Nicole Kidman criticizes Angelina Jolie

Well, it seems that it was all just another big misunderstanding...Can't say I didn't see this coming, though:

Those hoping for a celebrity catfight between Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie shouldn't hold their breath.

Scotland's Daily Record has publicly apologised for publishing quotes it claimed 'our' Nic had made about Angie.

"In an article published on Friday, September 8, we attributed comments to Nicole Kidman in relation to Angelina Jolie. We accept that Ms Kidman did not make those comments to us and we apologise for any upset."

The report in question - which we subsequently published - suggested The Hours actress was judging Angelina for using her humanitarian work as a means of getting attention.

Publicist Catherine Olim says Nic would NEVER say such a thing.

"Ms Kidman has tremendous admiration for Angelina Jolie and her tireless, worldwide charitable work, as well as for the work of countless less well known volunteers in areas of need around the world."
^ everybody else saw it coming..about 2 pages ago when that was posted :) Hopefully because yours is at the top of the last page, people will see it more easily though. Maybe the initial post should be edited to contain this information ..
^Oh wow! Not even I saw that post :shock: :blush: But yah, now that it's more than just a link, hopefully people'll know the truth :lol:
All celebs get too much recognition for their good deeds, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. If you want to be considered legit, become an ambassador under another name!

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