J'aime_la_mode said:ok, i have a problem....iv been a vegetarian for a loong time and im completely happy-meat just disgusts me and im appalled at the way animals are treated on factory farms-its really disgusting and i feel strongly about my beliefs. As iv posted earlier, iv become a strict vegan a few months ago- I dont eat any animal products whatsoever and im very happy with my choice. But..heres the problem, today i was walking by a store and i saw the most beautiful coat. It was the perfect kind, that you see and your like wow this is the one thing that would complete my wardrobe!! But when I got to the register, i realized the coat was made of genuine leather. I felt so stupid but for some reason i just didnt care- i wanted that coat so bad. I didnt buy it but you have no idea how bad I wanted to. I would feel like a horrible hypocritical person if i did but when i put it on, its like i completely forget that i was wearing a dead cow. And fake leather always seems so cheap and tacky....sorry this is so long but im very confused and would very much like some input....
J'aime la mode, I totally understand...being that tu aimes la mode, and we all aimons la mode here... For me, fake leather is not an option either. But you know, I think someone like you...perhaps if you had started wearing the coat on a daily basis you would begin to feel the "weight" of the coat. I had a leather coat I used to love, but after being vegan for a long time it just felt uncomfortable...weighed down and heavy, both morally and physically, wearing the coat. It's different w/shoes and belts because they are smaller pieces, the impact isnt so great. I'm not all-or-nothing, but I definitely feel physically so much lighter, happier and more energetic when I'm not wearing any leather though. Hard to explain but it's true.