The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

^I would think so, since potato flour (a main ingredient in the bread) is vegan. However, I don't know the rest of the ingredients, so there's a possibility that it's not.
seanutbutter said:
^I would think so, since potato flour (a main ingredient in the bread) is vegan. However, I don't know the rest of the ingredients, so there's a possibility that it's not.

Thanks. It didnt have any dairy products, only soy and wheat, but i wasnt sure.:flower:
^ Does it taste like normal bread? I'm really curious about it now hehe :)
I eat mostly vegan these days for health reasons. I've never really been a fan of meat and I can do without dairy. My one weakness is seafood, especially shellfish. I looove shellfish. :( I allow myself some form of fish once or twice a week. The main problem with eating vegan I find is eating enough. I have a very low appetite when I eat healthy and have trouble eating as much as 1600-1700 calories a day, which I need to maintain my weight. I also eat very little sugar so it's hard to consume enough calories. This means I have to monitor my caloric intake carefully to make sure I don't fall below a certain threshhold or I'll lose weight.
sYdneY__ said:
^ Does it taste like normal bread? I'm really curious about it now hehe :)

Kind of sweet, but very good. I dont eat it anymore, being that one loaf is 100 cals in itself.:yuk:
Have a sudden craving for gespacho and sourdough...I think it's because fresh tomatoes and garlic remind me of summer..

But why are food processors so expensive? I only have a hand blender which is awesome for preparing chunky foods but not smooth...bleh
hey, great thread....

im 15 now and ive been a vegetarian/vegan since I was 11

People always ask how i can do it, but its really easy after a while

My advice is to make sure you take regular Iron and Protein or your hair might become really brittle or start to fall out, and also to really eat Lots and lots of fresh fruit and vegies (avoid processed foods)
Crakk said:
Kind of sweet, but very good. I dont eat it anymore, being that one loaf is 100 cals in itself.:yuk:

Sounds nice :) We don't get it here in Australia though I don't think :(

You mean 100 cals per piece? Cos 100 cals per loaf doesn't seem like much!
You're only supposed to take supplements if you actually have a deficiency. If you read the side of the packets, they say that you should only take them when there is a problem. If you take iron or any other vitamins then you can actually overdose.
sYdneY__ said:
Sounds nice :) We don't get it here in Australia though I don't think :(

You mean 100 cals per piece? Cos 100 cals per loaf doesn't seem like much!

LOL! Yes. 100 cals a piece:yuk:
misssakura said:
You're only supposed to take supplements if you actually have a deficiency. If you read the side of the packets, they say that you should only take them when there is a problem. If you take iron or any other vitamins then you can actually overdose.

Really? :unsure: Like even daily multivitamins? I take my daily multivitamin, well, daily. You have me all scared now! Should I not be doing that?
100 calories for a piece of bread isn't that bad. Most whole grain wheat breads are between 70-90 calories per slice.
^ Yeah that's true I think my soy & linseed bread is around 70 or so a piece!

Guess what guys. I told my parents today that I want to become vegetarian and that I've been eating meat for long enough to please them and keep them happy and that enough is enough. I feel so much better getting that off my chest! I'm realy excited about becoming a vegetarian too because I've always really wanted to but now I really feel like by telling my parents I've made a real committment to it!
^ That's awesome! Good luck. :flower: I went vegetarian (well, pescarian - I'm still eating fish) not too long ago, and I've had no problems so far! I feel great.
TheKiwi said:
Really? :unsure: Like even daily multivitamins? I take my daily multivitamin, well, daily. You have me all scared now! Should I not be doing that?

I've heard that for the most part you pee out any extra vitamins, thats why on like vitamin C you may see it has 500% daily value.
Yah, most vitamin companies today put our really crappy suplements that don't get absorbed into your system. If you want to check if your vitamins are actually improving your health then go get your antioxident count measured ... A really good indicator
^ Ooh I've never heard of that before. How does the test work? Is it a blood test? :unsure:
TheKiwi said:
^ That's awesome! Good luck. :flower: I went vegetarian (well, pescarian - I'm still eating fish) not too long ago, and I've had no problems so far! I feel great.

:flower: Thanks!

Yeah I'm going to start out pescarian too and see how I go from there :) I hope I feel great like you too!

What are you favourite vegetarian dishes/recipes?
^ I'm a big fan of meatless tacos. You can buy this vegan product which you can use to substitute for ground beef. Lightlife makes a good one called Smart Ground. I make my tacos exactly as I would with ground beef (veggies, taco seasoning, salsa, and beans), but I just substitute the Smart Ground for the beef. They are sooo delicious if you like tacos! Of course this meal is for someone who likes the taste of beef but just doesn't want to eat it. Tacos are like one of the only foods that I liked with meat! They are just so good and I'm happy I've found a substitute that tastes the same and doesn't have any animal products in it. :D

A great site with lots of vegetarian and vegan recipes can be found here:

Also I must recommend the cookbook "Vegan with a Vengeance" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz! Really great recipes in there that even non-vegans will like.

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