Top 10 F/W 09 Collections

^ Well Vogue has the loads of power in the fashion industry these days, so its important to see where that power is going.
vogue still arguably have that power but doesn't.
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^ For all intents and purposes, Style is multimedia format.

The thing with the so called "repeat offenders" is that, regardless of whether or not you like the collection, there's no denying that collections like Prada, Marc Jacobs and Balenciaga are always some of the most influential shows each season. With that taken into account, why shouldn't they appear on the list? They're among the handful of designers who consistently keep fashion moving and somehow manage to set the parameters for how each season will be remembered.
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Speaking of which does Vogue publish this list in the magazine? Or is it just on their website?
^ I don't believe so. I may be wrong, but if they do I've never noticed it.
^Didnt think so, like Ive seen how they do the "Fall Report" or "Couture Coverage" but Ive never really seen them rate anything. Guess theyre just trying to be "nice".
well I DONT think both Balenciaga and Givenchy should stick to the looks which made them famous, if they do that they get stale , and both houses nee to continue to evolve , if Balenciaga was just about blatant futurism it would be boring , and if Givenchy was all about goth tough chic in spikes and leather pants it would get boring , as it is both designers are copied to death , I really respect Givenchy now , when every other designer was copying Tiscis looks from pasts seasons with the skinny leather pants and other looks (esp Alexander wang) , Tisci gave a collection with an angelic feel but still gothic , the pants were fluid and tailored , the blazers amazing . I also love Balenciaga's sari trousers , im sure they will be copied like anything next season.

Marc Jacobs shouldnt be on that top 10 list and it just goes to show how silly vogue editors can be , had another put an all 80s show , it would be deemed "too retro" , "boring and garrish" , but since MJ did it , because of his star power , its "OMG" . Dries van notens fall colleciton looked like a walk through senior citizens home , the shapes were very grandma , the colors like the wall paper of these senior homes , it was quite yuck compared to his awesome spring collection .
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^I agree with your first statement about reptition and becoming "stale" but the truth this "new" look that theyvre gone for is stale already! They dont need to repeat it, it started at boring. Especially Balenciaga's grandma-esque dresses.
I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that I really do think Marc's collection belongs on the list. I don't love the clothes, and it's definitely not his best collection, but it was one of the only upbeat, brash and energetic collections shown in four weeks. Yeah, it was over the top and everyone is obligated to hate the 80s comeback, but when you put all of that aside it was the kind of thing that makes fashion so much fun. There were a lot of really strong collections this season, but there were very few that could be called fun.
^I think Marc's Louis Vuitton collection was more fun, and should have been on there instead.
I agree that LV collection should be on the list,but I also agree about Balenciaga for 1st place
I definitely disagree with Marc Jacobs, miss McQueen and not really convinced about Balenciaga, but wouldn´t be themselves without putting it on the list. Happy to see Prada though ^_^

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