The Business of Magazines

She’s still at it at this point. Alt is the face of VP. Good luck axing her CN
There’s Paris FW and the 100th anniversary of VP. If there’s an announcement, it won’t happen before those two major events.

I remember that Carine’s departure was announced during a very calm period, after the 90th anniversary and before the January FW.
Tom Macklin has left Hearst UK as creative and entertainment director of Esquire, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar and Town & Country:

I understood that Sylvia was the only one that left VP. One VP staff commented on her post something like she’ll be missed and her place never be the same.
Regardless of our opinions on editors (sans Farneti), all these departures break my heart a bit. Personal opinions aside, all these departures is a big red flag to the magazine industry.

The industry has long been dying since 2010. This pandemic brought it to its knees.
Everybody is leaving…
There are still speculations on what Vogue Paris might look like after but they are all leaving.

It’s great that she had that moment with her team…I think that means that the September issue is done already.

It’s sad but I’m super excited for what is next for Emmanuelle. She is above all a great stylist.
Incredibly sad and disheartening to see all these departures from both Hearst UK and Condé Nast. All this uncertainty is driving me crazy. I needed a clearcut statement from Condé regarding the consolidation… back in May.
Everybody is leaving…
There are still speculations on what Vogue Paris might look like after but they are all leaving.

It’s great that she had that moment with her team…I think that means that the September issue is done already.

It’s sad but I’m super excited for what is next for Emmanuelle. She is above all a great stylist.
I don’t understand. So they are closing VP.
Even Vogue Spain still with some people in the team. Who will be responsible for the October issue?
At this rate, Vogue's future is as a digital-only publication with the façade of being guest-edited by a revolving door of semi-famous people, with the main aim to sell you Vogue-branded T-shirts, and everyone involved in this picture will pat themselves on the back for being influential figures shaping the future of fashion.
Mark my words, in a decade or so, only 1 VOGUE Edition will remain. With the last few pages as translations of the articles in the language of the locality where it will be sold. Then all other editions will go digital (Instagram, YouTube +++) to support the print issue.

Mad props to Hearst Magazines. You don't see this consolidation joke with Hearst.

Even Cosmopolitan and Bazaar Global editions (who are notorious for reprints) have EICs!

Closing the edition? Sure. Firing the EIC, but the edition remains to exist under a global editor? SURE JAN.

Pathetic decision. Humiliating even.

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