The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

^ Oooo those tacos sound to die for!! I'm going to add them to my shopping list and check the stores next time I go :) I also love soy-sausages :) They are so delicious and are good with stirfry veggies or chopped up and eaten cold in a salad!

Ooo :D I'm totally buying that cookbook too! Sounds great thanks!!

I'm off to now hehehe!

Thanks so much for all your recommendations!!! :D:D:D:D
You're very welcome! :flower: Best of luck and always remember you can come back here for questions, support, advice, or to give suggestions and recipes! :D
^ Aww thankyou so much you are so sweet and encouraging!! :D

Karma 4 you!

Oh just another quick question my Mum wants me to find out for her is what foods are high in iron that I can eat now that I'm vegetarian?
Crakk said:
Popcorn is ok for vegetarians correct?

Popcorn is fine for vegetarians, but if you're a vegan, then you should make sure the popcorn you buy doesn't have butter in it.
TheKiwi said:
A great site with lots of vegetarian and vegan recipes can be found here:
I'm a vegetarian as well & cook at home most of the time. There's lots of fun veggie items to make!
I love making stuffed bell peppers or stuffed zuchinni, eggplant parmesan, rosemary potatoes, veggie lasagna using zuchinni as noodles, enchilada bake.. all sorts of things! Almost everything I make is lo-cal as well, thanks to all the veggies. I'm not even a big tofu or fake meat consumer, I find with the right spices I can bring enough substance & flavor & don't need them.
I like & for online recipes, but I tend to adapt them to fit my tastes.
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison is an amazing cookbook & resource for how to care for vegetables, it has over 1400 recipes!
Guessgirl96 said:
I've heard that for the most part you pee out any extra vitamins, thats why on like vitamin C you may see it has 500% daily value.

you can, in theory, overdose on fat soluble vitamins, A, E, D and K. and certain minerals, but most you do infact get rid of, if you take in excess.
You weren't vegetarian? *confused*

Anyway so I was walking home yesterday and somebody had thrown out 3 boxes of magazines. Three big boxes! My partner just wanted to keep walking but I had to rummage through. Anyway there must have been about 50 NZ House & Garden magazines. Which I picked up and staggered back home with. Anyway the bonus is that there are about 15 recipe pages in each one and even more of a bonus is that there seem to be 60% or more vegetarian per issue. Plus they're all pretty simple and look great. They have 4 tear out cards in each one so i'm going to take the cards out of each one and make a little hand made book (which will be about 200 pages long by the time I'm done!). Anyway I think i'll copy out a few recipes here. The magazines are pretty old (oldest is 1996) so..
Im so confused. My mother brought veggie burgers today, but she didnt realize that they have cheese in them. I dont want to throw them out, being a pescatarian, i cant eat dairy, what should i do? Will the cheese hurt me? Im so lost.
Crakk said:
Im so confused. My mother brought veggie burgers today, but she didnt realize that they have cheese in them. I dont want to throw them out, being a pescatarian, i cant eat dairy, what should i do? Will the cheese hurt me? Im so lost.

Pescatarians typically eat cheese, it's meat they abstain from, not dairy.

On a different note, has anyone here tried Gardenburger's Margherita Pizza Wrap? I tried one tonight for the first time and was in awe--it was one of the best vegetarian products I've ever tasted. It didn't taste like it was "fake" meat whatsoever! I'm going to have to try their Black Bean Chipotle Wrap next.
seanutbutter said:

On a different note, has anyone here tried Gardenburger's Margherita Pizza Wrap? I tried one tonight for the first time and was in awe--it was one of the best vegetarian products I've ever tasted. It didn't taste like it was "fake" meat whatsoever! I'm going to have to try their Black Bean Chipotle Wrap next.

No i havent, but its next on my list. LOL. Judging from your review, it must be good. My mother actually brought that same brand of Gardenburgers, cant wait to try them.
Oliver made a really delicious fake chicken nugget tortilla tonight. I'm making spinach & pumpkin ravioli tomorrow with basil and garlic pesto. Hope it tastes ok :)
^ Mmmm spinach and pumpkin is one of my fav combos :) Let us know what its like!

Oh PS about your post earlier - I've always wanted to be vegetarian but occasionally my Dad would still make me eat meat but I told him several days ago I wasn't going to eat it to please him anymore so I'm now officially vegetarian :D
Woohoo! Party on down!

I have two friends who are considering full blown vegetarianism...they're both men. I think that if you have friends who are vegetarians and you see it's not so hard - then they realise they can take the plunge. So many people don't feel comfortable eating meat but they do it because it's socially acceptable. I'm glad I could inspire people to do what they really wanted. It shows you -can- make a difference...:)

Edit: Make that three..also another guy.
misssakura said:
Woohoo! Party on down!

I have two friends who are considering full blown vegetarianism...they're both men. I think that if you have friends who are vegetarians and you see it's not so hard - then they realise they can take the plunge. So many people don't feel comfortable eating meat but they do it because it's socially acceptable. I'm glad I could inspire people to do what they really wanted. It shows you -can- make a difference...:)

Edit: Make that three..also another guy.

Do you eat dairy?

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