Nicole Arrested for DUI 12/11

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im really surprised by this, i hoped nicole was beginning to look after herself more
Wow hmmm i'm in shock about this :(. I also thought she was getting healthy, but obviously she's not ready yet:(.
XxpinktinksxX said:
Wow hmmm i'm in shock about this :(. I also thought she was getting healthy, but obviously she's not ready yet:(.

i love her, i really hope she has friends around her :heart:
the WRONG WAY on the freeway?!

she must have smoked quite a bit and popped a couple of those babies before taking the wheel.

thank god no one was hurt though. stupid, stupid move nicole!
This story makes me sad. Wrong way on the freeway? You've got to be stoned out of your mind for that. She needs help, and no access to a vehicle.

I take Vicodin frequently. Probably too frequently. I have a high level of pain from chronic illness, and mine is legally prescribed. I have to talk myself out taking it sometimes, think it through as to why I want it - if it's truly for the physical pain alone, and I try to only take it when I have some "extra" going on on top of the everyday regular stuff, kidney stones, a bad burn recently, etc. I find it a wonderful drug personally - so many painkillers have horrible side effects for me...I'm allergic to Oxycontin...Percocet, Darvocet, IBU etc do nothing. I hallucinated very unpleasantly once while on a low dose of Ultracet. Vicodin provides the relief of morphine, without the weird effect - on morphine you can still feel every bit of the pain/are aware of it, you just don't care about it.

For TV fans, Vicodin is what House is addicted to.
haefen said:
That seems to depend on if you're calculating it in pounds and inches or in the metric system... I used the metric. She is 1.55m tall and weighs 34.5 kilos: 34.5/(1.55*1.55)=14.5. Weird.

85 lbs is approx. 38.6 kg, which makes her bmi approx. 16.1 :flower:
This is very sad for me. Mostly because I've thought that 1kilo=2.45pounds for like five years.

I find it especially interesting that there is no discernable difference between regular Nicole and f****d up on vicodin and pot Nicole. Hmm, what could that possible mean?
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Vicodin isn't THAT strong.
Oxy and methadone are much stronger pills.
Vicodin doesn't normally knock a person out or really alter their state.
^^^Vicodin isn't strong but people who are addicted have a high tolerance for taking lots of them at once. Anyways, I think it's funny since she attacked Zoe and was supposed to be getting her life back on track.. Karma is a b*tch I guess.
brokenenglish said:
I doubt it. I read she ditched Zoe and is hanging with Paris again b/c she is her only friend who doesn't get on her case about any bad habits.

she must be quite lost right now, she really seems to be such a sweet genunie lovely person too, i hope her dad and family will be her friends right now:heart:
MarilynMonroe said:
Vicodin isn't THAT strong.
Oxy and methadone are much stronger pills.
Vicodin doesn't normally knock a person out or really alter their state.

Agreed on Oyxcontin and Methadone - they are stronger - but vicodin isn't candy, is used regularly for people in severe pain, and the reaction of the person's body depends on the dosage and the person's size, just like alcohol.

It also depends on what you mean by "altered state". It doesn't make you hallucinate or anything, but it can cause dizziness, lightheadness, and a feeling of euphoria and detachment from the world. Not the "I can fly!" kind, just an extreme sense of well being, and feeling that all this doesn't really matter so much.
Anastasia said:
Agreed on Oyxcontin and Methadone - they are stronger - but vicodin isn't candy, is used regularly for people in severe pain, and the reaction of the person's body depends on the dosage and the person's size, just like alcohol.

It also depends on what you mean by "altered state". It doesn't make you hallucinate or anything, but it can cause dizziness, lightheadness, and a feeling of euphoria and detachment from the world. Not the "I can fly!" kind, just an extreme sense of well being, and feeling that all this doesn't really matter so much.

i hope she is taking it sensibly and been prescribed it by a doctor like you Anastasia:heart:
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It certainly is not a good idea to drive in traffic under the influence, no matter how "soft" the drug is...
I am sorry but I do not feel sorry for her at all. I have no respect for those taking any kind of drugs unless is for medical reasons. have these people not learnt the lesson??? so many people died or are in severe conditions becasue of drugs. on top of that, the fact that she was driving?!?!?! she makes me sick, full stop

on a more shallow level, 38kg is too litle for someone 5.1 tall. i am 5.2 and weight 47kg, and people always comment on how fit i look....38kg is like a child of 13 years old...
sssanguine said:
the WRONG WAY on the freeway?!

she must have smoked quite a bit and popped a couple of those babies before taking the wheel.

thank god no one was hurt though. stupid, stupid move nicole!
Agreed. She must've been quite stoned. And yes, it was indeed a stupid move. :doh:
The last thing she needed was bad press.
Stupid girl. She is lucky no one died, I hope she realises what a dumb thing she did.
Wow! I'm shocked. I know I shouldn't be but this was the last thing I expected to hear today. If this isn't rock bottom for her I don't know what is. Hopefully this will give her the determination to get her life back on track.
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