The Perfect Wardrobe


Nov 12, 2003
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A couple questions...

1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

6. What are you missing?

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

Feel free to add more questions, share advice or tips. :smile:
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

A black/white polo!!!!!!!! It is so practical - always looks good. it looks great with jeans or with a nice skirt.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
Everything that looks old, things I never use.

I do try to clean it twice a year but it is hard. I have a problem seperating from the clothes and after I've done it I must go shopping as it feels like no clothes are left. Do I sound crazy now?!

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
Wardrobe 1: Pants, skirts, dresses.

Wardrobe 2: underwear,sleepwear,socks

Wardrobe 3: T-shirts, workout-clothes, sweaters

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
Most of my things are black, white, beige and pink. Lots of pink accessories. I'm pretty classic I guess. I think you can see that I love fashion and that I'm pretty sure of what I like.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
My grandmother gave me a black Emilio Pucci polo she never used (it was from the 60s!!!) and I loved it!! After 4 years it started falling into pieces.. and I had to throw it away. I have 3-4 black polos now.

6. What are you missing?
Sexy shoes! I want a new jacket to ( I saw one today...) , jeans.. I have a hard time finding jeans.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
Always have the basics in high quality and natural colors. And don't buy things because they are trendy if you don't really like them
I suppose I could answer too! :P

1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

A pencil skirt. It can be sexy or practical, depending on what you wear with it. And a pair of pants/jeans that make your backside look good no matter what, so you always have a confidence booster when your having an off day

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

I throw out things that are starting to get worn. Usually I clean out my closet before a huge shopping spree, so I know what I need

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

My closet isn't organized very well. :blush:

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

A mix of Bombshell and Classic. I really like classic pieces with an edge.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

My white stretchy 50's style sundress. I feel sexy, but classy and very Marilyn Monroe like

6. What are you missing?

A trench coat, and a pearl necklace. Plus I would love a Chanel suit someday!

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

You can have a great wardrobe no matter your budget. It doesn't matter if you shop at KMart of Sak's. Choose clothes that fit you well, and wear everything with confidence.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

Good quality versatile lingerie that works under any kind of clothing - I like really bright coloured lingerie
but I also have things such as strapless fleshtoned bras, a good push up,etc.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out? Usually once a season, but not for oooh two years at the moment - its bursting!!

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
By color and then by item.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
Multiple personality disorder and color blind :woot:

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
Changes every week

6. What are you missing?
A new pair of sandals for this summer - will buy when I go to Milan in a few weeks time :innocent: and this seasons style of jeans too...

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
Spend on accessories.
If you don't buy into the seasons most obvious trends, your wardrobe won't date as fast and you will look more original. Avoid anything which features heavily in every magazine, you might as well ditch it at the end of the season which is wasteful IMHO.
Avoid colors which dont suit your skintone and clothing which doesnt suit your lifestyle
I cleaned out my closet after graduation from school and then again after I quit working in banking. :rolleyes: So I'm literally down to essentialls now and rebuilding, great questions.

1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
--I would say probably something you would feel comfortable wearing to any of the events you might face in the near future-ie are you more likely to have a job interview/lunch with a friend/a black tie event or more likely to go to a party/a soccer match/school...

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
--If it's too big- definetely ditch. If it's too small I'll sometimes keep because I'm nuts that way. I will sometimes try tons and tons of things on and try to be really honest about things that simply don't look good. Anything which cannot be repaired, is stained etc, goes. I rarely part with "important" designer pieces. I tend to collect... I never part with those clothes which have serious sentimental value- :heart:

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
--For the most part it is organized by type of clothing, skirts, jackets, trousers, dresses. Those things which don't get worn any longer (ie- the sentimental pieces) are stored in the part of my closet which I cannot readily access anyway. Very out of season items often go in a cedar chest.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
--Maybe classic with a twist, I don't know anymore. Definetely not bombshell, definetely not sex kitten. I like to play with the whole masculine/feminine thing so white man tailored shirts, v neck sweaters, small jackets, man tailored shirts, pencil skirts, a serious supply of jeans, stilettos... etc.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
--Ok I am going to go with a sentimental piece over everything else- a black Katayone Adeli strapless top which I've had for something like 5 years now and I always fel great when I wear it. The material is really bizzare, it is very flattering, versatile... but mostly I have great memories of wearing it!

6. What are you missing?
--Seeing as how I have an impossible to fit inseam, enough long trousers! Seriously it is a crisis.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
-- Do a major cleaning and throw out everything that doesn't fit, doesn't get worn, etc- if nothing else it is cathartic. Go back to question 1. :innocent: :wink:
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
A nice suit, evening gown, cocktail dress, nice jacket/blazer for casual outings, well fitted jeans, light summery dress or skirt

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
stuff that will never fit me ever again...but almost never

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
by type

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
something like cute classic? I like classic, more timeless and versatile pieces with a little twist to make it fun

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
no idea...

6. What are you missing?
nice black pants that actually FIT

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
evaluate your current lifestyle and the places you frequent, events you attend, etc. and omit or add accordingly
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

I think that the most important pieces are:

A fabulous jacket. One that makes you feel sexy and confident. One you will wear with anything, just because you can.
Black pants. This might sound silly, but a really good pair of black pants are harder to come by than you might think in some closets.
A classic white button down shirt. They can be sexy as hell or classy and professional, all depends on what you do with it
The LBD, of course
A classic white tshirt, again something you can do a lot with when you're building
The Perfect Pair of Jeans. They deserve all those capitals. The ones that make your *** look better than it's looked in the last ten years. Maybe some of you can't really appreciate that, but it's one of my criteria.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

This sounds funny, I know, but my mother and I wear the same size. She often raids my closet under the guise of a friendly visit. She says it's all just payback for when I would dress up in her things during HS. I tend to donate stuff she doesn't want if I don't wear it for a year. But having said that, if it's good quality and sort of classic, I keep it. I tend to have a lot of classics in my closet that I recycle all the time, and then when i buy other things, they're usually pretty trendy. So the trendy stuff that's gotten passe gets the boot.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

I already did that thread!

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

Despite my picks for #1, it says 'eccentric.'

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

Since you said favorite and not 'most worn' I'm going to go with a vintage YSL men's button-down pinstriped shirt. I wear it for kicking around and I sleep in it all summer. Every summer.

6. What are you missing?

I have been eyeing these cute cute pucci-esque scarves.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

Don't buy things that don't fit to motivate yourself to fit into them. Know your body type and colouring. Stick to what works. For example I love softly flowing silky little dresses, but my attempting to wear them constitutes a crime against humanity. If you try something on (and if you're spending the money, you really should,) don't buy it unless it looks perfect. If something looks off, it's because something is and you're just not quite spotting the flaw yet.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
Definately a white cotton button down shirt. Or two.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
If I never see myself wearing it again, it's gone.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

Main Closet: Shelf... Handbags on way top, over a box full of shorts and soccer socks. Then, the clothing is in order of Coats, Hoodies, Short Sleeve Sweaters, Long Sleeve Sweaters, Old Tees, Tanks, Long Sleeve Tops/Tees, Tees. Then, going into those categories, everything is organized by color (Pink, ROYGBIV, Beige, Brown, White/Black), then after that, by shade, and after that, by how large the garment is. Anal, I know.

Other closet: Soccer shirts, skirts, cheerleading/soccer uniforms. All in the same order as my other closet.

Dresser: Top drawer: Undies, sleepwear. No particular order, just neat.
Second drawer: Pants. Jeans on the left, tan/khaki shades in the middle, black shades on the right.
Third Drawer: Jewelry, or lack of it.
Fourth Drawer: More jeans. Everywhere, jeans.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
Sophisticated yet crazy. Wool trousers? Got 'em. Hot pink sweatshirt? That, too.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
I have so many! As of now, I guess my favorites would be: the Tommy Hilfiger black turtleneck one of my friends got me for my birthday, my beatup favorite jeans, and my Nine West tan boots (my first pointed toe shoes/stilettos :blush: Sentiment!).

6. What are you missing?
Everything I don't have. :lol: Actually.. a black or navy peacoat and a good black handbag. And some trousers.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

Go with what you like, and nothing else.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

A good pair of black trousers....classic

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

Things that I just don't like anymore trendy pieces that are no longer in...every couple of months I try to go through my closet.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

Color and type. My closet is mostly black so it is pretty easy.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

A little bit of classic with cutting edge mixed in with sex kitten blended well

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

My tailored white suit

6. What are you missing?

Everything. :wink:

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

Buy and throw out classsic quality pieces and buy some trendy pieces for an edge
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

a few good pairs of jeans, trousers-worn crisp, starched and ironed, a good button down preferably black, black turtleneck, nice blazer, amazing belts, the very basics

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

lots of black, quirky pieces

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

sonia rykiel knit sweater brown with a giant bow in the front-ala mousse dessert

6. What are you missing?

nice cardigan...

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

flattering colors, printed blouses, great shoes

Feel free to add more questions, share advice or tips.
1.What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe?

The most important pieces?

Basics, the glue that holds everything together – t-shirts, jeans, black hosieries,

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch?

I buy too many tops so now whenever I buy a new top an old top has to be thrown out (or in my case offered to my sister who hates shopping and mostly gladly accepts my hand-me-downs)

How often do you throw stuff out?

3-4 times a year

3. How is your closet organized? By colour, products, designers?

I have 4 different places where my clothes go

1) Contains my designer evening dresses, formal dresses, jackets and coats.

2) Contains my cashmere, casual designer wear, casual dresses and shirts.

3) Contains my jeans, sweaters, cardigans, tops and t-shirts, underwear, socks and hosieries

4) Contains most of my spring/summer clothes in fall/winter and my fall/winter clothes in spring/summer.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, etc.

Classic, feminine with a twist...playful. toned down sexy. schizo

5. What's your favourite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

Right now none..but before my pregnancy:

An old light green and lilac Betsey Johnson dress,

cream coloured TSE cashmere cardigan,

a shinny thin knitted H&M cardigan in a teal-ish colour that exactly matches the colour of my eyes

dirty-dusty light pink frilly short sleeved Jigsaw silk blouse,

hot pink and champagne golden brushstroke patterned pleated silk skirt by Malene Birger,

a fitted cashmere YSL jacket in charcoal and

whatever pair of jeans that are my favorite ones at the moment.

6. What are you missing?


I have narrow shoulders generally overall slim (well, we’re talking prior pregnancy here…and hopefully soon again) a narrow back but a large cup-size making a fitted white shirt a hellish task to find.

sandy caramel coloured trench coat,


new pants (think burberry prorsum loose mens-cut trousers),

billowing knee-length skirt in white and one in sand (boho),

pink skirt with giraffes on from Anthropologie,

sequin cape in muted silver, gold or chrome,

new pairs of castaner espadrilles.

Need more basics in white, off-white, sand, blues.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

Mentally coordinate your existing wardrobe with the pieces you want to buy, for inspiration: do people watching, critically dissect current fashion and take only what will work for you, preferably in the long run.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces? Different colored sweaters and good pair of jeans..

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out? The things I don't use.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers? It's by product: Shirts, T's, Sweaters and each product goes by color coordination.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect. Casual but at the same time Chic.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? My Jeans collection, I love it all..

6. What are you missing? Hmm.. basically pretty much everything haha..

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe? I need some of my own haha.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?

really well-fitted tees and shirts suited to your individual body type, perfectly fitted and versatile bras, a fantastic pair of jeans, and a good pair of black everyday shoes

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?

I try to get rid of one thing for every thing I buy... I also get rid of any things that have been worn out, shrunken, etc. also any non-special items that I never really wore. I don't believe in that rule "if you haven't worn it in a year, throw it out", because I've bought things before that I knew weren't right for me at the time, but I held on to them - like a bag I bought about three years ago that didn't become a staple for me till this year. :P

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?

by item, then by colour, then length. shoes grouped in similar order on shelves. all scarves, gloves, soft hats, all underwear and pajamas, foldable tops, and sweaters in their own respective drawers,

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.

lots of black, student, vintage, soft meets edgy

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

a black pleated silk chiffon babydoll dress with leather details from maxstudio special edition, my grey sevens, black cashmere sweatshirt, my white leather bag, dark chocolate brown leather vintage trench coat

6. What are you missing?

a really nice long, black, perfectly fitted belted trenchcoat, some solid flat black leather boots, some nice matching underwear... and everything. :wink:

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?

don't look to trends to guide what you buy...follow your own style and instincts. get plenty of basics in all of the colours and styles you normally wear. start with the basics and then build around those with creative and quirky pieces.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
i.) A good heavy coat, fur lined/ good quality.
ii.) A flattering pair of jeans
iii.) One pair of black dress pants, one pair lght dresspants.
iv.) Several flirty skirts, long,short, baggy, tight.
v.) 3 good suits + matching shirts
vi.) several multi-coloured good quality simple tops & cardigans
v11.) A bunch of fancy little tops :smile:

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
a.) Have I worn it in the past 4 months?
b.) Does it look good on me?
c.) Is it still in one piece?
d.) Is it fabulous?
e.) Is it useful - does it match with things?

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
i.) Piece then colour

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic,
Arty/sexy classical dresser.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
Tough one, my handmade antique pencil skirt

6. What are you missing?
What am I NOT missing lol. I am in te process of revamping

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe
All of the above :smile: + make sure you buy quality, not quantity - and make sure the pieces are easliy interchangable.
hey I'm new here!!!

1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
- a good pair of jeans, polos and a classic handbag

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
- if i havent worn it more than once that year i'll give it away or throw it away

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
-by color

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
- classic with a unique twist....i like to wear a lot of black, but no one i know has any of the same shirts as me....i get things with embellishments or different fabric etc

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
- black italian wool diesel turtleneck with crocheted wrists and neck

6. What are you missing?
- a new handbag

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
- buy classic pieces vs trendy pieces
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces?
A good quality coat/jacket
Good pair of jeans (or two or three)
Quality casual shirts (crew polo)
Casual pants
A couple of nice suits
Black dress shoes
Brown dress shoes
Pair of heels that are versatile (for casual or semi formal wear)
Quality undergarments
Accessories to brighten up any outfit (nice pearls included) :smile:
A good quality watch

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
Oooh, this is a thorn in my side...because I cleaned out my closet right before I got married and gave a bunch of stuff away and almost everyday I wish I would've held on to lots of I cant answer this yet. I haven't thrown anything out in the last two years.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
By product (pants, denim, skirts, shirts, suits, coats/jackets, etc)

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
Arty/Casual/Sporty/Depends on how I am feeling.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
I don't have one yet.

6. What are you missing?
I don't think there's enough bandwidth on TFS for my "missing item list" :lol:

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
Start with the basics and build from there (what I am doing). Look for classic/timeless pieces.

Some more advice...stay within your budget....just because its the hottest thing out (at the moment) don't break your bank trying to get it. What I started doing is buying two accessories every week and once a month I buy one clothing item and one pair of is working out wonderfully. :smile:
Some more yourself, express yourself and love who you are and what you wear....confidence is more than half the battle. :flower:
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1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe?
*a perfect pair of jeans
*a blazer that looks like it was made for you
*a pair of heels that always make you feel fabulous
*a sweatshirt/sweatpants/t shirt that was stolen from a boy
*a scarf in the perfect color for you

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
if i cant remember how or when i bought something, or cant imagine an occasion where i would wear it.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
i dont like closets, i always feel like i cant find anything. i keep everything i own on huge retail racks. not really in any particular order.

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
complete shopoholic.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
*black pinstripe elie tahari blazer
*my hollister jeans (that fit perfectly!)
*all of my pasminas and scarves
*my gucci sandals
*my louis vuitton speedy that my mom when i was born and gave to me when i was 16

6. What are you missing?
*a good clutch
*a basic denim skirt
*a pencil skirt
*a fur coat

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
dont buy too much in one day, whenever i do this i usually end up not being crazy about most of what ive bought the next day ... pace yourself.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces? Jeans (der) flats hoodies.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out? I never clean out my closet enough... but i ditch the stuff that is just too boring and doesnt say anything about me. Each piece has to be different somehow, i cant just wear a t-shirt unless there is something about it. (make sense?)

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers? Kind of like how my life is organized, not at all...

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect. My wardrobe is girly classy, mixed with boho and a little rock-n-roll.

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? Big black off the shoulder sweater.

6. What are you missing? shoes, skirts, better jeans, jackets, shorts and heels... basically everything.

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe? Stop buying basics, only buy things that you ABSOLUTLEY love and eventually your wardrobe will transform itself into all pieces that work together but are not ho-hum and basic.
1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe? The most important pieces? jeans, blazers/ coats, casual pants, casual dresses, cocktail dresses, skirts

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out? I throw stuff out about every 3-4 months... i buy some cheaper clothes for fun and after 3 months they are to worn... i always give clothes to charity... i throw out stuff i dont wear... i throw out stuff that would make me unfashionable

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers? over one side i have all my cocktail dresses and some designer dresses... my evening gowns are in my mums wardrobe... not that i rerally wear them... i organise then buy colour... and materials... and i have a big heal rack... but keep the more expensive shoes in boxes...

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect. Okay partial Princess clothes... then classy/ classic, then cool casual, then rock chick, then seducterous.... partial bombshell... partial bimbo...

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? One of my made in heaven cocktail dresses

6. What are you missing? I want more boots... and more handbags...

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe? Anything you have worn over and over and over that isn't designer...
Hi Mand122 and welcome!

1. What do you think should be included in every good wardrobe?
- My opinion is that the most important thing with a warsdrobe is that it's color cordinated.

2. When cleaning out your closet, how do you decide what to ditch? How often do you throw stuff out?
- About once a year.

3. How is your closet organized? By color, products, designers?
It's organized by product

4. What do you think your wardrobe says about you? Bombshell, Classic, Sex Kitten, Sporty, ect.
- Very feminine, green and girly

5. What's your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
- A green chiffon dress (looks a little like the chloe one)
- My new trench coat from Bruunz Bazaar (green patterned)

6. What are you missing?
- A big leather handbag
- The perfect pair of jeans (am a skirt girls, so all of my jeanse are really old)
- Shoes (I have more than enough, but can never get enough..)

7. Any advice on building or revamping a wardrobe?
- As I've said earlier, color coordnate, it makes your wardrobe huge. And chic. No matter what you throw on it matches what you already have on. Have a base color. Mine is green - a really easy color to work with because it matches everything. :smile:

Spend on shoes, they can make or break an outfit.

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