lower? And why?
In response to the comments people make on her instagram images -

I think if you are modelling children's clothes then you can't stop the comments people make.
When you walk down the street men may wolf whistle or call out names but that doesn't then put the onus on the woman to change her clothing. This isn't IS we are referring to.
If people find the images sexual then that is their perception.
Anything can be interpreted as sexual, just some conduct is interpreted as mainstream sexuality v fetish sexuality.
Pictures of feet could be considered p*rn!
I don't think there is anything wrong with a child working in the modeling industry. Kids need clothes too, and a lot of parents put the money the kids make away for school or when they get older which can be really helpful. However, I'm definitely against girls younger than 18 working in the fashion industry which is really an adults world. It's one thing to be modeling kids clothes and toys, it's another to model adult clothing, sexy perfume ads, and editorials with men much older than you.

For this particular little girl I didn't really find anything wrong with her pictures (at least the ones shown on the link to the articles), the problem mostly lies in the people who comment on them. Part of the bigger issue becomes when parents start to share so much of their children's lives for the public on facebook and instagram. This has always bothered me about parents who put so much out there of their child before the kid can even decide for themselves if that is what they want.

Unfortunately this kind of thing probably won't stop anytime soon. I know people who work at talent agencies and all they care about is followers and page views to launch their next star. Parents know this too, they start as soon as possible trying to get mentions about their kid for the publicity. It's sad but true (here in America at least).
Part of the bigger issue becomes when parents start to share so much of their children's lives for the public on facebook and instagram. This has always bothered me about parents who put so much out there of their child before the kid can even decide for themselves if that is what they want.

Like those who post pictures of their children the second they are born. I'm surprised no child has been blinded yet by the flashes.
I think that child models like this "most beautiful" girl and that one girl Thylane Blondeau, they have mature features. They don't have the chubby face and innocent eyes that we associate with children, so when we see them posing and making expressions like adults it creeps some people out. Personally I don't think child models should be made famous and have an internet presence or following. They're just kids. It's ok for kids to be models for kids' clothes, as long as the parents know how to handle things and don't take advantage of their child.
Child actors have the Screen Actors Guild(at least in the US) to protect them, but models barely have anyone. It's not right to put a naïve impressionable teenager in an adult business full of people who just want to take advantage of these girls.
Personally I started modelling aged 18, I'm just 21 now and I feel like I've grown up heaps since then so I can only imagine how a 14 year old must feel in the fashion industry.

I think 16 or 17 is okay as long as you have someone with you on shoots be it a family member or your agent.. even having an older model helps. I think we all know how some photographers can be very seedy.

But then again, I think 14 year olds modelling for Primark, H&M, Rive Island etc is fine, if they keep it tame and PG and the models also put their education first and modelling as a hobby until they turn 18 and are able to decide for themselves what they want to do.

It sickens me how models these days are considered old past 21 but hey, that's fashion for you.
Personally I started modelling aged 18, I'm just 21 now and I feel like I've grown up heaps since then so I can only imagine how a 14 year old must feel in the fashion industry.

I think 16 or 17 is okay as long as you have someone with you on shoots be it a family member or your agent.. even having an older model helps. I think we all know how some photographers can be very seedy.

But then again, I think 14 year olds modelling for Primark, H&M, Rive Island etc is fine, if they keep it tame and PG and the models also put their education first and modelling as a hobby until they turn 18 and are able to decide for themselves what they want to do.

It sickens me how models these days are considered old past 21 but hey, that's fashion for you.

I think commercial modeling is probably safer for these young models than high fashion modeling, so it doesn't bother me as much if a 16 year old is doing H&M or Macy's or something along those lines.
Personally I prefer models in their twenties, they know what they're doing. Teenage models just seem confused, they barely know how to walk or pose. They're usually awkward and lack depth. Older models have personality and know how to work it on the runway or in a photo.
Like those who post pictures of their children the second they are born. I'm surprised no child has been blinded yet by the flashes.

I laughed at this, hard, and feel a little bad about it :lol:

This is one thing, and I mean just normal folks who post several pictures of their child on a day, at worst. And yes, since they are born. Oh many babies on their mother`s arms, still on a hospital bed, I have seen on my fb newsfeed. I don`t have children, but I am very cautious even with my own pics, I haven`t even take a selfie in my life. And I definitely am not happy if someone posts my shots without my approval, only I appear in pictures very rarely anyway, since I hate being photographed. I would like to think a child had a right of privacy, too.

All the social media stuff is just so new and exciting in our lives, we propably will think very differently as a norm about unwritten rules and ways we behave in the internet.

But about this little girl Kristina, personally I hate such statements as world`s most something, especially regarding one`s looks. But she is clearly modelling only childrens wear, and I don`t see anything particularly alarming in her photos. More alarming to me is that so young child practices sport many hours daily, but I am not saying she doesn`t love it. I knew many gifted child athletes in my years in school, and many of them enjoyed and were really serious about it.

I agree to some extent with her mother some people should take a long look to the mirror if they see sex in every pic of this girl. But on the other hand, the mother is the one to put it out there. In the web you really can`t choose your audition. But her mum is right about that many child actors work much harder than an occasional child model. Plus there have been many very hard roles for kids in the films, and only few of them have caused a media storm.

But as I stated on my previous post regarding high fashion, woman wear business, I definitely don`t want to see 14,15 or even 16 yo on the catwalks. There are so many reasons stated on mine and many others` comments. It is just not a place for kids.
Although, nudity is perceived differently in Europe, so I suppose some pictures of young models that Americans consider wrong Europeans don't see a problem with

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