Paris fashion schools

Does anyone know if there's a fashion school on Rochefoucauld St? I remember passing by and I'm almost sure I saw one.
Anybody have any recommendations of a fashion school where they teach fashion history, etc. and where one does not have to be able to sew anything?
I go to Parsons and my sister goes to Marangoni, both schools in Paris. Feel free to send me a msg if you have questions regarding those two schools :)

Oo what is Parsons in Paris like? Are they as good as Parsons in New York? Does it have fashion marketing etc courses or just design?
I just had my "rdv" at studio bercot for my application. I think (if I understand the process correctly) that I am in! :D It went very well, and I'm kind of surprised to hear someone that has seen Isabel Marant, Veronique Leroy and Gaspard Yurkievich make compliments on my stuff and on how cultivated and intelligent I am :blush:

If anyone needs info, I can try to answer them with what I learned and experienced today. :flower:
^Congratulations on that.
I was just wondering how much prior experience should you have? Do you need to know about sewing and things like that?
thank you ^_^

Well as far as studio bercot goes, I had to fill in a form and send it in. You have 10 questions mainly about what you like (music, photographers, designers, movies etc) and stuff like what is fashion for you? The last part is a drawing. On internet a lot of people say the paper and the interview are only formalities, but I think they are important to give an idea to the director. (like she told me my drawings werent impressive but that my answers were interesting) Anyway, I didnt write down that I had any experience in sewing or drawing (or making patterns) so I guess it's not an obligation. You'll learn that in the school, it may be just a bonus to know it already. But if you do sew a little, even without tons of technic, you should say it. It still counts. :)
Paris fashion schools for non french speakers.

Hi guys.

I have very basic french skills, but would love to do a short course or summer program at a fashion school in Paris.

Not design but maybe fashion business. Does anyone know of any more international schools in paris that dont require you to read or write in french.

thanks for your help :p
Wow, thanks for sharing Andrea! I'm thinking about applying to Studio Bercot for the fall but don't have a formal arts background, just a passion for fashion. Congrats on what sounds like good news! Good to know the drawings don't have to be necessarily good, technically speaking :) Do you know if they accept student loans or anything like that?
The director is more interested in the passion and motivation than stuff you'll learn there after. Like drawing, sewing etc (im still confused about the classes but if you wan i can tell you what she explained) and a huge plus is that we are from tfs, and know a lot! ^_^ she was really impressed with the fashion knowledge i have, between magazines, photographers and designers. Tfs allows us to talk and learn about it all, so if you mention what you know, you'll get her attention :)

For financing, (first of all are you french? (im on my phone so i cant see where you're from --') the school doesnt have any special aids, but if you're french you may be able to find a special schorlarship which will help you pay if you dont skip classes, and get good grades, or if you're lucky they'll just give you the money with no conditions. Otherwise, banks can do loans, you'll have to pay back and probably with interest... :/
If you're not french, i dont know, but you can always check and see if there arent any schorlarships for students studying abroad. :)

(it would be so awesome if you were accepted too. :) keep me posted ;) )
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I don't know if anyone has, but I'm crossing my fingers for you! Hope you make it! :lucky:
If I will get in, everybody will know that.
But if you will not ever get to hear from, the answer was no and it means I died from a deep depression.
IFM Paris: Share your experience

Hi all,

I've been interested in studying the Postgraduate Fashion Design Program IFM in Paris. I know you would have to go through a rigorous application process to get in (but that's something I'll have to work out for myself). What I'd like to know how any of you, past or present students found the coursework and is it something a graduate student can benefit from?

I go to Parsons and my sister goes to Marangoni, both schools in Paris. Feel free to send me a msg if you have questions regarding those two schools :)


I am new to Fashion Industry and am 29 yrs old. I want a career change and do a Fashion Design course. I am thinking of undertaking the 1year intense course in Marangoni. Can you provide us some input on how these 1 year course are in Marangoni and are they worth it? Do the student get job post 1 year intense course or they have to take up another course after tht?

Also, How is the job scene for International students after this 1 year course?

Thanks a bunch!
does anyone knows which public schools offer a master's degree? I am interested about Duperré but i don't understand what it DSSA, BTS etc.
I don't think france has a real master's degree in fashion. A masters degree comes after a licence and that in university.

Those DSSA and BTS are other diploma's, some are for people that have already finished other studies. So if you already have a diploma from after the BAC (or high school) you don't need to really worry about choosing just go for what flots your boat. :)

(after for duperre, it's public and has a good reputation, but I checked out the school I find it to be more art driven and I read there's only one designer that really made it great after studying there... that's just my two cents :flower:)
Thank you for your reply:)

I have a bachelor's (licence) in Fashion Design so I don'twant to learn the basics. I need something more advanced and I don't know what to choose.

Do you like Studio Bercot? You are studying there, right?
Okk, well i'll go check out the differences between dsaa and bts etc for you and translate so you can find what you like ;)

I only had a half day yesterday so they talked about what we were going to be doing and what we needed. So far the teachers seem awesome, my sewing teacher actually works on ads for vogue and then consults for adam kimmel and such. My schedule is pretty cool, only class the morning and monday afternoon (though im pretty sure there's more because i dont have my drawing ones in there yet.) the classes sound interesting between the sewing, knitting, trends, drawing, going to the museum and shopping. :) and in march they send students to work at shows during fashion week. And people that have studied here now work at chanel, dazed and confused, chloe, buyers for big stores, plus there was isabelle marant, veronique leroy, lolita lempicka and gaspard yurkievich. They put an emphasis on the fact we are learning a job and they are open to discusion and exchange. Its not so much teachers like in high school but adults and professionals dealing with equals and teaching us our futur career. :)
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Thanks!:) everything you say about studio bercot sounds so great! It's a public school?
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