tFS Fashion Photographers - Share Your Work. Before Posting, please read Post #1

love the darkness in ur photography francesca. kind of allows someone to assess the photo even more. you also seem to have a great likin for neutrals
thanks, urban! it's true..i do like neutrals. i find that in other people's photography, really vibrant, saturated colors looks amazing..i've just never really enjoyed it in my own work. with that said, i'm going to do a photo shoot this summer and i'm going to try vibrant we'll see how it turns out!

thanks again for your kind words :heart:
welcome lighthouse and thank you!

wow, the feedback i've gotten from this forum alone is some of the best i've ever heard! any critisisms? ;)

you guys are amazing! :D
Thanks for the Welcome!

Well certainly the the second shot on the second post is a little thin, in terms of exposure, but I guess that could be the ******/neg/print, or scan of said medium. Are these purely fashion or do they have an intention? Are you trying to communicate a mood or theme through these shots?
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^ it's most likely my scan..the neg is a bit thin, but i was sort of going for that kind of lighting...i wanted her to be hiding a little. i used all natural lighting, no hotlights or anything, and while there is a ton of light in that stairwell, i think it was overcast, so i knew i wasn't going to get any harsh lighting, but it ended up being exactly what i wanted.

anyway, i don't think they're purely fashion'll notice that the models aren't wearing like, really exciting clothes or anything. i'm really interested in angles, light and shadow, colors... stuff like that when i shoot and i was going for sort of awkward positions or positions that would seem out of the ordinary. i'm still working on more from this series that i haven't shot yet...maybe the complete series would be easier to see. in general, my first instinct when setting up shots isn't what the mood is but what it's going to look like. maybe you could call it a physical rather than emotional relationship..but after i see all the images together, moods come out and they start speaking to me. i think anyone who takes pictures could say that it's a process that doesn't end when the shoot ends. it's a pretty long relationship.

it's been a long time since i've actually shot a person deliberately...meaning, not at a live rock show or covertly something. other fashion stuff i've done has been on dress forms or mannequins, and other times it's been people i didn't know (the girl is a friend and the boy is my boyfriend) so it was a totally different situation. i love shooting people i know because i find it easier to get them to do really weird stuff..although shooting people i don't know is also really fun.

do you take pictures too?

I do indeed, although it seems I will need to upload them to the web before I can put them on this forum...
oop, nope! in the advanced reply, scroll down to 'manage attachments' and you can upload from your computer

pamelaz said: :flower:

It's just been redesigned.. and some things still have to be uploaded/created. I also took down alot of my old work. Thank you for your comments on my work too.

Pamela rocks! She is coming to NYC in Junr & I'm very excited - we shall make magic ;)
smashinfashion said:
hey pamela i went to your website, you have some cool stuff! what do you shoot with? i am an aspiring photographer also. also do some styling, i just finished a styling assisting job with maxim mag, it was fun! heres some photos i took recently.


I love them! I added you to my buddy list on the fourms - I'd love to work with you sometime :)
come on photographers..i know there are more of you out there!

yes...i'd like to see more as well---

francesca...there is a quality to your images that is really appealing to about some more...?...there's a tentativeness and a draws me in...:heart:

there's s person behind the lens that is coming seems very personal...

good luck at SVA pamelaz...:flower:
just did a photoshoot of some jones newyork dresses am selling. will post them tomorrow
also some others
thanks, softgrey..i should have some more images next week, i'm going to be shooting more this week if weather permits..something of a monsoon out there right now..eek!

and i can't wait to see yours too urbanstylin!
so here's where my post have been moved too :P

hahaha.. you all got some very nice pics!!
KL Fashion Week 2005 just ended. Will upload catwalk pics soon.

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