Sans Makeup, S'il Vous Plaît (NYT)

taperjeangirl said:
Ha I know:p Sadly I only get the country ever other weekend:(
I have noticed, though, that whenever I'm in Paris, my skin feels so dirty. My nails as weell. As for my skin, I really doubt that wearing more makeup would protect it from anything.

On another note, I think I've found THE concealer, Helena Rubinstein Magic concealer. Makes me look like I don't have loads of it on to cover my dark circles. With MAC, it looks really cakey and obvious.
i agree. i thought it always sounded strange that people said wearing makeup(foundation) is good for you..then why not just wear sunscreen by itself. a lot of girls i see look awful when they take off their foundation after years of wearing seems like the skin becomes dependent on it. i think its best to not wear anything you dont need.
crechebaby said:
I have to express the slight irritation I feel at the constant French-worship often found in US magazines--Vogue, Allure, and Elle seem to be the worst offenders. While I really like and admire much of their culture and customs, the part that bothers me is the inevitable comparison of refined, elegant frenchwomen to boorish, uncivilized american women. Does there need to be this one-upmanship?

:clap: Thank you! I'm so sick of the implication that I'm a vulgar, obnoxious, uneducated, tacky, gauche wh*re just because I was born in the US (and in the most decadent city of them all!). I'm none of those things, thank you very much! I happen to have friends from all over the world, who like me for who I am, not some silly stereotype perpetuated by the media. THe celebrities you see on TV and in movies are not very good examples of real American women.

The idea that makeup is what causes pimples, I have found, is absolute rubbish in my case. I decided to go without makeup for a month or so to see what would happen. And well, nothing happened. Just as before, a week before my period, the pimples flared up again. When you have hormonal acne, simply cleansing and not wearing makeup has no effect because it's a deeper issue.

I wear makeup everyday (foundation, powder, blush, eyeliner/shadow, and mascara). Yet, no one actually thinks that I do. It's because I take care to apply it properly. My foundation is always blended and I make sure everything matches my skin tone (I'm very fair with freckles). That way I acheive the "no makeup" look, but I still look decent. Trust me, if you saw me without makeup, you wouldn't be saying how "beautiful" I look!

I've loved makeup since I was a child (I got it from my mother, who apparently looked like a "cheap wh*re" when my grandmother first met her :lol:). I love doing my makeup, as well as my friends. I don't care if that's not "classy" or "natural", but I love it. It's a way for me to express myself since I happen to be horrible at about every other art form. I love getting compliments when I step outside my comfort zone, and it really does help when I'm feeling hideous during a particularly bad breakout.
i noticed my skin stays healthier with some light powder on---now instead,i pay 40 bucks a jar for a moisturizer that blocks out air pollution from my face----philly is dirty, so dity.
I love makeup, but I do think it has to be fun and a little theatrical if it's going to be visible, by which I mean sometimes makeup is meant to be seen. It can complement the direction of one's look, such as red lipstick and winged eyeliner (or pull it together completely), though I do hate the approach to makeup which views its sole purpose as either to enhance or camoflage, since I find it rather boring. I know there are those who apply such makeup with enviable skill, but it's readily abused by the masses, and those effects are often the first thing which comes to mind when people hear the word 'makeup' used in this context. The article, for example, touched very little upon the more inspirational ways of wearing makeup, mainly for fun...
i agree. when i am going for the bare-faced look---i am bare-faced. i spend good money o my skincare regimen, so foundation/powder is unnecessary. when i put make-up on, i always reach for dramatic eyes, heavy bronzer---creating a 'look'
^^^ I agree a good skincare regime is a must.

I have to admit that the French do have some great products.
for anyone with dry, sensitive skin, i steam my skin once a week. i use tazo's wild orange tea as a herb remedy. some of the spices serve as astringents. i also make a honey, sugar, lemon juice scrub. its a grat exfoliant. my main cleanser is clarins gentle exfoliating. i use clarins murning moisturizer at night, and clinique superdefense spf 25 during the day.

steaming is great for oily, combo skin too
The_Ida said:
I have noticed, though, that whenever I'm in Paris, my skin feels so dirty. My nails as weell. As for my skin, I really doubt that wearing more makeup would protect it from anything.

On another note, I think I've found THE concealer, Helena Rubinstein Magic concealer. Makes me look like I don't have loads of it on to cover my dark circles. With MAC, it looks really cakey and obvious.

Do you need to use a lot of it or does a little bit do the job?
taperjeangirl said:
Do you need to use a lot of it or does a little bit do the job?
The tiniest amount. I had a tester (2.5 ml), it lastet me for three months. Crazy.
The articles made France seem pretty judgemental to me. I wouldn't want someone thinking so much about my sexuality just because I wear full make-up.

Regardless, Juliette Binoche looks really fab.
I like the natural look with makeup. My sister doesn't wear much makeup, but you can always tell- she slaps on a full coverage foundation, sparkly eye shadow etc. whereas I'll put on about 3 times asmany products as her to look like I'm not. Hilarious when you think about it!
But it is amazing what an effect the no makeup look has! it can look absoloutley fabulous!
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^ Hahaha, I totally agree. My cousin (practically sister) always whines about how I can put on a TON of makeup, complete with blue eyeliner and eyeshadow, and still not look like I'm wearing a lot at all. Whereas she puts on a little bit of foundation powder and eyeshadow, and looks like a clown. We tried sparkle eyeliner at Sephora once... I looked really rock-star cool, and people kept laughing at her all day. It's pretty funny :)
do you have a darker complexion? since i have stronger features and darker skin--i can pull off a lof of intense makeup.
I have had two thoughts since last reading this thread, and thought I would share ;)

1) Many French women (like Carine and ... oh dear, drawing a blank, the woman who's associated with Roger Vivier & was in all the Saks ads recently) have dramatic coloring on their own

2) Recently saw a photo of LouLou de la Falaise wearing bold lipstick that emphasized her unusual mouth--so don't tell me French women don't do it ;)
^There's quite a bit of truth in that---I think that since most French women are dark haired to begin with, they don't have to worry about mascara as much and have well defined brows. Of course there are fair-haired exceptions (Clemence Poesy, Julie Delpy) who still look great with minimal makeup. Personally, I think it's the time spent taking care of one's skin that pays off in the end. When you've got perfect skin, emphasizing others features isn't as important, in my opinion.
gia0202 said:
do you have a darker complexion? since i have stronger features and darker skin--i can pull off a lof of intense makeup.

Yes, Gia, I actually do. I'm Indian (fair for an Indian, though) and have that olive complexion. I'm sure that helps me pull off the more intense colors. However, my cousin is almost exactly the same shade but cant do colors at all. Strange. However, I think we really differ when it comes to our features - I have really strong, sharp features. She's more "sweet" looking.
yep---that is it. most models have strong features. helps them come off as high-fashion/artsy with loads of paint while the softer, more receded features in many women look great solo but switch to teen hooker with too much makeup
^God, she's such an icon - almost everything related to French fashion somehow ties in with her. I havent seen a proper picture of her yet though - it's always a tiny candid - does anyone have any? It'll be nice to see how she plays up her features - being such a fashion icon and in the spotlight and yet emobodying that minimal makeup thing - i wonder how she does it.

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