Very interesting subject!
I do have the same impression as a couple of people mentioned (Lena, Spike431, baklanyc). I sortof think 'why not?' The fashion community is so accepting and used to seeing naked female models on the catwalk - though generally it's more topless than completely naked - that the only reaction I feel seeing a naked woman (in a printed ad or where-ever) is 'oh look, yet another exposed breast/where-ever, my boyfriend is gonna think that's appealing' (and a little, 'I wish I could get away with no bra'

Why then, do naked men generate such dicussion? I think it's partly because male bodies are finally being exploited (harsh word, sorry, I couldn't think of a better one ) for purely sexual interest/usage, the exact same way womens bodies have been for so long.
I say exploited, because the body exposed is being used to sell a product/idea/image, or whatever. So, I sorta think if something's being used to make profit, it is being exploited.
I know as a fashion-adoring, artistic-type (I like to think! haha) heterosexual gal, I'm always drawn to a bit more flesh being shown at any fashion show, menswear or not. I'm intruiged that the designer is taking this approach (because I'm not quite sure who they're trying to attract, or what the exact message is? well, with naked women, I think it's safe to say they're using that to attract men - once women wear these clothes, they're so sexually appealing...) and will certainly remember it. The size thing is sorta not a concern, I really don't care what size it is, it's just seeing it that's interesting. I love the idea of seeing a mans body that I would generally never know that intimately otherwise (a model mind you, wouldn't really have interest in seeing your average fella up there, hehe). I know I'll never forget that YSL ad, simply because it's so beautiful, and appealing in a way that I never find with a naked woman (though I can admire a naked woman, it's just not the same

). So in that way, YSL has forever captured my interest.
Though, completely naked is a little strange, (the YSL ad being an exception)... but when it's just enough of a flash of body or a glimpse of flesh (like most of the female models seems to have show when a nipple or breast shows), it's such a draw or interest!
Just my thoughts, though I just realized I didn't answer any questions about why designers choose to take this approach! Very fascinating discussion though, can't wait to read more!