The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

misssakura said:
Cocotte, you are missed you crazy girl. I wish everybody could get to know a chicken in the way I did - then nobody would eat or abuse these beautiful intellignt creatures. And they are both of those things in spades. Well some are uglier than others - that's just life. No species is full of supermodels.

Well said :flower: I wish people would realize that cats/dogs/bunnies/what have you are not the only animals that are 'cute' or 'lovable.' I have feelings for every animal, whether they are 'cute' or not.
That chicken is way friendlier than my cat. My cat hates to be petted but cocotte, she'd demand petting. And when you'd tickle her under the chin she'd start going to sleep and she'd make soft 'coo'ing type noises. Then if you stopped she'd look offended and peck you. Lots of personality.
^Sounds cute--I've never been around a chicken for more than five minutes at a time, but I've heard wonderful things about them. They seem to be quite unappreciated.
Ok, so I've been eating a vegetarian diet since my last post (4 days ago) and my skin is looking better than it has in a long time! I have a natural glow, something I can't remember ever having. I can't say for sure if this is because of my vegetarian diet these past few days or what! I've had a very small amount of dairy (only yogurt) so do you think that could be it? Has anyone noticed that their skin looks amazing after going vegetarian or is this a strange coincidence I'm experiencing?

Just so you know, these are most of the things I've been eating these past 4 days:

- veggie soup
- Odwalla bars
- Special K cereal with vanilla soy milk
- Viactiv calcium chews
- multivitamin (everyday)
- omega-3 capsules (everyday)
- apples
- salads
- a variety of teas
- peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on organic whole wheat bread
- rice
- Greek yogurt with honey
I wish my skin looked better! I haven't seen any difference, to be honest. If anything, it's worse. I've got a valuable excuse, though (I think): I'm a teenager :lol:

Regardless, congratulations on your new vegetarian diet, and new skin too!
marsmars PS: I know this person who calls himself a vegetarian but then will eat cookies at parties that he [I said:
knows[/I] have eggs in them. I remember almost saying something really rude. Most of the time I just let them have it. I don't give idiots a chance.

If you're a vegetarian, you don't eat MEAT. Stop complicating it! No eggs, no fish, no meat!

Okay. I'm done getting riled over this. :yuk:

The eggs you get from the grocery store aren't fertilized, that is, if you didn't eat them they wouldn't turn into chickens. Birds will naturally lay unfertilized eggs whether you're going to eat them or not... I'm not saying that the farming of chickens for eggs is humane by any means, because it is NOT, but it's ridiculous to say unfertilized eggs are meat, it would be like saying all female humans are murderers because we shed an unfertilized egg monthly. Unfertilized egg does not a baby make! :ninja:
I wish my skin looked better o_o Well I don't really break out anymore, especially not on my forehead. But I have a few open pores and things, it's not too bad. I think my complexion is better than it was before. But I still eat way too much sugar and don't clean my pillows often enough so wouldn't surprise me haha

I'm glad that you're enjoying the diet so far though :)
I'm not really a vegetarian, but I have a weird thing when it comes to meat. I cannot eat anything that "looks" like an animal, and comes in larger pieces. It freaks me out. I can literally see the animal alive on the plate. I don't know if anyone else is like that, but many people find it kinda strange :lol:
Can someone please tell me the best vegetarian items that contain the most protein? I know there's soymilk and beans, but what else? I really want to make sure I'm getting a lot of protein. Thanks! :flower:
^I know that meatless patties (read: Boca Burgers, Morningstar, etc.) have a large amount of protein in them--for example, one "Original" flavored Boca Burger patty has 13g of protein.
^ Thanks! I went out tonight and bought vegan meatless ground "hamburger"-style stuff, then made tacos using it. It was delicious and I fed a group of guys with it and they couldn't even tell the difference! ;)
TheKiwi - tofu, beans, lentils and soymilk are all excellent sources and are my favourites 'cause I try to eat as naturally as possible. I also like Boca Burgers and Yves Veggie Dogs for BBQ-ing, those Morningstar Farms Chik'n Nuggets, and Gardenburger makes interesting wraps with black bean patties and such inside. Check out Amy's Organic Chili if you like spicy, it comes in medium, spicy and with vegetables, and the medium and spicy varieties I have here at the moment both have 11 grams of protein per cup (250 ml). :)

Hmm...what else...P.F. Chang's serves absolutely to-die-for delicious tofu but I'm not sure if there is a location near NYC. Of course you've got so many other awesome restaurants there, my friend who got me addicted to P.F. Chang's also recommended Zen Palate and it was delicious. I highly recommend their Sweet & Sour Sensation (though I wish I could find some nutritional info). Their portions seem to be reasonable unlike most places where I have to take home half my meal.
^ Thank you very much! It's so nice to know that there are vegetarian options for foods like burgers, hotdogs, chili, etc! I am obsessed with tacos and there's nothing quite like hotdogs in the summertime, so now I won't have to feel like I'm left out! :D
Oh yes, and as you've discovered there seems to be a soy replacement for any type of meat product you could imagine these days! ^_^

It is much easier than when I started out as a vegetarian, like, 10 years the '90s... :p
TheKiwi said:
^ Thanks! I went out tonight and bought vegan meatless ground "hamburger"-style stuff, then made tacos using it. It was delicious and I fed a group of guys with it and they couldn't even tell the difference! ;)

Isn't it amazing? You can hardly tell the difference between real meat versus fake meat nowadays! I don't even miss real meat now, since I've got replacements for practically anything and everything.
Quinoa is best. I just found out it's pronounced "keen-wah". I would be more embarrassed that I've been pronouncing it wrong all this time but then again everybody around me has too. So now I get to be the authority >: ]
the biggest mistake one can make when becoming a vegetarian/vegan is not getting enough protein. when you change your diet, it is even more important.
FashionGrrrrl basically mentioned it all - make sure you do eat some kind of protein every day - it can be in meat substitutes in different shapes of soy, tofu or beans and lentils.

it means that you have to plan your cooking a little more - but it's worth it :)

usually if I make for instance a veggie soup (with no protein), I make sure
I'll make some hummus to have on the bread. through that I get the protein.

not really relevant, but anyway, a long period of time I wasn't too fond of chickpeas, but I ate them anyway because I knew they were good for me. today I love them :D

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