Short hair

thanks for the help guys! i have an appointment on thursday so i'll let everyone know how it goes, and maybe get some pics.

party_vixen: i hate that super awkward stage, i vote cut it off again, it takes to long to grow out past the awkward stage, and beyond that it seems to take forever for a noticable difference in length! so frusterating, in my opinion at least.
rainy spring yes, please post picture. I bet you look wonderful in short hair, you have those face features that make short hair to suit you.
^^thank you very much for the sweet karma, crossed fingers that your hairdresser appointment turns out how you hope to and we definitely would love to see some pictures :wink: :flower:
Short hairstyles for dark skinned girls...


Have been thinking about this a lot, and have yet to have the nerve to do it, but it's time...

Errr... I guess celeb wise i look a lot like zoe saldana, kinda freakishly so, same body shape, nose etc etc... And even more annoyingly so, same hairstyle. I find that she doesnt really change her hair, I havent in like ten years either, so can't really blame her... It's really hard, like i have medium length hair, and i wear tracks to make it longer, have been doing this forever, cos in fashion it was easier for hairdressers to style, and for me I guess.
I feel sooo boring these days, and I envy all the girls who can get radical hair cuts etc... But other african / mixed / and girls of general exotic ethnicities know that it takes ages for our hair to grow, and like shaggy bobs stay that way for like all of a day and then its mad.. so unlike friends, its not like I can just make mistakes and wait for it to grow out.

Anyways.. like zoes off duty look, my hair is always straight and long, i have attached pictures of her here for you to see... Does anyone have any ideas what to do?

I def want to go a bit shorter I think, I have been working out a lot recently and it's getting really annoying, as once i sweat it gets super curly and well.. Anyways.

Just wandering if anyone is in a similar situation and has any ideas, based on zoes face / nose shape of course... I will be soo grateful.



She always looks awesome on the red carpet but just thinking everyday at the moment... thanks again.

pics from and
I cut mine short in September. I had around 13 inches hacked off and i loved it. However, i really want to grow it out right now. It looks so gross at the stage it is at though. (i dont know the terms lol) Basically, at the back, a little to the side of my neck, there are long pieces that flick out and i HATE them, im having to pin them back now. I do want it cutting but i really would prefer for it to grow overnight haha. No, but seriously, is there anything that anyone can suggest that might speed up this growth process, I just want it to be a little past shoulder length. nice and short but not AS short as it is now.
I know im probably asking a really dumb question but i thought id go ahead and see if you guys new of anything?
^ ohh I can relate, I'm the same way... I can't deal with the flippy bits at the bottom during that phase.

basically I keep cutting the back tight into a bob until the top/long part reaches the hairline in the back, then do a clean, even slice all the way around and grow out from there. that way at least it's a bit more manageable during the gross/annoying stages :blush: :flower:
i can relate too, unfortunately! :doh: i went shaved head > pixie cut > awkward stage.. and i'm still in the awkward stage now i think. :P it looks a bit better, those curly bits that you described have sort of grown longer.. but now i feel like i have an early 90s soccer mum haircut.. in the shape of a pixie cut but the hair is long instead of short, if that makes sense. :mellow: i can't seem to get it to the stage where the top grows down long enough that i can cut the whole thing one length. it's painful.. :lol:

i unfortunately don't have any tips as i am struggling myself.. but hang in there..i feel your pain :muscles:
Im glad that you both knew what i meant because i just couldnt explain it lol. I cant stand those flicky bits haha.
I like to know what i want, go out to the hairdressers and be able to get it. When my hair was super long, i was fine to do that because it was so versatile. Now, however, its a choice between going shorter again or waiting it out while its a MOP! lol.
I have given in waiting and ive booked in at the hairdressers for Friday. i am going to post a picture later on and ask for you guys to give me some advice. I like having a drastic change but short of shaving it all off (which i do NOT want to do), im stuck for ideas!
good luck at your hair appointment xxilovepinkxx! i hope it goes well.
my hairdresser was pretty reluctant to cut all mine off, she said i could come back and she'd give me a deal if i wanted to go shorter, so here's the length its at right now:

but i got a lot cut off still, so i'm happy, and i'll think about going back .. we'll see.
the hairdresser did say that she cut more of my head then she normally cuts in a day! haha
^ i dont think you should go shorter, i really really like that cut on you. I think it looks lovely.
I had mine done like...soooo short. honestly. They had to keep sweeping the hair away because every time i saw it i started crying! haha
It wasnt sadness, it was this weird feeling. Pfft. To think that a year ago, id go insane if someone cut more than an inch off haha
Im terrified about the hairdressers!
I think i might post a picture in the Style My Hair thread and see what others say ( :
Seriously, your cut is lovely. [and you're really pretty too]
With your face shape rainy_spring, I wouldn't go shorter. It will drag down your face whereas the current length seems perfect. Look at photos of Sarah Jessica Parker with short hair, I think you have a similar face shape.
thanks for the suggestions (and the compliments, :flower:)! i am enjoying this length, so i'll keep it here for now! :smile:

I got my hair cut and coloured today. I went from a horrid blonde mess to this.


I really like it.
Sorry, im in my PJs haha
^I like it a lot. The color is great.

I'm getting my hair cut like this but with full bangs:

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rainy spring you look adorable with shorter hair it suits you well, but keep it that lenght. oh, I wish that style would suit me too.
Thank you so much.
I like playing around and styling this cut. I am much happier with this colour too. :smile:
I like the cut in #755 !:flower:
Im thinking about getting my hair like this. But in black.
I love my short hair, first it used to be really unfamiliar but I found out that I can do much more with shorter hair than with longer hair! U can add more style to your hair, play around with it, make a cool style , add accessories, everything! Its also really trendy at the moment:wink:
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Just made an appointment to get my hair cut on thursday. I'm still a little unsure on exactly how short I want to go but this thread is definitely giving me a lot of ideas.
^Just keep in mind that with hot weather approaching, it's best to either get a cut that doesn't reach the nape of your neck, or else something long enough so that it can be pinned or tied up. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.

Kytila, lucky you if you're a Zoe Saldana lookalike, she's very pretty. I am too unfamiliar with the hair type that you described to offer suggestions. Is there anyone on here with coarse, curly hair who has experimented with short hair?

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