Tall women vs short women ...

Have you ever looked at the petite selection from Gap? I'm about 5'1'' and I bought two pairs of slacks from them that almost fit perfectly. I say almost because the inseam is actually a tad too short for me (a rarity for a short person :bunny:). Don't worry, I'm not plugging for Gap or anything because I normally did not shop there prior to discovering their petite clothes. Just make sure to go up a size because the clothes are proportioned smaller in the hip, waist, and leg openings as well.

GAP sizes fit big though. And Gap petites is only available online, meaning that people from outside of the US (I believe Eurasian Melange is in Canada or the UK) can't buy them (Gap Inc. no longer accepts credit cards with foreign billing addresses)
i htought she wanted to work--not model in the industry. like be an editor/stylist/publicist. it helps to be tall---but it isn't a necessity.

I assumed she actually wanted to be a model seeing as she had put quite a bit of emphasis on being tall because, as you said, it isn't necessary to be tall if you're going to be working in the industry as something other than a model. I can understand people doing a double-take or laughing if she said she wanted to be a runway model at a height of under 5'0", but not if she said she wanted to take another job in the industry. I don't really know though until she posts again.

Have you ever looked at the petite selection from Gap? I'm about 5'1'' and I bought two pairs of slacks from them that almost fit perfectly. I say almost because the inseam is actually a tad too short for me (a rarity for a short person :bunny:).

Thanks, but writergal28 is right: I am in Canada and cannot buy from there. Also, I have found that actual petite trousers tend to be too short on me! I have legs that are too short for regular trousers, but too long for petite trousers. Can't get any more difficult or awkward than that. :lol:

you'll have to accept the fact that you'll always have to get your pants hemmed. as for narrow fits, have you ever tried theory or club monaco? both make pants in 00 and they fit petite frames really well.

Not only hemmed, but a lot of other things altered too and that isn't even getting into things other than trousers.

I haven't tried those two, but I kind of gave up on Western stores since most clothes that fit are either too young-looking (for 14 and under) or too old-looking (50+). There is not much in between. Though I will take a look if I can find one in my area.

as for bracelets, sometimes i find children's bracelets that fit my wrist well. mostly though, i won't wear bangles because they practically slide off. i've found that cuff bracelets work better for me because you can bend them to fit your wrist. and, if you stack three or four of them along your arm, it looks super chic!

I have the same thing! Everything slides off. My friends used to buy me lots of bracelets for birthdays and such until they realised I couldn't wear them because they always fell off. I've only found one store where they can actually alter the bracelets, but they do not have lots of things I like and I do not think they alter items from other stores. Haven't tried the cuff bracelets, though perhaps I should.
Oh yes. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Yes, to answer your question, all three of them wore, not just your normal standard 2 - 3 inch heels but STILETTOS! Her oldest was 6'4 and came in to take her mom out to lunch in 4 inch heels. I gawked.

I was actually proud of myself today. I purchased a pair of 3 inch high boots. I didn't even LIKE the 1 inch heel boots I tried on. I went for height *pats self on back*

oh, good for you! actually I also bought a pair of boots this sunday with a heel around 2 inches - i've never own such high heels. i feel a bit like a tower, but well, I'm confident - and my boyfriend is 6'5".

but as said before - i feel a little uncomfortable with girls taller than me. today I was stading behind this girl - i guess she was 6'3"! my boyfriend was like "you looked petite!" (i'm 6'1").
you are so lucky to find a tall man---- as a tal woman, I get so frustrated that men are so short. ick.
I am (less than) 5 feet. I can deal with the "petite" and "cute" name calling, but I'm sick of not being taken seriously. With all the skyscraper models in the fashion industry, people always seem amused when I tell them I want to enter the industry.

"How can you be in fashion if you look like a 10 year old?" I'll whip back, "Well when I'm 50, I'll look 20. When you're 50, what will you look like?" :innocent:

Thank goodness I'm still 16... hopefully I still have a couple more years to grow.
That's the same with me. I obviously don't want to be a model, but I'd love to work in the industry (particularly in a model agency). I guess I'm just insecure and would feel very intimidated—almost ridiculous—to be surrounded by giants and expect to be taken seriously :doh::lol: But again, maybe this is just my own insecurities. I don't take myself seriously because of my lack of height, so I shouldn't expect others to if I myself don't.

It's kinda funny, I am in my early 20s, and one day a sales assistant said to her colleague, "can you please help this woman with her purchase for me?", and I was in shock! :o:lol: I was thinking to myself, did she just call me woman? I am never called a woman, I'm usually always referred to as a girl by people. But it's not like I have a problem with 'girl', as now that I think about it, I do associate more with girl than woman—I just don't feel like an adult at all, and whether or not that has to do with my lack of height/insecurities or not, I'm not sure.
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you are so lucky to find a tall man---- as a tal woman, I get so frustrated that men are so short. ick.
I hear you!. all the tall ones are taken... by tremendously short girls. it's unfair!.:ninja:

bianca: :lol: at the 'woman' comment. I hate that kind of situations.. especially when I get called 'ma'am' by kids!.
that reminds me.. slightly off-topic here.. I was once entering a club with a [male] friend that's a few months older than me and the security guy at the door asked him for his ID and when I was pulling out mine thinking I was next, he blanked and said 'that's okay, you can get in' :shock: :lol:..
I am never called a woman, I'm usually always referred to as a girl by people.

Same with me. Granted, I'm probably too young to be called one, but still. Also, when I'm at restaurants I tend to get the kid's menu without asking for it. Just yesterday I went to an Italian place and the waitress handed me a kid's menu which stated, "For kids 12 and under only." I'm 15. :ninja:
Personally, i've always rathered to be one extreme of the other, either smallish, or tall!
I'm about 5'4, but look a lot smaller because i'm so petite size wise. It's incredibly frustrating when in the UK the smallest size they do is a size 6. Size 4's are quite rare and when you're lucky enough to find one, they never fit length wise as i have quite long legs for my height!

However, i have got used to being small, so i like it now. However, i am quite envious of tall women! =]
This reminds me of something I wanted to ask. Being petite I have a smaller frame and therefore smaller proportions overall. This means that not only is it difficult finding tops, trousers, skirts, dresses and even underwear (sometimes my size isn't even available in the store), but it is also a nightmare finding shoes, bracelets, hats, eyeglasses, rings, gloves and practically anything wearable that does not make me look like a little girl trying on things from her mother's closet. I am guessing taller ladies have similar problems only that everything is too small/short/narrow?

ll agree with you on the shoes. I wear size 10 and when I was younger I shopped in department stores and Payless. All the *cute* shoes stopped at size 8. I am tall but my features are slender. I still can't find bracelets that don't fall straight to my wrists or hats that look oversized. I have a small head (I have yet to find a baseball cap that looks good on me). So I don't think it's height that gives you the issue but more size and shape. Like with eyeglasses. I could NEVER get away with the huge glasses that were in style last year because of my long narrow face. Just would not do.
I hear you!. all the tall ones are taken... by tremendously short girls. it's unfair!.:ninja:

bianca: :lol: at the 'woman' comment. I hate that kind of situations.. especially when I get called 'ma'am' by kids!.
that reminds me.. slightly off-topic here.. I was once entering a club with a [male] friend that's a few months older than me and the security guy at the door asked him for his ID and when I was pulling out mine thinking I was next, he blanked and said 'that's okay, you can get in' :shock: :lol:..
:angry: Thems fightin' words! I get the opposite. My shorter friends are sometimes not carded and they are 10 years younger than me. I'm always carded but then, I blame (thank) my mom for that. We have younger looking genes no matter how tall we are. LOL.
I hear you!. all the tall ones are taken... by tremendously short girls. it's unfair!.:ninja:

bianca: :lol: at the 'woman' comment. I hate that kind of situations.. especially when I get called 'ma'am' by kids!.
that reminds me.. slightly off-topic here.. I was once entering a club with a [male] friend that's a few months older than me and the security guy at the door asked him for his ID and when I was pulling out mine thinking I was next, he blanked and said 'that's okay, you can get in' :shock: :lol:..
:angry: Thems fightin' words! I get the opposite. My shorter friends are sometimes not carded and they are 10 years younger than me. I'm always carded but then, I blame (thank) my mom for that. We have younger looking genes no matter how tall we are. LOL.
Thank you for all the kind comments and concern everyone :heart::flower: I'm sorry I didn't clarify myself earlier (and that I didn't check on the thread again), but I guess I was so concentrated on my height that I forgot to mention that I am not looking to be a model. I am very interested in the design and business side of fashion.

Quite luckily I am actually asian, so it is understandable :p that I am small (although it's still unfair that my dad is 6'!). I've never really been concerned with my height before until recently, which explains my previous post. I guess as a teenager I have been putting weight on a lot easier now, which makes me worry that I will be unproportioned. And no, I'm not being a self-concious teenager, because everyone around me has been starting to notice it. I think I was the last person to figure it out :rolleyes:

What sucks even more is that in the near future when I will want and need to wear heels, I can't. I have flat feet and even if I get a padded sole especially for high heels, they aren't discreet! Not to mention bad knees and joints that make it hard to exercise. I mean, I know being tall is not a prerequisite to the industry... but I am getting more and more concerned partly because everyone tells me I'd look stupid/lost, and partly because I can't get taken seriously because of my height.

So since no one else wants to hear my ranting, might as well splatter it over the net ;)

Btw, about Gap, I only have one pair of black cotton pants from them but they fit me without altering! The secret is that they are ankle instead of regulars. I'm in Canada too, and haven't noticed petite sizing either. My American Apparel slim slacks fit very well too (my favourites), but I had to hem it a whole lot.

Long post, hope it wasn't OT, thanks for the comments again guys ^_^
You know another store that's horrible for pants? American Eagle, even if you're like 5'9" the regular pants seem to pool at your ankle. Their pants are so annoying.

^ I second that, it thought I grew horizontally when the regular length hit my ankles, I am 5'9 BTW.
Well if you dont want to be a model your size doesnt matter! It wont be a problem, and certainly wont make people take you lightly. Its your personality and actions/choices that will make them interested and listen to you :)
and im always wandering around during fashion week and going to shows and you dont even imagine how many girls actually have a small or normal height! I mean i was even surprised when certain celebs arrived (actually all of them werent as tall as i expected...) like mickey green or beth ditto or kylie minogue. (even models were normal height when its one of the top criterias for the job to be tall)

anyway. I think its more about proportions than actual height. Im 5"8 and can live with that (still want to be taller but am not expecting on that happening...) but i just would do something about my legs. ^^'
Mme, I hear ya' sister. I'm a shortie too (well 5'5 to be exact, but thats short in my family and amongst my friends) plus I have bad feet aswell. It can be hard to find shoes (heels mostly) which look nice and fit well...

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