Mischa Barton Arrested for DUI!


guess im pretty much behind with the latest trends :innocent:
D.U.I, Alcohol monitoring bracelents, rehab, adoption/pregnancy, then the obligatory flash of thier underwear then it's off to Africa to save the world.
D.U.I, Alcohol monitoring bracelents, rehab, adoption/pregnancy, then the obligatory flash of thier underwear then it's off to Africa to save the world.
Good Lord. It all makes me want to find another planet to live on. Aliens cannot possibly be this corrupt. :lol:
I just realized this is such a Marissa Cooper thing to do... :lol:
Well to be honest, I think it's appauling that young women can behave this way, God gave them the gift of beauty, acting ability, and more money than sense, and if you have all that and not be greatiful, show respect to elders and youngers, then end up in Jail or drink drive and potentially kill people's mothers, fathers, children etc then you don't deserve mercy. If they have emotional behavourial problems, then God has given them the money to get professional help, they owe to themselves, their family and society to get help, a lot of teenagers who have similar problems but can't afford to get help and then they commit suicide. There are single mothers who don't even have cars to take their kids to school, old people are homeless and there's poverty everywhere, so she should go to jail and stay there, imagine if one of our family members was on the road while she was driving.
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Everybody is saying she has no career, but IMDB says she has 5 movies coming out soon.
yep, I'm looking foward "the assassination of a high school president" with Zöe Kravitz:woot:, and Bruce Willis it can be good and Malice in sunderland seems quite fun.
I'm not surprise, I think most girls in Hollywood party hard....and it's just a matter of time
getting caught. She use to date a c***head... all her friends use it... birds of a feather
flock together....
Not that DUI isn't a serious thing, but so many people get DUI's everyday that unfortunately it's not that unusual...
I'm surprised she allowed this to happen. She always seemed so smug about her celebrity status. Maybe this will knock her off her high horse a bit.
ok let me re-phrase

no talent

LMAO :lol:

honestly, what a stupid stupid stupid thing to get busted for. How much of a twit is she (and the others in her company) that she cant just hire a driver? Rich, and foolish. great combo.
Oh my...these Hollywood "it" girls are so ~classy~. I agree with some of the posts above - just hire a 24/7 driver!!
I feel a little bit bad for her. I loved the O.C. But she did something wrong and she will do her time for it...whether it be community service, probation, or jail time.

I highly doubt that she couldn't afford her bail...her family is very wealthy...and was way before her success on The O.C.

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