The Official Harry Potter Thread

Pottermore update - WELCOME EMAIL DATES

This goes by what day you registered and the week you should be expecting an email. Being that I don't think ANYONE has gotten an email yet I'm going to assume by the latest date on each week we'll get our emails. As a fact these are rumored BUT it kind of makes sense? It gives us all something to look forward to!

Day 1 August 8-14
Day 2 August 15-21
Day 3 August 22-28
Day 4 August 29-September 4
Day 5 September 5-11
Day 6 September 12-18
Day 7 September 19-25

Read more at -
i hope this isn't true. and day 7 would barely have an advantage over the normal registrations, so why even bother?!
i dont think the dates are true. im looking at comments on ONTD and some people who registered on day 7 got their email already

edit: OMG I GOT MY EMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!

edit #2: but the email is not for accessing pottermore... well damn i went from excited to disappointment really fast :lol:
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Just got my e-mail! I will be part of those who will be given early entry to Pottermore :buzz: :buzz:

Extracted from the e-mail they sent me:

We will activate your account between mid-August and the end of September, so keep checking your inbox for our Welcome email.
^ Me too. It sucks that it will take seven weeks for everyone to get in. Seven days seems more fair.

At least if the above is true then it's not that long a wait for the people that didn't get early registration.
I gave up on the Pottermore thing. Well, early registration anyways. For the first couple of days, I literally did not know how to find the Magic Quill. Had no idea that you had to be there on the right time - to see the clue - so basically people had to watch the website every hour? :shock: And when I found out that was how to do it, I gave up. Tbh. I'm not sure I will care about Pottermore. Imo, JKR should just write that damn prequel about the Marauders and Snape instead... :innocent::lol:
I gave up on the Pottermore thing. Well, early registration anyways. For the first couple of days, I literally did not know how to find the Magic Quill. Had no idea that you had to be there on the right time - to see the clue - so basically people had to watch the website every hour? :shock: And when I found out that was how to do it, I gave up. Tbh. I'm not sure I will care about Pottermore. Imo, JKR should just write that damn prequel about the Marauders and Snape instead... :innocent::lol:

The times were posted on the fansites and on a pottermore insider blog.
On day 1 it was at 1am UK time, day 2 at 2am, day 3 at 3am, but then on day 4 is when it was changed to fit fans in the US, so it was at 9am central US time and then it got later until day 7.

You wouldn't have known unless you actually sought it out.
I agree, they definitely could have done a better job of alerting fans, but I think they were trying to get the biggest fans (aka the ones who visit fansites regularly).
^I used to be one of those fans who went to the fansites regularly but I found it too time consuming but now I wished I had figured that out. I didn't get into Pottermore because I could never figure out which time the site opened. I think I always got to the site right after it closed for the day. :( I do think they could have done a better job at alerting people about the whole thing. This site better be worth it but I have a feeling I wont be an active member on it (even though I consider myself a massive fan of the books/movies). I'd rather read the books then have an online sort of HP world (or whatever it is exactly). Although the one thing I'm excited about is getting sorted into the houses. That's all I want to know! lol
The times were posted on the fansites and on a pottermore insider blog.
On day 1 it was at 1am UK time, day 2 at 2am, day 3 at 3am, but then on day 4 is when it was changed to fit fans in the US, so it was at 9am central US time and then it got later until day 7.

You wouldn't have known unless you actually sought it out.
I agree, they definitely could have done a better job of alerting fans, but I think they were trying to get the biggest fans (aka the ones who visit fansites regularly).

I did find out about the times on the fourth day, but it didn't work! So I just gave up. I consider myself a pretty big fan although, not obsessive. But the main thing is probably that I'm not sure I care too much about Pottermore since it's not new content. It's a new way of reading old content. More interactive perhaps, but nonetheless covers old material.
^ No, Rowling had stated in her interviews that she will be posting tidbits and providing additional information on her characters. So, yes, it is new content, ebooks aside.

I got the Pottermore email! :woot:
I don't get it though. Why can't she just write those books then? She wanted to do a Harry Potter lexicon or something herself - which was why she sued that dude who had made one. But she has still not published that, right? Then there were some talks about prequels - about the Marauders but I haven't seen anything from there either? If it's just additional information on the characters - why didn't she put it in the books? Like the Dumbledore is gay thing. Oh well. I guess I'll find out with the rest of the plebs when the site's really open for the public.
^The Marauders era prequel was a short thing that came out a while back. You can read it here:

There are scenes that she might have wanted to put into the books but chose not to because they didn't really fit, might have seem to be dragging it on for the lesser fans, interrupted the flow of the story, didn't have a good place in the timeline, she came up with something after it was already published, etc. For example, she wrote a scene at the Malfoy Manor with Draco and Theodore Nott for the second book. It got cut out because it didn't fit right, but she liked it so much that she tried to put it into the fourth book. That didn't work either so she just ended up taking it out. (I hope she includes that on Pottermore, btw.) In the preview presentation, there was also a snippet of a scene with James and Lily meeting up with Petunia and Vernon. That probably wouldn't have fit anywhere either.

I don't think she sued HPL just because of that. It was around for a while and she actually had praise for it until they decided to make money out of it by selling it as a book version.

As for Dumbledore being gay, that might have just been how she imagined it and not something she felt the need to put in the book. Maybe there wasn't a good place to put it (and I personally couldn't see a place, but I'm JKR so that's irrelevant). Maybe the controversy of it played a role. The series reaches an extremely large audience including kids, and some conservative parents might not have liked homosexuality in the book. Because of how big the phenomenon is, things like that probably do get considered.
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New concept art for the Warner Bros "Harry Potter Studio Tour" that's opening in Spring 2012 in London.

They're using some of the billions they've made off the Potter series to re-build Leavesden studios, so that they can shoot more films there and they're also building a museum of all the most popular Potter sets and props for fans to tour:


There's also a trailer that shows more of the concept. Here's a link:
^ I seriously cannot wait to go. I'd rather see this than the theme park. The stuff here is the actual real deal.

When I was in LA and went on the WB studio tour I spoke to our guide about this cause it was just after WB had brought Leavesden and he said they had already had people from England over there studying and learning their tours etc and this was Nov last year. He said that this is seriously going to be freaking awesome.
Reviews of Pottermore from fans who have already gained early access to it: :D

Earlier today select users started receiving their Welcome E-mails which granted them access to J.K. Rowling’s Pottermore.

We’ve gathered a few of their reviews to give you a sneak peek, including one from Hypable’s own Jeremy Baril!

Overall fans are very satisfied with the site though there have been a few qualms.

Jeremy had this to say:

Pottemore is a breathtakingly detailed companion to an equally detailed world. J.K. Rowling has beautifully translated her magical world into the digital age in a way befitting of the Harry Potter series. Within each “moment” are such beautiful details and visuals that when new writings from Jo herself become available, they are a marvelous icing on an already wonderful cake. I only urge you not to rush, because, as with the Potter books themselves, there are plenty of details and treats to find along the way!

When we asked our followers on Twitter what they thought we received these responses:

From Allie:

The graphics are amazing and I loved reading the new material from JK Rowling! I think my favorite part was reading about McGonagall’s backstory because it’s pretty surprising.

“Luna Lovegood” wrote:

I just finished the first book and it was abosolutely amazing! The graphics were so cool. Potion making was kinda hard though.

It took “Luna” about four hours to get through the book’s moments (the main feature of Pottermore). BUT:

If you’re going to sit and do all the spells and potions, it’ll take you WAY longer. I skipped most of that cause it wasn’t loading.

Said Kevin:

Pottermore is truly spectacular! The new info on McGonnogall is incredibly entertaining and insightful. Best site ever! learning about McGonnogall past and the reason why she cares so much about quidditch was quite illuminating and fun. Also learning the reason why Quirrell went looking for Voldemort. There is so much more to the story than we could even imagine.

Finally, Cristina told us:

It’s cool. Awesome wand info. Potions SUPER buggy. Practiced dueling, can’t wait for them to go live. Will be AWESOME.
My friend's on there now and the stories she's posted so far have been amazing. :flower: Can't show them to you in case her account will be deleted though.

However, it seems that only Book 1 is available so far and Book 2 won't be ready until mid-2012. I'm not sure if this is true!
I feel like once I get the email it will be bad cause I will just sit at home and read the site.

There goes the social life.

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