Movies That Have Made You Cry

Requiem For a Dream, Moulin Rouge, Click, The Butterfly Effect... I'm sure there's plenty more, I'm a wuss :p
A Chinese movie called The Road Home.
If you've ever been in love, or if you've simply pined over someone, or if you've longed to be with someone, this movie will hit close to home.
Strangely I cried during Hotel Rwanda. It was kind of sad seeing all the violence.
Lately: The blind side. I almost got teary watching the trailer actually. :blush:
The last movie that made me cry was the last movie I saw, Up. (It was a very good movie.:heart:)
How come ? :shock:

Some time ago, when watching Into the Wild.

I have no idea. I just don't cry at things that I can't 'feel'. The only film that has come closest to making me have a few tears is the end of Monsters Inc :cry: Which is LAME I know...but when Sulley sees Boo again,I always have to bite my lip.
^The Notebook is one of the romances where I actually felt much emotion from it, it's a gorgeous movie, amazing story, everything is perfect in that movie. The beginning of the movie is absolutely heart-aching, breathtaking. It's those kind of movies for me that no matter how many times I watch it, some tears must fall every single time.
I cry at anything, even happy movies! But Green Mile and Atonement made me cry a lot.
^The Notebook is one of the romances where I actually felt much emotion from it, it's a gorgeous movie, amazing story, everything is perfect in that movie. The beginning of the movie is absolutely heart-aching, breathtaking. It's those kind of movies for me that no matter how many times I watch it, some tears must fall every single time.

Don't get me wrong,I feel the emotion in the movie,and I enjoyed it,but I cannot cry at something that is not happening to me,if that makes sense? If the Notebook was my life,well,different story.I imagine I would cry as much as Niagra Falls,but I'm one of those unfortunate people who know they are watching a fiction move. Maybe it was due to taking one too many film classes when I studied Media.

Although thinking about it,I remember feeling quite upset watching Castaway.At one part in particular that I dare not mention :ninja:
^Oh ok. :flower: Thanks for mentioning Cast Away :woot: because I had watched that movie years ago during an english class but I had no idea about it's name and now that you mention it, I started remembering many scenes of the movie. It's such a sad and amazing movie. :flower:

At one part in particular that I dare not mention

Mmm I'm curious to know.
PS -I love You , Schindler's list, The Pianist, The Notebook and Titanic

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