The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

Melisande said:
Meat eaters get too way more protein than their bodies can take, so the extra protein causes extremely harmful effects which I will not get into now. In fact vegetable protein is more easily assimilated into the body, so you may eat less protein but the body is able to absorb more of it.

As I may have mentioned a while back, some of the healthiest, sportiest, most MUSCULAR people I know are vegans. :p

Tell the truth, I don't think there is a single benefit from eating meat, haute femme! And so, so many reasons to stop, even just for your own body's sake. :flower: I'm not a gung-ho animal activist or anything, but just from my own experiences of having been a meat eater and then going vegan, I can tell you I expereinced innumerable benefits. Energy, clear skin, no colds, weight loss, firm body, among others.

very well said!:heart: Protein is not a problem! thats what i'd like everyone thinking about a veg diet to hear... true, there can be some health issues if you are living purely on potato chips, a bad diet is a bad diet, vege or not. If you eat a balanced diet (even without protein filled meat!? :o ) you will be juuuuusssttt fine!
ok need some advice ladies (and gents of course), i want to make my dad a really delicious vegetarian meal this friday night so i'd like to hear your ideas. He's toyed with the idea of vegetarianism for a while (and to my great confusion constantly eats left over chicken-because its wrong to waste food, or says that he would eat a steak if he was going to a bbq and thats what they were fixing :huh: -because of course thats polite) but i find that the foods that he typically eats when he decides its convenient for him to be vegetarian are- potato chips, grilled cheese sandwiches, egg salad, macaroni and cheese, pasta with cream sauce, fried eggs, fried potatoes (really potatoes in any variation), and maybe a salad thrown in there with some fattening dressing.
I don't mean to be a food nazi, but this guys got cholesterol problems and i cringe seeing him eating 2 fried eggs, buttered toast, and fried potatoes. His vege diet isnt much healthier than his meat-eatin diet, and i want to show him that a vegetarian diet isnt purely avoiding meat, but there are some really yummy options out there, besides the random side dishes he's used to. Any suggestions would be well appreciated!!
How about making him a big pot of hearty chili? I find that everyone(mostly) loves chili and it is incredibly healthy. Add some oyster crackers for the crunch. You can find great recipes here:

Perhaps you could do a stir fry. With some broccoli sprouts, broccoli, zucchini, onions, garlic, tomatoes and bell peppers. If you make some beans and rice as a side it's perfect. Heat up some tortillas and it's delicious. You could even try marinating the vegetables.

What is his favourite type of food? If you narrow it down then we can help you out with more ideas.
I like making enchiladas with refried beans, and grilled vegetables instead of the standard chicken or meat. That's always a crowd pleaser.
for either recipe mentioned (chili and enchiladas) you could use boca ground "beef" it's made out of soy! I mean I know how guys love their meat:rolleyes: So if it needs more substance for them to like it then I say throw in something like that
i have not eaten meat in about 8 years now, such as chicken, pork, beef etc. i eat fish occasionally. no eggs. dairy- really just in my cappuccino/organic.
has anyone else experienced cracking joints? they don't hurt, but i am popping left right and pun intended. i seem to be cracking in my finger joints, wrists, ankles, knees, collarbone area and small of my back.
i was frightened at first, abt last year..but it is very annoying to hear it.
i had a doctor check it out and he said that i am just getting older and we crack. i am not that old..29. I would think cracking starts later. It sounds like pops. my neck too!( just did as i readjusted to type this)
does it have to do with not having amino acids? someone told me that. it can't be calcium because it is my joints not bones.
what can i do?
i feel very fragile lately...
i used to be very active and suddenly stopped could that be it?
it also started around the time i was taking anxiety meds..which is when i noticed it..
argh...i hope it's not from lack of meat or protein?
I am by no means a dr., I've been a vegetarian for about 8 years and never had that problem. My mom has been one since she's six and she has cracking joints, she also has a calcuim problem and takes a suppliment for it. I would say, and again don't take my advice to heart, it's calcuim since you don't eat dairy.
If you think it might be the meds, just check the web page and it'll have a list of side effects. It's possible, since most anxiety/depression meds affect people in different and odd ways.
I think you can have a simple blood test to check calcium levels? Not sure on that one though. :flower:
i crack and pop, especially my ankles and legs... i've always thought it was harmless :huh: . if you think its lack of calcium/iron or whatever make sure you are getting your leafy greens!
Dairy is not a good source of calcium. In fact it causes calcium deficiencies. Dairy is very acidic in the body so the body uses stored minerals such as calcium to nutralize it.
In countries where dairy is rarely or never consumed osteoporosis is not even heard of. It is in countries which consume huge amounts of dairy that osteoporosis is a huge problem.
You best source of calcium (and protein) comes from dark leafy greens. Raw not cooked.

Good point Lucinda. The calcium from spinach (although smaller in quantity) is far more efficiently absorbed by the body than the calcium in milk. Another thing that may impede calcium absorption is caffiene, and also iron. That's why some people should probably not mix those two in a course for their meal...

Hey Sweets! Good news! Your father's cholesterol levels should decrease quite a bit since there is no cholesterol in plant based foods. Cholesterol is only found in MEAT products, like butter, eggs, cheese, poultry etc....Coconut Milk (like in thai food) and avocadoes, despite being having saturated fat, are still okay in moderate quantaties (not to mention delicious) and they contain no cholesterol by themselves.
thanks for the info...
i would say i do drink alot of caffeine. more than someone who wouldn't.
i was never a big meat eater my whole life, so that is why I chose not to eat it 8 years ago.
it is just annoying, and sometimes embarressing when it's loud.
fyi- i am not overweight and i can only find cracking joints because of heavy weight....
Sometimes mild dehydration can cause joint problems too...Check yourself to see if you're drinking enough water...juices and other fluids are nice..but nothing comes close to good and simple H20
your right...
I def have stopped on the fluids. I notice that it seems not as noticeable in the summer- when I am drinking lots of water...
i will make an effort- thanks.
i want to take vitamins...but are they worth it?
i use to take dr weil's supplements, which didn't make me sick and are very specific to each individual..
they are expensive, about 90 a month..but fresh.
I would like to stop the red meat eating. But my mom wouldn't allow that - I'm pretty skinny, so she would think it would be to lose weight. I think I just have to wait until I move away from home :ninja: in about 4 (?) years..
lostinemotion said:
your right...
I def have stopped on the fluids. I notice that it seems not as noticeable in the summer- when I am drinking lots of water...
i will make an effort- thanks.
i want to take vitamins...but are they worth it?
i use to take dr weil's supplements, which didn't make me sick and are very specific to each individual..
they are expensive, about 90 a month..but fresh.

I hope the water helps combat the joint problem for you! :flower:
As for vitamins...what i can remember from classes is that most people do not need to take vitamins. If you're a MIGHT possibly need iron or Vitamin b-12 supplements (especially for vegans, since B-12 is primarily found in dairy products). However, if you're mindful with you diet, and eat a variety of foods, then you should be A-OK. should probably talk to a doctor first adn get levels checked. No point in taking supplements unless you are deficient. Sometimes you can end up with toxicities from too MUCH vitamins..
A side note too...supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so take them at your own risk. The best advice is to check up on a nutrition textbook or guide if you're really concerned. Overall a well-balanced, diet with a variety of foods is all you need.
made a really yummy mushroom nut loaf tonight with tomato sauce, anyone want the recipe pm me
can you all recommend which protein powders are the best? please don't recommend soy protein powders, i'm trying to avoid soy. thank you!
I just made my dinner! Well it's cooking in the oven for later.. Here's what I made..
3 new potatoes sliced (about 1/4 inch),
baby carrots sliced diagonally (again around 1/4 in).

First I got a little bread pan and lined the
bottom with potato slices, then I sprinkled fresh rosemary
on top of it, next on top of the potato slices put
carrot slices and drizzled small amount of extra-virgin
olive oil. And I repeated all that once more (layered it).
Topping the pan with foil and poking holes with toothpick
in the top that way the heat can some in but it keeps
all the flavoring in! Oh yes and the oven is heated at 400.
Can't wait to see how it tastes!:woot: I know I'll learn alot
for next time^_^ Like how long it needs to cook, etc...
^^ It turned out very good! Tender and warm^_^ I only ate half and I let my mom eat the other half because she liked it as well! Next time I may cut back a little of the rosemary and add some other herbs with it! ;)

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