"Popped" Collars

satori said:
Ok, so i saw this guy with his collars popped. I couldnt stand it, so i walked up to him and asked him why he had popped his collars, he replied: i dunno, its cool huh! You see people who pop their collars are no good!

Why do you think you have the right to walk up to random people and ask them something like that just because it irks you?
That's so sad. Those kids have no idea.

Collars up on polos and dress shirts always look contrived and cheapen the style... mostly because, like it has been said many times before, so many kids who buy cheap AE and A&F shirts try to imitate this tiresome trend. It's a trend that's based in elitist presumptuousness. Not something I would want to perpetuate...:innocent:

Admittedly, I know one person who can wear his collar "popped" and it doesn't bother me. He is never arrogant or gaudy, and is actually very humble. He is also on the Brown University Sailing Team. He wears a lot of vintage 60s style clothing, and it seems to work. Yet, I bet he would look just as chic with his collar down, so I digress.

I think it's just safer to keep a distance from this trend.:sick:
ChinaLove said:
Some of you guys are so dramatic... is it that serious?
I get so confused with this board sometimes. You have some people saying that fashion is about diversity and expression, and to wear whatever makes a person comfortable, but sometimes, something so horrid like popped collars comes along and all that junk about wearing whatever you like goes out the wondow.
The "popped collar" trend is neither diverse nor expressive. There's only one way to do it; it's an In or Out sort of classification. Continuing with your statement, I think this trend does make some people uncomfortable for reasons relating to the point I made about elitist presumption.

ChinaLove said:
I don't know though... some people who pop their collars have that whole inadvertant slouchy look, casual and relaxed, as if they didn't put any effort into what they were going to wear. You know what I mean? Like when people roll up their sleeves.
Yes, sometimes.
ebn0204 said:
little kids with poppled colars? what do you guys think?

photos: nordstrom

The kid on the left is totally wearing 2 popped collar polos to be cooler than the black kid...
drexl said:
The kid on the left is totally wearing 2 popped collar polos to be cooler than the black kid...

The white kid looks half...interesting huh. But even on the kids..sigh
here's an interesting article i found ;) this guy is writes with such a funny tone!

Pop it like it's hot
By Alan Eder
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Lately, many students on campus have been acting in an inexplicable and unjustifiable manner. Defying all conventional laws of judgment and physics, they have managed to alter their clothing in an obnoxious way.

I am referring, of course, to the trend of popping the collar - flipping the collar of the polo shirt in a daring and gravity-defying move of bravado. Like a male bull pawing and snorting, this action effectively lets everyone know who the boss is and who is in control.

Initially, nobody denied that it was a cool, unique look. But as all trends go, the popped collar quickly caught on, perhaps too quickly. Suddenly, it was everywhere. It flooded the UA Mall, our lecture halls, our dorms and the Student Union Memorial Center.

What was once unique became cliché; in fact, people who were not cool were all of a sudden sporting it. As a former collar popper myself, I regretfully attest to this fact.

Subsequently, the debate now centers on whether the look is patently offensive or aesthetically pleasing. Like that aunt or uncle who visits for weeks at a time, has it overstayed its welcome?

Maribel Teran, a business junior, seems to think so. Noting that it is stupid and that it needs to stop, she says, "When they look in the mirror, what are they thinking? They should slap themselves."

In addition, several groups on www.facebook.com have appeared in opposition to the popped collar at Arizona. The "Anti-Popped Collar Movement" is 254 members strong and growing. The "Society Against Popped Collars" claims that the popped collar is tantamount to a "virus" invading the campus.

However, while the popped collar has many detractors, it also has its proponents.

Jacob Gertzman, a biochemistry senior, speculates that the popped collar has its benefits. He said, "If you have a weak jaw line, it could better define your facial features and make you look better."

Furthermore, Gertzman relates that the popped collar could in fact save lives. With a high rate of skin cancer in Arizona, the popped collar could actually be an important tool in preventing the disease. According to Gertzman, a popped collar could have anywhere from a 15-30 SPF rating depending on the fabric of the shirt. "It has the potential to block harmful UV rays and prevent dangerous skin cancers such as melanoma and carcinoma," he argues.

This fits with what Kevin Richter, a finance senior, has to say. He notes that during a long game of golf in the blistering sun, he needs to pop his collar. "I have pretty sensitive skin, so I have to pop my collar to protect it from the sun. Also, I'm not going to lie, it looks pretty cool." Whatever your opinion, the popped collar will continue to evolve and develop over the coming months at the UA. Currently, it is enjoying a renaissance as several variations have "popped" up.

Other irritating trends that are developing include the female popped collar, the half-popped collar and the most notorious of all, the double-popped collar.

That's right, I said it. The double-popped collar. When one popped collar is insufficient (or when one Ralph Lauren polo shirt is not enough), alpha males are reported to sport two. Layered with pink and yellow hues, it is quite a formidable combination.

While some detest the popped collar, others will look back fondly upon it with warm memories. Like hairstyles, piercings and tattoos, the popped collar is a matter of personal style and individuality. It warms the cockles of the hearts of those who wear it.

But all good things must come to an end.

Folks, this is no longer a metrosexual phenomenon. Girls are starting to pop their collars. Little GAP babies are starting to pop their collars. If something is not done quickly, it could get out of hand.

Like the dodo bird, the popped collar is stupid. And like our unfortunate flightless friend, it will need the help of humanity in eradicating it. Health benefits aside, it is offensive to the senses and better taste. Seriously, dudes, it's atrocious, so let's leave our collars where they belong - dutifully obeying the laws of physics. With our help, like Rocket Dogs and Ugg boots before it, the popped collar will soon be confined to fashion extinction.

Unless you're the offspring of the Boston Brahmin going to Exeter who happens to be on a sailboat off Nantucket, no, popped collars are the pinnacle of ridiculous.
at my school it's a sign of wealth. only poor people wear the collar down!
this should just stop. the preppy style in general should just stop.
Popped collars - Yay or nay ?

Personally I don't like popped collars on T-Shirts or buttondown shirts, but like it on cotton skivvies ( thin turtlenecks ).

What's your opinion ?
I think it looks dumb. Especially on young girls. Why do teens dress like they're 40 and millionaires ?that just looks pathetic..
theres a thin line between elegant and snob. but popping collar definitley falls into the 'try hard to look rich' category.
uhmm NAY:sick:

it looks stupid and as everyone's saying..."it looks like a trying hard coppy cat" to rich people.

it really looks tacky!:sick: :yuk:
You know what, i really like it - and if you enjoy it - its your own personal style so play it up and have fun with it. Fashion isnt a contest lol :)
i do it because it frames my face nicely and i think it looks hot on men, women not so much though.
no popped collars for me.... i think its way too "try hard"..... :ninja:

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