Stealing Style...

I ran into a friend who was wearing the same outfit that I was wearing the last time I saw her and she was asking me where I got everything.... That girl was kind of mental.
Eep, that sorta thing happened to me. This girl became my friend and said she loved my clothes and asked where I got things, but I didn't think much of it. I saw her a while later wearing a very me outfit, which infuriated me. She also copied the way I speak and cut my hair... but that's a whole different story.
i agree that to some extent it doesn't bother me that people are trying to copy me... i have friends at school (who used to wore plain jeans and basic sweaters in a completely plain war) copying my "layered t-shirts over men's chinos" look or going out and buying colored beaded necklaces and pearls it wasn't a popular thing in my country and it was kind of my thing for ages or starting to use beltsthe same way that i do when ... what bothers me is when they assume they are being original when infact they are just adapting something they have seen seomeone else do...

i have a very stylish close group of friends and i admit i have bought stuff that i've seen them wearing at times... but we all have very different styles and even though we own the same item, we style them very differently, so we never look like clones of each other...
I think I've been influenced sometimes (especially by advertisings)
but I've never stolen style
because I'm a very proud person and a perfectionist, I always get back to my style!
But it does improve..It also changes with season, time and place what I like.
But it's always me.

I once loved a girl's style, because it was so outrageous and out there! But when I went shopping with her, I noticed that I liked completely other things and I had the feeling she just bought very boring things.
Thing was, she loved vintage and I don't. She loved to make her own clothes, cut things etcetera and I don't.
She didn't like designer clothes and I'm addicted.
So I fell back to myself immediately.
She did my hair, clothe and make up that night when we were going out and I felt embarrased and uncomfortable! It was SO NOT ME!
Never tried to let someone influence my style again..except for the fashion shows!

I usually think my style is ''okay''. It looks good on me, could do better though if I had the money, it WOULD be better!
But I've had ''wannabees'' as friends also..
I had lots of ''friends'' who stole my style, like EXACTLY coppied my look with dying the hair and stuff, but now I don't really hang out with them anymore, they're exactly the persons they were before!
I think you can't steal a style or you have to be SO determined that it might bewitch you.
Otherwise you probably get back to ''your thing'' anyway.
i've had my style stolen a lot in highschool. don't you guys just hate it when you are ahead of fashion and people think it's weird until 1 or 2 years later when they FINALLY catch up? people (including friends) buy exactly the same things, do the same styling...i don't really mind though.. during breaks people would literally look at me from head to toe when talkin to me. not too brag of course.. but i gotta say i get inspired by others as well. everybody does (who is interested in fashion). when people make it their own thing it's no biggie (=inspiration) but when they really try to get as close to someone's stlye as possible (stealing), it's annoying.
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Most people around me in my daily life aren't that daring...espcially with brighter flashier colors lol

I don't steal style, I will take away bits of it that I think accent my own look. Nothing against that.
copper said:
^reading that reminds me of something.

i think that people like to think they started a trend, but really, did you make those skinny jeans with your own sewing machine? no. there was a designer out there who had the idea already, and was selling them in a shop for you to buy.

really, the credit for goes to the designers.

even the 'trendsetting' olsen twins were covered in designs by marc jacobs/dita sunglasses/balenciaga/chloe :rolleyes:

i kinda know what you mean but i think it's the people who buy it and actually wear it in public that set the trend. there would be no trend if for instance skinny jeans were made and nobody bought it.
It's a tricky subject because there's stealing a style and copying...and everyone copies ... I quote Vivienne Westwood:

The only place to find ideas is by looking at what people did in the past. It's the only way you can be original. You can't be original by just wanting to do something. Nothing comes from a vacuum. You have to find it from somewhere.

There are all kinds of things you notice and realise that you can translate into something new. I always make my students copy things first because you have to fall in love with things.[...]Usually, you don't see the source of my translation. It has been transformed into something else by the time I present it.

Previously posted by Jadee

I love those quotes Jadee. I completely agree with Westwood. I am influenced by other people's style, but I try to reinterpret it and make it my own. I never copy outfits outright. And I see my friends and other people taking inspiration from me, and it doesn't bother me one bit, I actually find it flattering. Nothing comes from a vacuum, fashion cannot exist in a vacuum - it takes its inspiration from society.
have you ever had your style 'stolen'?...
I dont think I could ever say that... I mean most of my style is inspired from something else, so I could never say someone has stolen my own style ideas, etc. But I have had times when I'll wear something/mention something that I want to buy and sooner or later my friend/whoever will be wearing it. But to be honest I dont really mind if people copy me, I see it as a compliment
have you ever stolen someone else's ...
(and are willing to admit it???..)

Well if I like someones style/outfit, I use it as inspiration. Not neccesarily a celeb, it could be someone walking by/a friend/whatever
what do you think about 'stealing style'...???
I think stealings the wrong word in most cases. Copying is silly though, in my opinion. Personal style is good!
i've had my style stolen a lot in highschool. don't you guys just hate it when you are ahead of fashion and people think it's weird until 1 or 2 years later when they FINALLY catch up? people (including friends) buy exactly the same things, do the same styling...i don't really mind though.. during breaks people would literally look at me from head to toe when talkin to me. not too brag of course.. but i gotta say i get inspired by others as well. everybody does (who is interested in fashion). when people make it their own thing it's no biggie (=inspiration) but when they really try to get as close to someone's stlye as possible (stealing), it's annoying.

i agree with this totally...
i love sharing ideas with like-minded people...
and i have been dressing people for a living for many years...
so i am all for sharing tips and ideas...

but when someone who clearly doesn't have the same style..
(or any real style of their own)..
stares me up and down and then shows up looking like me the next time i see them...
without ever saying a word-
i really do want to smack them...

how hard would it be to say...
hey - that's a really good idea you had ... i like totally inspired me...
hey , you look really great ...i love that....i'm going to try that too...
or hey- that looked so good on you that i wanted to give it a try...
*those are compliments and acknowledge that you are the original source of the inspiration...which is really sweet....

but this sort of just 'stealing' someone's look and acting as if you thought of it all on your own is really lame...imo...

i mean...lots of people have the same articles of clothing...
but style is about how you put them together, etc...
and how you make them your own...

and if someone is just outright copying you....
then they aren't making it their own at all...
they are just stealing your ideas...:ermm:
it's so rude...

it really shows that the other person has no creativity...
and basically no manners either..:judge:...
are they are so insecure that they cannot give anyone else a compliment?

one person in my world comes to mind over and over when i think about this...
but i guess she steals everyone's ideas...not just mine...

zero creativity ... she's always chasing someone else's style...:innocent:
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if i see a celebs outfit and i like the individual pieces then i will buy them or something similar but i wear the pieces my own way and would never wear them together
I totally agree with that Vivianne Westwood quote: we're always being at least inspired by something else, and (hopelly hehe) adding our own touch to it. Because ultimately I think that "style" is subjective; it's not simply a piece of clothing that will define one's style, it's the way they pull it off (which totally varies from person to person).
yeah--but that's not the point of this thread...:lol:...

it's not about getting the same item only...and wearing it your own way
it's about copying a whole look...
and there are plenty of people who do that...PUH-lenty...


i think that little rant above has made me feel better about it though...
it was good to get it out of my system...

i guess the only time it is really an issue is if i tell a friend about something i love and am thinking about getting and they buy it when my back is turned...and there aren't anymore left...
*maybe i shouldn't be calling that person a friend?...:ermm:...

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^ Hopefully they bought it for you as a surprise present.:lol:

This thread has been so interesting to read btw. For me, I am inspired by looking at magazines and style photos on tFS (models, celebs, historic celebs, designer collections). I think I'm more inspired by individual items I like than entire outfits. Then I try to figure out my own way to wear it while keeping my style integrity. Example, if it's a very dressy conservative piece I want to wear on a regular day, I'll try to figure out how to play down the formalness. If it's a little punky-edgy, I'll try to soften and PG-ify it to make it more me and less bad-***. I could go on but in general I take inspirations and try to apply them to my style, so no I don't steal.

For crediting? If I know and someone asks I will tell them. But often like it's been mentioned, we just don't know where it came from. It reminds me of that scene in Devil Wears Prada when Miranda dissects Andy's outfit head to toe like where the blue in her GAP sweater originated and what season and blah blah blah. The average person (myself included most of the time) would have no idea where things like that originated.

And er... I don't think people really steal my style but often strangers and friends will ask me wear I got my boots/bag/jeans/shoes/etc. And I take it as a compliment and tell them.

I really don't mind when I see people here who are obvious fashion leeches. It's better than the 99% of them who's extent of style is a Colts football sweatshirt and jeans. :rolleyes: (I live in Indianapolis)
For crediting? If I know and someone asks I will tell them. But often like it's been mentioned, we just don't know where it came from. It reminds me of that scene in Devil Wears Prada when Miranda dissects Andy's outfit head to toe like where the blue in her GAP sweater originated and what season and blah blah blah. The average person (myself included most of the time) would have no idea where things like that originated.
but what if the person who gave you the idea is STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU???

i guess when i dress a celeb they don't credit me...
like- 'gee thanks... i owe it all to my stylist...'
mostly they just say thanks for the compliment if they get one...
but they are PAYING me to dress problem...
and they DO thank me in private...

it's when someone in real life takes my ideas or i help them shop and they never acknowledge it or even say thank you..
THAT is when i feel like...

that said...
i do have friends who say thank you over and over and over...
basically every time they wear anything i picked out for them...
so that's cool...
makes you feel good because you know you helped them to feel good...

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^^ you've dressed celebs? do they ever want to copy other celebs looks (like similar dress w/similar shoes...) random question but i'm curious :)
that's an interesting question...

maybe an old star's general style...
like say...lauren bacall...i've gotten that as a reference...

but not so much..
of course..i am working with adult actors who have some intelligence and already have some style of their own...
not teenaged media queens...

they usually hire you because you have a similar style to theirs or one that they admire...
so if anything....
they ask you more about your own style than another celebs...

they don't want to look like someone else because they want to stand out from the bunch in my experience...
some of them are really adamant about this...

thanks for asking..:flower:
though i'm not a stylist by profession, I do end up acting as an informal personal shopper to many friends since I keep an eye out for beautiful things and tend to know what items are out there at any one time. When something reminds me of a friend's style, I'll let them know, and they are usually so thankful that I've done the fieldwork/footwork shopping for them, so to speak! :D

but what if the person who gave you the idea is

that said...
i do have friends who say thank you over and over and over...
basically every time they wear anything i picked out for them...
so that's cool...
makes you feel good because you know you helped them to feel good...


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