Nicole Arrested for DUI 12/11

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cric-croc said:
I am sorry but I do not feel sorry for her at all. I have no respect for those taking any kind of drugs unless is for medical reasons. have these people not learnt the lesson??? so many people died or are in severe conditions becasue of drugs. on top of that, the fact that she was driving?!?!?! she makes me sick, full stop

on a more shallow level, 38kg is too litle for someone 5.1 tall. i am 5.2 and weight 47kg, and people always comment on how fit i look....38kg is like a child of 13 years old...

You pretty much summed up exactly how I feel.
Well that's what I like about Nicole. Apart from (an alleged) eating disorder, she's been pretty upfront about her drug use until now. She always admitted she had been using before. I doubt she will try to "explain" anything, she's just not the type.

I love the girl but obviously she's put other lives at risk and she clearly wasn't thinking straight.

...does anyone else think she seems to be posing in her mugshot?!
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Wow. Wrong side of an LA freeway? Madness. And VERY irresponsible.

Still, she looks good in her mug...
reckless, but doesn't surprise me. word has been going around for quite a while that nicole richie was still addicted to drugs.
impossibleprincess said:
Well that's what I like about Nicole. Apart from (an alleged) eating disorder, she's been pretty upfront about her drug use until now. She always admitted she had been using before. I doubt she will try to "explain" anything, she's just not the type.

Wasn't that after getting arrested too though?...
and even going through court ordered rehab.
Haha celebrities are getting crazier.

She's a little girl let loose in the 'adult' world,its all a game to all these girls- lindsay lohan,paris hilton etc.

It's almost funny watching them act out.
i'll admit that she seems likeable, but if she had hit someone, which she could have easily, i'd like to see someone defend her.....spoiled useless selfish monster who has done nothing at all really....a waste of organs she is poisoning
can't believe she did this!
i felt like she had been making a huge turnaround in her life since the heroin, so it's really disappointing to hear how reckless she was in her recent prescription drug use. she could have really hurt or killed someone.
jssy4eva said:
I don't really care whether she does pot or not, what bothers me is the fact that she would drive after it. At the end of the day, it's her life: If she wants to drink, smoke, play hopscotch or watch TV, then that's up to her. But when you get into a car and start to drive knowing that you can't be focused on the road 110%, then that's just selfish to me. Don't put other people's lives in jeoporady because you decide that you want to have fun one night and can't be bothered to call a taxi.

Tha's my opinion anyway :ermm:
^^Very well put jssy4eva, I couldn't agree more. It's bloody stupid & selfish behavior!! :angry:
Yeah I'm in total agreement. Driving while impaired is absolutelya no-go with me, I don't care if it's alcohol, drugs or prescription meds. They are all as bad. I especially have zero tolerance for celebs driving while impaired as they can certainly afford a cab or a driver. it's just completely stupid and irresponsible.
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electricladyland said:
:shock: this is soooooo dangerous. that freeway is always busy and is a major artery from the valley to the westside of LA. She really could have killed someone!

AGREE 150% everyone in LA knows this is a extremely busy freeway!!!!!!!!!!! SHE WAS DRIVING ON THE WRONGSIDE OF THE FREEWAY?!? she could have hit someone head on!!!!!! omg.....and then she was stopped (parked?) on the inner most lane (carpool lane)???? WTF.
i wonder if the vicadin was prescribed or not....her frame is so tiny, and if she only weighs 85 pounds, the vicadin would have a much more extreme effect on her (if it wasn't a prescribed dose that is) like giving Vicadin to a child. gosh, i was actually shocked when i heard this, and nothing much of hollywood shocks me now-a-days.....
I don't know what to say...

I guess I was sort of expecting this sort of thing to happen to her though
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