Paris fashion schools

Are there any ESMOD Paris students from the Netherlands here? ^_^

Well, I read he whole thread and I found out that this post didn't make any sense haha ^_^
Now I'm thinking about IFM and CS.

Could you please tell me a little bit more about living in Paris? How did you find a house? Are there more foreign students or is most of the group french?
I'm very curious!
Please does anyone have some informations about the summer sessions of FIT based in Paris ? Thanks :)
This thread sounds very interesting , I've to read all the 17 pages though ! :D
Does anyone know how it works with the level in Paris? What certificates do you need to get in etc?

(google won't help me)
Does anyone here go to Istituto Marangoni? What's it like there? I'm thinking about going to study in the London one (because I speak English) for fashion styling or fashion design in the future. I'm also considering Paris because I know a bit of French and I'm currently studying it. Do you learn a lot there? Is the instruction level different in different cities? How do people in the industry see the school?

I know it's a lot of questions, but I'd really appreciate it if anyone could answer any of them!
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ok, so dont laugh from me for this question.
I wanted to work as a stylist and never had any thoughts of designing, because I can not draw - at all. But I have allways wanted to make cclothes for myself - I have ideas. and now I started to think about designing.
So, but fot studying it, you must be agood drawer? Everyone draws so well and the only thing I have is my ideas..
I'm lost :(
This question is more suited to other threads about how to become a fashion designer, not about specific fashion schools in Paris. It's off topic here.

But, yes ... you need to be able to draw, if you want to go to design school, no matter where it is.

Here are some threads about getting into design school that might interest you:

High School Students, How to Prepare For Fashion School

Everything about Your Portfolio ... for Fashion School

Here are threads about other fashion careers:

What Career for Me ... if I Can'tSew/ Make Patterns/Draw, Etc.?

Whats your Fashion Career?

And here is where you can ask about what career you might be suited for:

Searching for My Perfect Fashion Career - HELP!!
Does anyone know if there's any public university in Paris that has something like a Licence 3 in fashion communication? Does it exist? I looked for it in some universities websites, but I haven't find anything yet.

I'm finishing my studies in communication and advertising in Brazil, but I would like to work with fashion communication, so I would like to study something more specific in France.
what do you think of Modart? especially businesess courses there? as much as i have read this thread,t his school has been left outside... unless i missed smth..
Just to warn anyone thats in paris, yesterday/today/tomorrow is the salon de l'etudiant porte de versailles. I checked and there are some fashion schools attending. So if you guys have questions to ask, may be the students that are there will be able to help you. Even though they are trying to sell off their school ^_^ and these are mostly private schools too... Anyway! It can always be good. I'll be going so I'll try to bring back some info for you guys :flower:
Does anyone here go to Istituto Marangoni? What's it like there? I'm thinking about going to study in the London one (because I speak English) for fashion styling or fashion design in the future. I'm also considering Paris because I know a bit of French and I'm currently studying it. Do you learn a lot there? Is the instruction level different in different cities? How do people in the industry see the school?

I know it's a lot of questions, but I'd really appreciate it if anyone could answer any of them!

I know a few people who went there.
its supposed to be one of the best in europe :)
I havent heard any complaints yet!

You can study in paris, milan or london and have english speaking instructors in all three cities :)
you usually are given a translator if you arent a local.

Hope this helped! :flower:
Does anyone know how it works with the level in Paris? What certificates do you need to get in etc?

(google won't help me)

its usually specified by the university.
e.g. they may say you need to know a certain degree of french, or not.
or they may ask you to specify if you want a translator.
that maybe a stupid question, but i still need to clear out - if it is a postgraduate program of for example one year or 1,5 year so this means that you get a master degree or not? i am a bit lost with this french study system
Sorry can't help, Gian-franco. :(

Has anyone heard of The Paris Fashion Institute? They have month long summer programs in June and September.
Sorry if it's already been posted. :blush:
I know that Diane Pernet of A Shaded View on Fashion blog has taught there because she menioned it on her blog.

Any reviews?
Yayy, I sent my application to studio bercot and received a letter monday telling me they want to meet me, so they can get to know me and tell me about how the classes work. :) I'm so excited but kind of stressed :p I have to make a book to show them what I like and have done....
I go to Parsons and my sister goes to Marangoni, both schools in Paris. Feel free to send me a msg if you have questions regarding those two schools :)

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