If you're unsure about an item's authenticity just by looking at the photos you should always take into consideration the other items the seller is selling, for example - a lot of the same thing up for auction at once is usually a giveaway, whereas a mixture of different designers and pieces will often mean the seller is just selling on some items they no longer want, rather than dealing with a factory full of fakes direct from China.
With feedback it's not always just negatives than can give you clues - try to read the positives too - sometimes a buyer will leave a positive but still say "great item, not sure about authenticity but good for the price"...as they don't really mind if an item is genuine, they just want a bargain.
Try to research the piece you're after if you're going to be spending $$$ and never trust the pics taken straight off of Eluxury. Be sure you know what the lining and label should look like, and that all the trimmings and hardware is correct for the style. If in doubt, don't spend a lot of cash...
Remember, if they can fake the handbag, they can obviously fake an id card and dustbag.
Chanel is usually a fairly safe bet as their Vero people are straight on anything even slightly dubious, but be more vigilant with Dior, LV, Tiffany etc.
It can help to ask the seller a random question too, and see how quickly they reply, what their English is like (if they're saying they are registered in the UK or US for instance, but the English would lead you to believe the item may be shipped from Singapore or China)
You can still find amazing, genuine items on Ebay - you shouldn't always assume it's fake.
Phew, I really typed a lot...well I hope it helps someone from being duped