i'm wondering who among us dresses the same everyday...? i think those who are deeply affected by fashion and the idea that what you wear is who you are, or who you want to be seen as (whether it is that day, or everyday)... would wear drastically different outfits to portray these aspects of our personalities.
fashionistas are just as complex as anyone else, so I know that on certain days I will feel more dark, so my outfits will reflect that. I have a rollercoaster style that works for me. My makeup follows it too, when I feel especially crappy, my makeup routine bumps up 5 notches. Wardrobe follows the same kind of idea, some days I wear super simple, almost peasant looking clothes, very minimalist. and the next day I am looking super complicated, many layers, colors, lots of detail.
its all to give clues that aren't written and not so obvious...